Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

1828: A life-saving trump card. (2 more)

Five phoenix leaves, the starting price of 5 million yuan Xuanwu coins, this price made about half of the people present gave up the idea of ​​bidding.

Lingxi looked at Yom and asked softly, "Five million yuan, do you want to take a picture?"

Yom thought for a while, nodded and said, "I think it's okay, leave it to Yun'er for self-defense.

This is a very good invisible bodyguard, and a very strong life-saving trump card.

"I think so too." Lingxi said gracefully.

While they hesitated, the other kings spoke.

"5.3 million yuan." The Queen of Luohai Kingdom raised her number plate.

The king of the kingdom of Lemsa also shouted: "Five and four million dollars.

Yeom said loudly: "Six million yuan."

"Six and a half million dollars..."

After a while, the price of the phoenix tree leaves soared to seven million yuan.

The final transaction price was set at 7.6 million yuan, which was successfully auctioned off by Yom.

The second box of the leaves of the phoenix tree was also auctioned. The starting price was also 5 million yuan in Xuanwu coins. In just one minute, the price was raised to 6.8 million yuan.

In the room on the second floor, Mu Liang tapped the armrest of the sofa with his fingers, and was very satisfied with the transaction price of the phoenix tree leaves.

Yue Qinlan sighed: "These kings and nobles are really rich."

"Who said no." Li Yue nodded lightly.

Suddenly, the shadow in the corner of the room moved, and Mia emerged from the shadow.

"Mu Liang." Mia came to Mu Liang's side.

Mu Liang glanced at her and asked, "Have Zhen Huan and the others set off?"

Mia said softly: "Zhen Huan is calling in naval soldiers, Sister Heather and Cynthia are already on their way to the naval camp."

Mu Liang glanced at his watch and asked, "When is the scheduled departure time?

"Three o'clock in the afternoon," Mia replied.

Mu Liang looked indifferent, nodded and said, "Okay, wait for their good news."

Mia asked softly, "Do you need me to follow?"

"No, there is Cynthia." Mu Liang said gently.

He has already signed the 'Queen Bee Contract' with Cincy, not only her, but Heather and Heifani have also signed the 'Queen Bee Contract', so there is no need to worry that they will betray the Xuanwu Kingdom.

"Okay~`." Mia responded.

Mu Liang said warmly, "Sit down and watch the auction together.

"Okay." Mia sat on the sofa next to her, staring at the woman on the high platform with crimson eyes.

The leaves of the phoenix tree have been sold out, and the transaction price of the second box is the same as the transaction price of the first box.

"The next lot is also a leaf, I believe you will be interested." Fox Immortal clapped her hands.

The staff stepped onto the high platform and put down several glass boxes.

The nobles were successfully attracted to interest, could it be the leaves of the phoenix tree again?

The fox fairy said coldly: "This is the leaf of the bodhi grass. This box is a sixth-order leaf. It can allow people to learn a sixth-order magic 100%, and it is also very helpful for learning seventh-order magic..."

"This box is a seventh-order blade, which can also allow people to learn a seventh-order magic with 100%. There are three pieces in total. 95

"This box is an eighth-order blade, and there is only one piece, which allows people to learn eighth-order magic 100%.

Every word of the fox fairy made everyone present breathless, staring at the glass boxes with scorching eyes.

The fox fairy raised her hand and said gracefully: "There are only three boxes, and now the first box is auctioned, the sixth-order linden leaves. 99

"The starting price is 3 million yuan in Xuanwu coins." Her cold voice spread throughout the Great Hall.

"Three and a half million dollars.

"Four million yuan."

In ten minutes, the price soared to 4.82 million Xuanwu coins, and the final transaction price was 5.2 million.

The seventh-order linden leaves began to be auctioned, with a starting price of 5 million yuan and a final transaction price of 8.36 million yuan.

The starting price of the eighth-order Bodhi grass was 8 million yuan, and the transaction price reached an exaggerated 9.89 million basalt coins.

After the Bodhi grass was auctioned, eight more auction items were successively auctioned, including a pound of tenth-order life tea leaves, high-grade magic tools with long swords, and high-grade magic tools in the style of shields.

"Too many good things." Yom clicked his tongue.

There are a total of fifty lots in this auction, each of which is enviable, and the highest transaction price is 13 million yuan Xuanwu coins.

Qi Erna grinned and said: "This time the harvest is good.

"I can't bear to end the auction." Yom sighed and looked up at the foxtail woman on the high platform.

The fox fairy looked around the scene, smiled and said: "This auction is coming to an end, thank you for your participation.

"This is the end?" The nobles were stunned, and many of them still had unfinished expressions on their faces.

"I still have Xuanwu coins, why don't I have them?


Fox Immortal is also helpless in her heart, she would have prepared more auction items if she knew this.

She took a deep breath, and her elegant voice spread throughout the audience: "The next auction will be held at this time next year, and invitations will also be issued at that time. 35

Yeom asked aloud, “There will be an auction every year in the future?”

"々, if there is no accident, yes." Huxian smiled and nodded.

"I see." Yom nodded slowly.

The fox fairy said warmly: "Although the auction is over, there will be a wine festival tomorrow. If you are interested, you can go to the No. 3 Acropolis in the Xuanwu Kingdom. 39

Yom raised his brows lightly: "The wine festival, it sounds interesting."

Lingyun suggested: "Father, why don't we go to Acropolis No. 3 first, and then go to Acropolis No. 12."5

Yom asked with a smile, "Don't you go skating and skiing first?"

Lingyun said crisply: "Tomorrow is the wine festival. Of course, you have to go to the No. 3 Acropolis first. If you go late, there may be no more."

Lingxi asked softly, "When did Yun'er like to drink too?"

Lingyun wrinkled her nose and said, "Who said you have to like drinking to go?

"Yes, where is Yun'er going?" Yom said with a smile.

Lingxi nodded and said, "Then let's go to the No. 3 Acropolis first, and buy a batch of drinks by the way."

When a few people were chatting, Hu Xian had already finished his thank you speech.

She gracefully waved to the guests of the company: "Thank you again for coming, this auction ends here."

In the Great Hall, a beautiful singing sounded, and Verisaya came to the stage again for the final singing.

Under the arrangement of the staff, the nobles who did not participate in the second half of the auction all got up and walked out, and those who took pictures followed the staff to the backstage to pay and collect the goods.

Outside the Great Hall, beast carts have been waiting for a long time. The nobles went straight out of the Great Hall and got on the beast carts and left.

The nobles left one after another amid Verishaya's singing.

"Let's go, let's go back too." In the room on the second floor, Mu Liang stood up and walked out.

Under the protection of the highland guards, except for Yue Qinlan, Mu Liang, Liyue and others left the Great Hall and got on the animal carriage back to the highland Qiao.

Yue Qinlan stayed in the Great Hall and handled the affairs after the auction with the fox fairy.

. . . . . . . . .

ps: [2 more]: Please customize.

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