The fox fairy looked indifferent, staring at the royal family and nobles in front of them, knowing 80 or 90% of their inner plans.

Erlan proudly said: "Your Excellency Fox Immortal, I only like those nine-colored armors. I can buy double the magic beast spar."

He is the duke of the Ositu Kingdom, and he regards himself as a high-ranking man, and he does not look down upon the foxtail woman.

The fox fairy said indifferently: "Sorry, those nine-colored armors are not traded externally, no matter how many magical beast crystals are useless.

"Do you have any money?" Erlan asked with a frown.

"We don't make any money." Hu Xian looked at the speaker coldly.

Ghost armor is the most important equipment of the ghost tactical assassination team, and it will not and cannot be sold to the outside world.

Not only ghost armor, but also spiritual tools such as ghost cloak shield, shadow armor, etc. will not be sold.

Erland said in a dissatisfied tone: "I only trade one set for me, isn't that "one hundred and eighty-three" nothing?"

"Your Excellency, I think what I just said is clear enough." Huxian's tone became cold.

Erlan's face was ugly, thinking that the foxtail woman had made him humiliated.

He gritted his teeth and asked, "This is how your Xuanwu Kingdom treats guests?"

Fox Xian raised her brows lightly, her tone still calm: "Interesting, I'm very puzzled, which sentence did I offend you?"

Yeom said in a light voice: "Your Excellency Erlan, this is the Xuanwu Kingdom, and I don't want to buy and sell by force."

Erlan looked angrily when he heard the words, and when he found out that it was Yom who spoke, his face became even more ugly, but he did not dare to refute, the two were in different positions.

"Erland, do you have anything else to do?" Zierner also said.

The corners of Erlan's eyes twitched, and he was a king again, an existence he couldn't afford to offend.

He took a few deep breaths, suppressed the anger in his heart, and said dryly: "No..."

"Then step back. Qi Erna said indifferently.

"What did you say..." Erlan glared angrily.

Qi Erner looked at it coldly and said coldly: "You kings don't dare to talk to me like this, what are you? 55

The overall strength of the Ositu Kingdom is not as strong as that of the Xihua Kingdom, and the strength of those in power is also not as good.

Erland's face was gloomy and uncertain, he silently closed his mouth and did not speak, and sat in the corner with a gloomy face.

The fox fairy looked at the other nobles and asked, "What do you want to trade?"

Another young noble stood up and said: "The more wine, the better.

Fox Immortal glanced at him and said with a firm tone, "You are a businessman, right?"5

"Yes, our family has been in business for generations." The young noble nodded.

After drinking the wine from the Xuanwu Kingdom, he fell in love with it deeply, and understood that such a good wine could definitely make a lot of money if it was shipped back to the kingdom for sale.

The fox fairy flipped through his hands, took out a piece of paper and handed it to the little maid: "There are thirty-two kinds of wine in our Xuanwu Kingdom, this is the wine catalogue, take a look.

Yao Er sends the wine catalog to young nobles.

The young aristocrat flipped through the pages, looking at the prices of various drinks above, his eyes became hot.

When he saw the last line, he found that there was no standard price for a wine, so he asked suspiciously: "Why does this 'Life Flower Wine' have no price?

Huxian explained: "'Life Flower Wine' is the rarest of all the drinks in the Xuanwu Kingdom. The annual output is only 20 bottles. It will not be sold directly. It will be auctioned at the auction tomorrow."

Another noble asked curiously, "Is there anything special about this wine?"

The fox fairy said in a serious tone: "Of course, 'life flower wine' is brewed by life spirits. Drinking a sip can prolong life, improve physical condition, maintain youth forever, treat physical injuries, and improve mental strength."


The royal family and nobles who were present took a deep breath when they heard the words, and their eyes suddenly became hot.

The corners of the fox fairy's lips were slightly raised, and she said gracefully: "These twenty bottles of 'Life Flower Wine' will all be put up for auction tomorrow, and those who are interested can participate in the auction."

Yom and Lingxi looked at each other and saw the heat in each other's eyes.

Lingxi said earnestly word by word: "You can stay young forever, no matter what, you have to take a bottle.

Yom patted his chest and assured: "Don't worry, I promise to take a bottle down."

The fox fairy looked at the young aristocrat and said, "What kind of wine do you want, and how much you need, write it down on the back of the list."

"Okay." The young noble responded, took out the pen and started writing.

Of the wines on the list, most of which he drank in the Great Hall, it was written quickly.

The fox fairy looked at the other nobles and asked, "How about you?"

"I didn't come for a deal." A nobleman said.

The fox fairy looked up, and the person who spoke was called Blu, from an ordinary nobleman called the Kingdom of Amos...

The fox fairy asked indifferently: "What is that for?

"I want to go to the continent on the other side of the Misty Sea." Blue said in a serious tone.

The fox fairy's expression was still calm, and she asked, "What are you going to do?"

"Go and have a look, I'm very interested over there." Blue eyes showed hope.

Fox Immortal said in a clear voice: "You go to the customs to go through all the formalities, and after you get the pass, you can go to the mainland there."5

"Really?" Blue's eyes suddenly lit up.

The fox fairy smiled and said: "Before you go, I advise you, it is best to bring enough water and food, otherwise you will have a hard life. 99

"Okay." Bruce nodded in disapproval.

The conversation between the two made the other nobles also excited, and they were ready to send their subordinates to go to the Old Continent. Maybe they could find something good.

The old nobleman sitting in the other corner of the courtyard said, "Your Excellency Fox Immortal, I have a question, can you answer it for me?"

"You said." Foxxian looked sideways.

The old aristocrat asked in a hoarse voice: "The Xuanwu Kingdom was built in the misty sea, didn't it encounter any danger or strange things? 39

The sea of ​​mist is synonymous with danger and mystery. People who have entered the sea of ​​mist before have lost contact or disappeared. How did the Xuanwu Kingdom reside here?

"No." The fox fairy smiled and shook his head, understanding the meaning of the old nobleman's words.

In fact, after the rock turtle entered the foggy sea, it did not encounter any danger and strange things, which may be related to the huge body of the rock turtle.

Some were also directly crushed by Crush 4.0.

"How could..." The old noble frowned.

He came to the Xuanwu Kingdom this time to participate in the founding ceremony, just to understand the mysterious misty sea.

The fox fairy asked indifferently: "Why, Your Excellency really hopes that something will happen to my Xuanwu Kingdom?

"No, of course not, Your Excellency has misunderstood." The old noble quickly explained.

Fox Immortal Shi Shiran stood up and said coldly: "Okay, it's not too early today, everyone, go back to rest early, if you have anything to talk about tomorrow."

"Okay." The nobles opened their mouths.

"Xiao Lan, help to see off the guests." Hu Xian turned her head slightly.

"Yes." Wei Youlan nodded obediently.

"Your Excellency Qi Erna, Your Excellency Yom, come with me. 35 Fox Immortal glanced at the two of them and walked out of the courtyard.

. . . . . . . . .

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code.

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