Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

1827: Do you want your daughter to be considered a child? (1 more)

In a room on the second floor of the Assembly Hall.

Yue Qinlan looked down at the fox fairy on the high platform, and suddenly said: "The next auction item seems to be a long dress made by you. 55

"Really." Mu Liang raised his brows lightly.

When he was making a skirt for Yue Qinyi, he used the remaining material to make another short skirt, whose length was only two-thirds of the length of Yue Qinyi's skirt.

Mu Liang looked at the high platform, and the fox fairy had asked the staff to bring up the twenty-third auction item.

It was indeed a short skirt, worn on the glazed mannequin dummy, reflecting an aqua blue light under the light of the lantern beetle.

The fox fairy introduced: "This is a lady's short skirt, and it is also a high-level magic tool. It is suitable for water magicians to use. It can improve the power of water magic and make spellcasting easier."5

Her words made many people excited, and it could improve the power of water magic. This alone made people jealous.

Fox Immortal continued: "This skirt is called 'The Sigh of the Sea', and it comes from the hand of our king. 35

"'Sigh of the Sea' is a nice name." Ling Yun's beautiful eyes shone 31 lights.

Yom turned his head and asked, "Do you like it?

"The skirt is nice, but I'm not a water magician." Lingyun shook her head regretfully.

Lingxi said gracefully: "It's fine to wear a dress that looks good, but it can't be worn if it's not a water magician?"

"That's right, it's a skirt first, and then a high-level magic tool." Yom said with a serious face.

He spoiled: "If you like it, my father will take a picture and give it to you."

"Hee hee, of course I like it." Ling Yun's beautiful eyes shone brightly.

Ling Xiang looked at her father with an expression of hesitating to speak.

Qi Erner raised his eyebrows and asked, "Do you like it too?"

"Who doesn't like such a beautiful dress?" Ling Xiang muttered.

"Okay, father will buy it for you." Qi Erner waved his hand, picked up the number plate and prepared to bid.

The other female nobles also clenched their numbers, most of them are not water magicians, but the 'Sigh of the Sea' is so beautiful, especially after seeing Yue Qinyi wearing a similar one, the more I like it.

The fox immortal clapped her hands and said coldly, "The starting price is 500,000 yuan in Xuanwu coins, and each increase shall not be less than 10,000 yuan. 35

As soon as she finished speaking, 80% of the women present raised their number cards and shouted high prices one by one.

"Five hundred and fifty thousand. 55

"Sixty thousand dollars.

"620,000 yuan." The Queen of Luohai Kingdom raised her number plate.

She is a ninth-order water magician, and this 'sigh of the sea' is very suitable for her, and she must be clapped no matter what.

In just a few minutes, the price of ‘Sigh of the Sea’ was raised to 1.2 million yuan, and the price continued to rise.

Lingyun glanced at the queen who was sitting not far away, turned back and said softly: "Father, forget it. 35

"No, it's only 1.2 million yuan, and we can add more." Yom said calmly.

Lingyun opened her pink lips and looked back at the queen, her posture was clearly inevitable for the 'sigh of the sea'.

Sure enough, in the end, the 'Sigh of the Sea' was photographed by the Queen of Luohai Kingdom at a high price of three million yuan.

"Congratulations to guest No. 82." Fox Fairy raised her hand and applauded.

The Queen of Luohai Kingdom has a cold face. The price is much higher than her expected transaction price. How can I say congratulations?

She turned her head to look at Qi Erna and Yom, her teeth itching with anger, if it wasn't for these two people, the transaction price would have been at least 500,000 yuan cheaper.

"Unfortunately." Yom shook his head regretfully.

He wanted to continue to increase the price, but was persuaded by his daughter, and he did not want to offend the Queen of Luohai Kingdom because of this, and finally gave up.

The same is true for Qi Erna, who regretfully spreads his hands to his daughter: "When the auction is over, my father will take you to the shopping mall to buy clothes and buy a thousand sets."

Ling Xiang said angrily: "Father, I only have one body. If you buy me a thousand sets of clothes, then I will wear different clothes every day, and it will take more than three years to wear them all. 35

"You can change two sets a day." Qi Erner said solemnly.

"No." Ling Xiang raised her chin and turned her head away.

Qi Erna thought for a while, then tilted his head and said, "Would you like Mu Liang to make you another skirt?"

Ling Xiang said angrily: "Father, Mu Liang is the king of Xuanwu Kingdom, not your tailor, how could he promise you to make me a skirt?"

"Also, unless you marry him." Qi Erner pointed out.

"Father, you're talking nonsense again." Ling Xiang rolled her eyes.

"It's not nonsense, it's serious." Qi Erna's eyes lit up.

Ling Xiang pushed her father's face to look at the high platform: "Father, look at the fox fairy on the high platform, and then look at my face. 95

Qi Erna raised his eyes and saw that Hu Xian's beautiful face made him breathe faster. He looked away from his daughter with difficulty, and suddenly felt that her appearance was much inferior.

He hesitated and asked in a low voice, "How about being a concubine instead of a queen?"

"Father, say it again?" Ling Xiang gritted her silver teeth.

Have you ever made your daughter a child?

"Cough, it may be difficult to be a concubine. Qi Erna sighed.

He remembered that the women around Mu Liang didn't seem to be ugly. Even the maids in the palace were pretty.

"I don't want to." Ling Xiang turned her head away.

The auction is continuing, and the staff will send new items to the high platform, which is the second set of advanced magic armor, armor suitable for knights.

This suit of armor made the nobles jealous. The starting price was 3 million yuan, but in just five minutes, the price was raised to 4.23 million yuan.

Twenty minutes later, the armor was taken away by King 183 of the Lengsa Kingdom at a high price of 5.23 million.

The fox fairy clapped her hands, looked at the glass box in the staff's hand and said, "The next lot is the leaves of the phoenix tree."

"What is the use of the leaves of the phoenix tree?" Someone asked suspiciously.

Lingyun's beautiful eyes lit up, knowing what the phoenix tree was talking about.

The fox fairy picked up a leaf and reminded: "I'll show it again, I hope you don't panic. 55

The nobles cheered up and stared at the leaves in the hands of the foxtail woman.

With a wave of her hand, the blade floated and circled in the air, and the next moment changed into an eighth-order flying beast, and the eighth-order aura spread throughout the audience.


"Eighth-order flying monsters. 99

Many people exclaimed, and the scene became chaotic.

"Quiet." The fox immortal said quickly, and at the same time made the eighth-order monster turn back into a blade.

The aura of the eighth-order demon beast disappeared, and the nobles calmed down and looked at the foxtail woman on the high platform in surprise.

"This is the ability of the phoenix tree leaves." The fox fairy said coldly.

She put the leaves back into the glass box, and looked around with rose-red eyes: "There are five leaves in a box, each leaf can be used three times, and the starting price of the whole box is five million yuan in Xuanwu coins."

As soon as the starting price of five million yuan came out, the audience was much quieter.

. . . . . . . . .

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code.

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