Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

1833: Not too stupid. (1 more) 1833: Not too stupid. (1 more)

Bian frowned and looked at the two large ships not far away, behind the cheers of the pirates, there was an indescribable feeling in his heart.

"Boss?" the pirates shouted.

Bei An raised his hand and said solemnly: "Wait, wait for what other people say."

The daring pirate said depressedly: "Boss, when other pirates take action, the women will be robbed.

"Yeah." The pirates agreed.

"Shut up. 39 Bian scolded coldly.

"Boss. The voices of the 35 pirates suddenly weakened.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa~~~

The waves beat against the wall of the boat.

On the observation deck, the pirate in charge of the watch shouted excitedly: "Boss, the other big ships have raised the red flag.

Simple communication between ships is accomplished by relying on flags of different colors and numbers, and the red flag represents the signal of attack.

When Bian heard the words, he jumped onto the observation deck, looked around the pirate ships, and saw red flags.

He breathed a sigh of relief, lowered his head and grinned: "Then go.


The pirates were excited, waving their weapons and rushed to the deck, and the speed of the pirate ship also became faster.

Seventeen pirate ships surrounded the two large ships of the Xuanwu Kingdom.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa~~~

On the pirate ship, the pirates launched flying hooks, which accurately hooked the guardrails of the No. 1 and No. 2 ships.

Bian gave an order: "Hook, go.

"Yes." The pirates exclaimed excitedly, stepping on the ropes to approach the two large ships.

On the big ship, Zhen Huan sneered when she saw the pirates appear.

She waved and shouted: "Hit me, hit me hard.

"Yes!" The hidden navy soldiers appeared, the military crossbow in their hands was raised, and the crossbow arrow was already wound, aiming at the pirates on the rope.

Zhen Huan waved his hand and shouted, "Shoot.""

"Whoa, whoa, whoa~~

The sailors buckled the trigger, and the arrows flew out like a rain of salvos at the pirates on the ropes.


The pirates at the front bore the brunt of the brunt, and were shot into a sieve by the high-speed arrows, and the screams made the scalp numb.

Bian shouted in alarm: "Damn, defend~!

The navy soldiers kept moving, and the movements of loading their crossbow arrows were extremely fast, and a new round of crossbow arrow salvos covered the pirates.

Hafenni's body entered a state of invisibility, mercilessly harvesting the names of pirates.

On the deck of the bow, Xinxi looked at the pirate ship not far away with her hands behind her back, and felt that there was a ninth-order powerhouse there.

She looked back at Zhenyuan on the other big ship, and whispered softly: "The ninth-rank powerhouse, that girl shouldn't be able to win, right?

Zhen Huan waved the Fang Tianhua halberd and gave the order: "Hit me hard."

"Boom, boom, boom~~~

The war drums on the big ship were beaten, and the deafening drum sound made the pirates' heartbeats skip a few beats, and it was easy for them to be in a trance and make mistakes.

"Damn." The powerful pirates hurriedly waved their weapons to block most of the crossbow arrows.

"Where's the magician?" Bian roared angrily.

The magicians hiding behind the shield asked, "Boss, do you want to make a magic attack?"

"Yes, hit them with magic. Bian roared.

He doesn't care about any spoils now.

"Yes." The magician shrank his neck, hid behind the shield and chanted a spell.

"They're going to cast magic? 33 Heather shouted.

Zhen Huan's expression remained the same: "Interrupt them and throw explosive bombs. 55

"Yes." One-third of the navy soldiers put down their crossbows, took out explosive bombs, and threw them at the pirate ship.

"Boom boom~~~"

In the sound of explosions, the pirate ship was raging on fire, the deck was blown up by explosive bombs, and the singing of the magicians was interrupted.

In just a while, the pirate ship became riddled with holes, and the power of the explosive bomb was too great, and it was very destructive to the ship made of wood.

"Ah ah ah..."

"I'm going to die, it hurts so much, who will save me?"

"I don't want to die, save me. 99

The magicians screamed again and again, and the shields that protected them were also blown up, wounding and dying. This was a heavy loss for the pirates.

Zhen Huan waved the Fang Tianhua halberd in his hand and shouted, "Keep hitting me.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa~


In the dense explosion, the nearest pirate ship was blown through the bottom of the ship, and the pirate ship fell to pieces in the angry cry of the pirates.

"Hmph, let you be pirates." Zhen Huan pouted.

Qiao'er whispered, "Boss, we used to be pirates too. 35

Zhenhuan turned back and glared at Qiao'er, and said with a stern face: "Shut up, we are the navy now. 39

"Yes yes yes." Qiao'er nodded quickly.

Bian looked at the pirate ship that was penetrated, and his eyes became red.

He turned to look at Zhen Huan, and roared angrily: "You all deserve to die!

"Then come here." Zhen Huan rolled her eyes.

Bei An was mad, his body bounced up, and rushed towards Zhen Huan.

"Good job. Luo Zhenhuan's eyes lit up, and the Fang Tianhua halberd in her hand spun around and smashed hard on Bei'an's head.

Bian couldn't turn in the air, he could only raise his hand to block, and he ended up being smashed into the sea like a cannonball.

His arms were in great pain, as if they were hit by a cannonball, and the whole person was a little dazed.

Zhen Huan stood on the guardrail, looking down at Bian in the sea, and said with contempt, "々, this is not going to work?"

"Cough cough~~~"

Bian emerged from the sea, his eyes widened with anger: "You must die.

Zhen Huan pointed at him with Fang Tian Hua Ji, and said proudly: "You come up first and say this."

Bian stepped on the wreckage floating in the water and jumped up and attacked Zhen Huan again, much faster.

Zhen Huan snorted coldly, and the Fang Tianhua halberd in her hand smashed out again: "Get down. 35

This time, Bian was much smarter, adjusted his direction in the air, and stepped on Fang Tian Hua Ji and landed on the guardrail of the big ship.

"Two times." Zhen Huan snorted, waving Fang Tianhua halberd and rushing up.

The two started fighting, but unfortunately Bian's strength was much weaker than Zhen Huan's, and after a few rounds, he was beaten steadily.

"Lie down for me." Zhen Huan shouted coldly, Fang Tian Hua Ji slapped Bei An to the ground.

"Cough cough~

Bei An vomited blood, his body trembled and struggled to get up, but his body was hurt so badly that it was difficult to get up after falling to the ground.

"Grab it." Zhen Huan ordered coldly.

"Yes." The navy soldiers ran forward, bound Bei'an into a zongzi with spider silk, and carried them to the cell on the ship.

On another large ship, the navy soldiers shot down all the approaching pirates into the sea.

"Which kingdom are you from?" the other pirate leaders asked angrily.

The navy soldiers said coldly, "How dare we burn, kill and loot overseas in the fog if we don't even know who we are?

The pirate leader was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, then quickly recovered, and said in shock, "Are you guys from the Xuanwu Kingdom?"

"It's not too stupid." Heather's cold voice sounded, the pirate leader's neck shot blood, and his head and body were separated.

. . . . . . . . .

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code.

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