Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

1831: Another world version of dragon dance. (2 more)


The train slowly entered the No. 3 Acropolis Railway Station, and the passengers in the carriage all stood up, picked up their luggage and prepared to get off the train.

In the carriage, the staff's prompt sounded: "The No. 3 Acropolis Railway Station is here, passengers who want to get off please bring their belongings and prepare to get off...

"Father, we're here." Ling Yun reached out and shook her sleeping father up.

Yom grinned and opened his eyes, muttering, "It's pretty fast."

Lingyun coquettishly said: "Father, you have slept for five hours, of course you feel fast."

"Hahahaha." Yom grinned.

"Get out of the car." Lingxi said softly.

They bought the ten o'clock train ticket and took the same train as Zirner.

"Okay." Yom responded, got up and got out of the car with his wife and daughter, followed by the knight commander and others.

Ling "183" rhyme muttered: "I don't know if Feng'er has found her family."

When she was about to arrive at the train station in the morning, Fenger found Lingyun and said that she had clues about her family in the main city and wanted to stay temporarily to find her family, instead of going to the No. 3 Acropolis together.

Lingyun heard the words and felt happy for her, and agreed without thinking.

Lingxi raised her hand and rubbed her daughter's head: "If her family is really in the Xuanwu Kingdom, they will find it."

"Well, I hope." Ling Yun smiled.

"Lingyun, this way." In the exit hall of the train station, Ling Xiang waved and jumped.

Ling Yun's beautiful eyes lit up and said, "Father, Uncle Qi Erna and Ling Xiang are over there."

"Let's go." Yom responded and walked towards his old friend.

Qi Erner said with a stern face: "You guys are too slow to get off."

"There are too many people in the car." Yom shrugged. In fact, he fell asleep, and when he woke up, he adjusted his appearance.

"Let's go out first. 95 Ling Xiang Jiao said innocently.

"Well, talk while walking." Lingyun took her mother's hand and walked out.

Several people left the train station, and there were many animal cars parked on the roadside, and the drivers were waving.

The driver asked enthusiastically, "Are you here to play?"

"Yeah." Yom nodded sternly.

The driver said with a serious face: "Then you can go to the central square, which is the most fun and lively place, and there are free performances at night.

"Hey, then go there." Ling Yun's beautiful eyes lit up.

"Well, yes." Yom nodded.

The driver beckoned: "I'll send a few adults over there. 99

Several people from Yom got into the animal car, and the driver collected the fare and drove the animal car to the central square of the Acropolis.

On the way to the central square, there were a lot of animal carts, sending all the guests to the wine festival site.

Half an hour later, the speed of the animal vehicle slowed down, and finally stopped slowly outside the central square.

"Several adults, the central square is here." The driver turned around and reminded.


The door of the carriage opened, Yom and the others got out of the animal carriage, and immediately smelled the aroma of barbecue and wine.

"It's so fragrant. Luo Lingyun swallowed her saliva.

"There are a lot of people, it's very lively." Ling Xiang looked at the central square, and each booth was crowded with people, and the noise was endless.

"Let's go and have a look." Ling Xiang took Ling Yun's hand and ran to the central square excitedly.

"Pay attention to safety." Lingxi shouted.

Lingyun waved her hand without looking back: "Got it.

The two are like swimming fish in the water. Soon disappeared into the crowd.

Lingxi and others followed, and the knights guarded them in the middle, so that they were not pushed by the crowd.

Lingxi's nose moved, and she turned her head and said, "It's delicious, go buy some and come back.

"Yes." The accompanying maid responded and took Xuanwu coins to the nearest stall to line up.

"Mother, father, come here, there is a place to sit." Ling Yun shouted not far away.

Several people turned their heads to look and saw Lingyun and Lingxiang occupying seats from the gap in the crowd.

When Yom and the others stepped forward, they saw that the surrounding tables and chairs were full of people, all of them drinking and eating barbecue with smiles on their faces.

Most of the people who drink and eat barbecue are ordinary people, and there are also many nobles, wealthy businessmen, knights, magicians, and adventurers.

Lingyun beckoned: "Mother, father, sit down, there will be no seat if it is late."

"There are really many people, and it took a long time to find an empty seat." Ling Xiang raised her chin a little complacently.

Lingxi and the others sat down, and the clothes on their bodies seemed out of tune with the lively atmosphere around them, but when they looked at other people's clothes, they didn't look abrupt.

There are many nobles in the square, and they all wear very expensive clothes. …

After Yom and the others sat down, let the maids and knights buy food and drink.

Half an hour later, the maids and knights brought a few plates of barbecue and drinks, filling the small long table.

"It looks delicious." Ling Yun swallowed and picked up a piece of barbecue and put it in her mouth.

The roasted slightly charred monster meat is not at all stinky in the mouth, and the chili powder is sprinkled to make the barbecue more fragrant.

Yom took a sip of the wheat wine, then ate the meat, and praised: "Barbecue with wine, it's so perfect."

Qi Erna took a big glass of wheat wine, took a big sip, put down the glass heavily and said, "I like wine festivals."

Lingxi picked up the roasted cabbage on the plate, tasted it, and said, "Roasted cabbage is also good. Luo

Lingyun held the grilled sausage in her hand and exclaimed: "Mother, this grilled sausage is delicious, the skin is crispy, and the meat inside has soup.

Lingxi took a sip, her beautiful eyes suddenly lit up, and she reached out and took away the leftover sausages on the plate.

"The grilled sausages are really delicious, go buy some and come back." She asked sideways.

"Yes." The maid hurried to the barbecue stall not far away.

With the passage of time, more and more people in the central square, there is no extra seat for them to sit, they can only stand to drink and eat barbecue, but they are also very happy.

Time passed slowly, and the light above Acropolis No. 3 disappeared, replaced by 'stars all over the sky', which is the night sky simulated by the tree of life.

On the central square, all the lantern beetles are lit up, creating a 4.0 out of night atmosphere.

"Dong Dong Dong~~~"

As soon as it was dark, drums were heard in the central square, followed by staff wearing bright yellow clothes and holding torches.

Others held up dragons made of animal skins and began to dance in the square. This is a localized dragon dance performance by Mu Liang, and it is also a free performance tonight.

"What kind of performance is this?" Ling Yun said in astonishment.

"It's called Dragon Dance." Someone explained.

"Looks like a lot of fun. 35 Aura squeezed into the crowd to watch.

Lingxi and others also stepped forward, very interested in the dragon dance, and followed the people around to applaud.

"Clap clap ~ ~

"Interesting." Yeom smiled, and his face was a little flushed, because he drank too much spirits.

. . . . . . . .

ps: [2 more]: Please customize.

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