Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

1839: Pseudo-electric engine. (2 more)

Palace hall.

Mu Liang finished breakfast and prepared to make an escalator that could be used by people.

Liyue, Yueqinlan and others are all busy, leaving Elina and Nigisa on vacation in the palace.

On the fourth day after the end of the founding ceremony, there were still many activities in the cities of David, and Yue Qinlan and Hu Xian were going to keep an eye on them.

Elina looked at the model of the escalator and asked with interest, "Mu Liang, do you need my help?

Mu Liang said warmly: "No, go and rest."

Alina muttered, "I'm fine.

The pink-haired girl has been busy for more than half a month, and there is not much to do today, so she can rest with the green-haired girl.

"Alina, don't disturb Your Majesty." Nigisa waved her hands.

Alina reached out and gestured on her pink lips: "I'll just watch it quietly.

Mu Liang gave the two girls a funny look and continued to make escalators.

He condensed a large piece of colored glass and made it into a two-meter-long step, enough for three people to step on it side by side, even larger orcs can use it.

On the same steps, Mu Liang did forty stanzas.

For the first escalator, Mu Liang planned to install it between the eighth and seventh floors of the high ground, and a hundred steps would be long enough.

There are 183 escalator models for reference, and he made the parts much faster this time.

The surface of each step has a series of anti-slip grooves of equal width, so that the steps can be better spliced.

After a while, a pile of steps was piled up in the main hall of the palace.

Elina turned her head sideways and whispered: "Mu Liang doesn't seem to be doing a magic weapon this time.

"I don't know either, just look at it." Nigisa shook her head.

The two women were quiet again, watching Mu Liang make gears, handrails, inner rails, wheels of steps and other parts of different sizes in turn.

It was already half an hour after Mu Liang made all the parts.

"Start assembling." Mu Liang clapped his hands.

As soon as he thought about it, he raised his hands and fingers to move in rhythm, and all the parts of the escalator floated off the ground, and began to splicing and assembling them according to what he thought.


The components of the glass texture are combined with each other, making a crisp sound.

Five minutes later, the huge escalator was assembled, with an overall length of more than 50 meters. The baffles under the handrails were frosted, making it impossible to see the structure inside.

"It's really a staircase (dbea)." Elina murmured with her pink lips slightly parted.

Mu Liang took out the "electric motor" and installed it inside the escalator, connected with gears and chains, and fixed it on the base of the escalator.


The size of the 'electric motor' is just right for the base of the escalator.


Mu Liang lifted the cover of the engine, revealing the groove inside, with many dark purple lines on the surface, which was the place to store the thunderballs.

He took out a thunder bead and placed it in the groove, the purple pattern suddenly lit up, and the thunder bead began to spin.


Mu Liang closed the engine cover to block the arc from the thunderball.

He pressed the magic beast spar on the engine, started the engine, and the moment he pressed it, the magic beast spar lit up with a purple light.


The engine starts to run, and the cylinder connecting the gear and the chain rotates, which drives the steps of the escalator to move.

Under Elina's astonished gaze, the steps of the escalator moved up step by step, moving very fast but also smoothly.

"Success." Mu Liang smiled comfortably, it was not in vain to work for two days.

With a wave of his hand, he retracted the escalator into the inner space, preparing to install it between the eighth and seventh floors of the highland.

Mu Liang turned and walked outside the palace, Elina and Nigisa hurriedly followed, ready to see what he was going to do.

He came to the edge of the square, and when he lowered his head, he could see the small square on the seventh floor below. The height difference between the seventh floor and the eighth floor was twenty meters.

"Just install it here." Mu Liang raised his foot and stepped on the ground lightly, and the edge of the square sank, forming a groove two meters five wide and three meters deep.

There are also four half-meter-long protrusions at the bottom of the groove, which are used to fix the escalator.

Mu Liang took out the escalator, adjusted the appropriate angle, fixed one end of the escalator to the groove, and inserted it into the escalator.

He raised his hand, fixed the other end of the escalator to the seventh floor of the high ground, and restarted the engine after doing this.

The steps moved up step by step, and the speed was too fast for ordinary people to stand on it, so Mu Liang adjusted the power of the engine to slow down the moving speed of the steps.

"Try." Mu Liang clapped his hands, turned his head and raised his chin towards Elina and Nigisa.

Nijisha asked curiously, "Do you want to stand up directly? 39

"Hmm." Mu Liang nodded with a smile.

Nijisha stepped forward, looked at the moving steps, and carefully stepped on it.

The girl's body balance is very good, and she is not affected by the inertia of the escalator's movement, and she stands firmly on the steps.

"Hey, it's very stable." Nijisha blinked her blue eyes, looked sideways at the moving armrest, and tried to reach out to put it on.

"It seems like a lot of fun, I'll try it." Elina's beautiful eyes lit up, and she stood up on the escalator with great interest.

Mu Liang watched the playful two, and it was obvious that the escalator was a success, and it worked better than expected.

He calculated that the electricity contained in a thunderball could make the escalator run day and night for a year.

Elina stood on the escalator and turned her head to ask, "Mu Liang, this escalator is great, but it's coming up now, what should I do if I go down?"

Mu Liang said indifferently: "Just install another escalator and move it downwards.

"That's right." Elina nodded.

Nijisha asked softly, "Mr. Mu Liang, do you want mass production? 35

"Well, let the glazed beast do the finer parts. The escalator requires a higher level of finesse." Mu Liang nodded.

In addition to Mu Liang, there are only two colored glass beasts that can produce glazed glass, or workers can take empowering pearls.

For parts with low precision requirements, workers can use empowering pearls to produce.

In addition to the glazed parts, the production of the electric motor is not easy, and it requires a senior intermediate or advanced spiritualist to make it.

Elina smiled tenderly: "Hehe, the glazed beast is busy again.

"It's not difficult for this amount of work." Mu Liang smiled.

The Xuanwu Kingdom uses a huge amount of colored glaze, and he has already evolved the colored glazed beast to level ten last month.

Another glazed beast that was not tamed, also passed the star fruit and the source of life fruit, and was abruptly promoted to the eighth rank.

"Let's go, go back." Mu Liang stood on the escalator and returned to the eighth floor of the highland.

He was going to sort out the drawings of the escalator, and he had to go to a magic tool workshop to find someone to produce an 'electric motor', and by the way, to see how Galo's research on automobiles was progressing.

. . . . . . . . .

ps: [2 more]: Please customize.

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