Mu Liang returned to the palace study, took out the drawings and models of the escalator, revised some details, and wrote thousands of words of precautions.

It took him another half an hour to draw the drawings of the electric motor and write down all the precautions.

After doing this, Mu Liang got up and left the palace, and went to the spiritual tool workshop on the seventh floor of the highland.

"His Majesty.

At the entrance of the Spirit Tool Workshop, the highland guards on duty raised their hands in a neat salute.

Mu Liang asked calmly, "Is Jia Luo in the workshop?"

"Yes." The highland guard respectfully said.

Mu Liang stepped into the magic tool workshop and walked towards Jia Luo's exclusive studio.

The spiritual masters and refiners who met on the road all stopped to salute respectfully, and watched him leave with burning eyes.


Mu Liang came to Jia Luo's studio and heard a woman's voice coming from inside.

Jia Luo's voice sounded: "Why is it shaking-, no..."

Mu Liang listened to Jia Luo's distressed voice, wondering what problem she was stumped by.

He walked into the studio and saw Galo sitting on a chair, the table in front of him covered with drawings.

"What's the trouble?" Mu Liang asked aloud.

"Your Majesty, why are you here?" Gallo raised his eyes in surprise.

Mu Liang said calmly: "I have something to look for you. 35

"What?" Jia Luo stood up and made room for Mu Liang to sit.

"No hurry." Mu Liang said that he picked up a drawing on the table and glanced at it, and found that it was a structural drawing of a car, a drawing that a woman had optimized and improved on the drawings he provided.

He raised his eyes and asked, "Is there any problem with these drawings?"

Jia Luo shook his head and said: "The blueprint should be fine, but the real object that can be created is not ideal, and it shakes too violently when moving."

"What about the real thing?" Mu Liang asked.

"It was crashed during an experiment." Galo shrugged helplessly.

Mu Liang's mouth twitched, he picked up another drawing and glanced at it, and found some structural problems.

He said seriously: "Here, you need to add two sets of shock absorbers, and this support column needs to be connected to the frame on the side, so that the body is stable enough...

Mu Liang knows much more about the structure than Galo, and can see that there are many problems in the optimized drawings.

Jia Luomei's eyes lit up, and she hurriedly leaned forward to listen carefully, and wrote down all the questions that Mu Liang said.

"Listening to you, there seems to be a problem." She said seriously.

Mu Liang said warmly: "It's all small problems, the overall structure is still solid, but often some small problems can make people crazy.

Jia Luo nodded and said: "Well, I will try to build another car according to the blueprint you changed.

"Well, don't use the motor of a motorcycle or a train, use an electric motor, the output power is more stable. 35 Mu Liang said and took out the electric motor.

"Electric motor?" Gallo was stunned for a moment.

She took the engine in Mu Liang's hand and looked at it with surprise.

Mu Liang explained: “I told you about the concept of an engine, which is also an engine, but it runs on electricity.35

"Electricity, rely on thunder spirit beasts? Or rely on thunder magic array?" Jia Luo asked in surprise.

Mu Liang shook his head, smiled and said, "None of them, it's the lightning beads condensed by the lightning rod."

"Hey, it's still possible!" Gallo exclaimed in surprise.

Mu Liang said indifferently: "Well, if you use it in a car, it should work better."

"Okay, I'll give it a try." Gallo agreed.

Mu Liang said in a serious tone: "Also, I need you to find someone to produce this kind of engine.

Jia Luo said crisply: "No problem, I will arrange it.

"Remember to keep it secret. 99 Mu Liang instructed.

"Don't worry, I know all this." The corners of Jia Luo's lips rose.

"Well, this is a drawing, you can see if there is anything you don't understand that I need to explain. Mu Liang took out the drawing and gave it to the woman.

"That's what it is...

Jia Luo read it twice, then waved his hand: "No, I can understand."

"Well, then you are busy." Mu Liang said indifferently.

"Yes, Your Majesty." A smile flashed in Galuo's eyes.

The arrival of Mu Liang solved her troubles and brought a better engine, and the shape of the car could be reduced by a circle.

Mu Liang left with a pause, and turned his head to ask, "By the way, how is the production of trains and transport spaceships?"

"A new batch of trains is about to be built and should be ready for use in two days.

Gallo replied: "The new three transport ships are still being commissioned and will take a few days."35

Mu Liang said in a serious tone: "Well, trains and transport spaceships are more important, you should pay more attention.

・・・ Flowers・・・

"I understand." Gallo replied in a serious tone.

Mu Liang then turned and left the studio to go to the sugar workshop to see how the new candy was being produced.

There are too few kinds of sugar, so he asked the sugar factory to study new varieties such as marshmallows, candy canes and gummy candies.

The sugar in the Xuanwu Kingdom is very popular, affordable and big, so Mu Liang wanted to launch high-end sugar while the heat was hot, in order to attract aristocrats and wealthy businessmen.

Ordinary candies, such as lollipops and candy cubes, are deeply loved by ordinary people, and those of the royal family and nobles also like it, but they do not earn much.

Mu Liang disappeared in a flash, and after a few shadow jumps, he came to the outside of the sugar factory.

When the soldiers on duty saw Mu Liang's arrival, they quickly raised their hands to salute: "Your Majesty.

"Yeah." Mu Liang nodded indifferently and walked into the sugar workshop.

"Why did your majesty come suddenly?" the soldiers muttered.

"Let's do raid inspections, just like we do dormitory inspections." Another soldier guessed.

When a few people talked about checking the dormitory, they all became annoyed, obviously many were punished for the internal affairs inspection.

"His Majesty came to raid and inspect in person, it's unlikely, it's usually the secretary who comes here." Another soldier muttered.

The soldier who spoke first shook his head and whispered: "It's hard to say, His Majesty attaches great importance to the workshop. 99

"Your Majesty pays attention to everything in the kingdom." The soldiers nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, we can only wear such good clothes, live in a big house, and eat green vegetables every day. I never dared to think that before, it is because Your Majesty attaches great importance to us that we have such a life."

"Yes, I hope Your Majesty will live forever and live in good health."

The soldiers stood up straight and chatted with their mouths, and they could still see and listen to all directions.

In the sugar factory, Mu Liang listened to the chatting words behind him, the corners of his lips could not help rising, and he felt a refreshing sense of accomplishment in his heart.

"Maybe the soldiers' food can be improved a little more." He whispered to himself.

Several soldiers still don't know that their future living standards will be better, otherwise they will have more admiration for Mu Liang.

. . . . . . . . . .

ps: [3 more]: Ask for a custom towel.

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