Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

1832: Seventeen Pirates League. (3 more)

"Whoa, whoa, whoa~~~

In the fog overseas, two large ships broke through the waves, and the sails were blown up by the strong wind. With the turbofan, the big ships moved very fast.

On the deck, Heather held up the binoculars and looked ahead, muttering: "I haven't seen any pirates yet. 39

"Be patient." Xinxi said calmly.

She was still lying on the reclining chair, the reclining chair was rocking gently, squinting her eyes and looking very comfortable.

"It's been a day." Heather put down the telescope.

She turned her head to look at Cynthia, frowned and guessed, "Could it be that the pirates knew we were coming, and then they all hid?"

"It's also possible." Xinxi said casually.

"But we don't have a flag on our ship, how would they know?" Heather frowned and shook his head.

She guessed again: "This is unlikely, it should just have not met.""

66." The corners of Cincy's eyes jumped, and for the first time she noticed that Heather was a little talkative.


On another big ship, Hafani and Zhen Huan were standing together, analyzing the movements of the pirates.

Zhen Huan frowned and said, "It's been a day since I went to sea, and I haven't encountered any pirates yet. Did they all escape?"

Hafani suggested: "I think we should change the search direction and look on both sides of the sea of ​​mist, instead of going straight ahead."

After they left the misty sea, they were always going straight.

"Makes sense." Zhen Huan pondered.

She thought for a while, waved her hand and ordered: "Inform the No. 2 ship, we will turn back to the misty sea and search both sides."

"Yes." Qiao'er responded, and quickly went to the liaison room to contact the No. 2 ship where Heather was in.

Soon after, the two large ships reversed their direction and turned back toward the sea of ​​mist.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa~~~"

The sea swelled, and the big ship moved against the wind, so the sails were put away, and the power was only provided by the turbofan, but the speed was not slow.

Zhen Huan held up the binoculars and said viciously: "Pirates, get out of here quickly, I don't want to fail.

Time passed, and half a day passed quickly, and the sea around the big ship was still endless, and there was nothing but sea water.

"Damn it, where's the pirates?" Zhen Huan stood on the observation deck herself, holding the binoculars and looking at the sea.

The lookout stood aside, not daring to touch Zhenhuan's moldy head.

The movement of Zhen Huan's hand paused: "Eh...

In the field of vision of the telescope, she saw a few black spots on the sea in the distance, and the black spots were very concentrated, as many as a dozen.

"What is that?" Zhen Huan exclaimed in surprise.

"Sir, let me take a look." The lookout hurriedly said.

Zhen Huan just handed the telescope back to the lookout, and he used the 'clairvoyant' magic to see farther and clearer.

The lookout shook his hand and said excitedly: "Sir, it's a pirate, those are all pirate ships, there are seventeen. 35

"Really?" Zhen Huan's beautiful eyes suddenly lit up.

"Yes, I can't read it wrong." The lookout nodded excitedly.

"Great." Zhen Huan grinned, turned over and jumped directly from the observation deck to the deck.

She ordered loudly: "Everyone pay attention, we found a pirate ship ahead, slow down now, let them think we are just a merchant ship, don't scare them away."

"Yes." The crew responded loudly and moved quickly.

Qiaoer contacted another large ship and issued the same order, and the speed of the two large ships slowed down.

"Finally I saw the pirates." Cindy sat up from the reclining chair and came to the bow with her hands behind her back. She saw a dozen black dots in the distance, and they were also heading in this direction.

She raised her brows and said slowly, "Is this a rush to die?"

"It's finally here." Heather became excited, and the military crossbow in his hand was ready to go.

Xin Xi glanced sideways and tapped: "You pay attention to safety, don't be too reckless.

"Well, I know." Heather nodded vigorously.

She calmed down and went out to perform a task for the first time, which must be completed perfectly.

She put away the crossbow, raised her hand and stroked the magic beast spar in front of her chest, the nine colors flashed past, and the girl disappeared in place.

Heather is preparing to approach the pirate leader secretly, looking for opportunities to kill or capture alive, so that the pirates become leaderless.

On another big ship, Zhen Huan issued one order after another.

"The calibration of the artillery cannon is completed, and the shells are loaded.""

"Everyone is ready for battle, those who surrender are captured alive, and those who resist will be killed. 35

Zhen Huan held the Fang Tianhua halberd in his hand, and the face under the helmet was full of chills.

"Yes. Thirty-five Marines responded in unison.

In the distance, on the pirate ship, Bian stood on the bow, staring at the two black dots in the distance, the corners of his mouth slowly rising.

"There's another goal, and this time we can't let them go." He grinned and shouted.

Behind him, hundreds of pirates stood, all holding weapons, and when they heard his words, they all waved their arms excitedly.

"Boss, can we pick a woman first this time?" the daring pirate grinned.

"Yeah, let's pick first this time." The other pirates also coaxed.

Bei An grinned and said, "Hahaha, yes, as long as you are fast enough, don't let others take the lead.

He is a seventh-order powerhouse, and he leads about 150 pirates, and is a member of the Seventeen Thieves League.

The Seventeen Pirates League was formed by seventeen groups of pirates, in order to deal with those passing merchant ships, and if there was a chance, they would also attack the ships of some nobles.

They were jealous of the merchant ships that went to the Xuanwu Kingdom, and a group of pirates couldn't eat it, so the Pirate Alliance appeared.

In fact, after the formation of the Pirate Alliance, the 183 pirates gained a lot more than before.

In the Seventeen Thieves League, there were seven pirates of the eighth-order strength, one ninth-order powerhouse, twenty-three seventh-order powerhouses, and sixty-seven sixth-order powerhouses.

The pirates laughed loudly and said, "Don't worry, boss, when the two ships are captured, we will grab the women first.

The woman who grabs it first will get it, but money and goods will be divided equally, one for each pirate.

Bei An waved his hand and said, "Be smart, be gentle with women, and kill all men."9

A woman can be a wife if she is caught alive, but not a man.

"Yes, hahahaha." The pirates laughed loudly and continued to swear.

"Boss, you can see what the big ship looks like now." The pirate who was looking out shouted.

When Bian heard the words, he turned around and looked around, and saw two huge ships. The hulls were smooth and flat, as if they were made of one piece.

He frowned and said in surprise: "This big ship is not simple, shouldn't it be the ship of the royal family?

He became vigilant, looking at the two large ships still advancing, and had no plans to retreat or reverse direction.

The pirates didn't care: "Boss, it doesn't matter if it is a merchant ship or not, there are only two ships, grab it first and then talk about it."

"Yeah, it hasn't opened yet today.

The pirates waved their weapons and couldn't hold it any longer.

. . . . . . . . .

ps: [3 more]: Please customize.

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