Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

1841: Conscientious and diligent work. (1 more)

The person in charge of the sugar factory saw Mu Liang coming and hurriedly greeted him.

"Your Majesty, why did you come in person?" The person in charge saluted respectfully.

"I can't come?" Mu Liang raised his brows lightly and glanced at the person in charge with a fat waist and a round waist.

"No, of course not." The person in charge quickly shook his head with a smile.

Mu Liang asked calmly, "Have you made all the candies I asked you to make?"

The person in charge respectfully said: "Your Majesty, you have already made it, and I am thinking of sending someone to send it to the highlands in the afternoon."

"Take me there. 35 Mu Liang raised his chin.

"Yes, Your Majesty, come with me." The person in charge let out a sigh of relief and raised his hand in front of him.

"Yeah." Mu Liang walked forward with his hands behind his back, paying attention to the environment in the workshop along the way. The floor looked spotless, and the walls and ceiling were not stained.

He nodded secretly, thinking that the environment of the sugar factory was full of "197" meaning.

The reason why he came over without saying hello was to raid the workshop to check the environment and safety issues.

"Tap tap~~~

The two walked towards the interior of the workshop and passed the raw material processing area.

In the large pool, sugar cane and beets were soaked, and the staff took large brushes to wash away the sand on the surface of the sugar canes and beets.

After three tank washes, the sugar beets and sugar cane are washed, loaded into carts, and transported to the second room for chopping and juicing.

The person in charge stopped and asked, "Your Majesty, do you want to go in and have a look?"

"No." Mu Liang glanced at it and saw every corner of the processing room clearly, there was no major problem.

"Yes." The person in charge nodded quickly.

He stretched out his hand and continued to walk forward, bypassing the four processing rooms and arriving at the innermost finished product processing area.

"Your Majesty, this is the first area of ​​the finished product processing area, which mainly produces colored hard candies." The person in charge introduced.

"Yeah."" Mu Liang replied, looking at the working staff.

The staff all wore uniform work clothes, and their hair was all wrapped in hats to prevent hair from falling into the syrup.

In the finished product processing area, workers sit in rows with warm syrup in front of them, which begins to harden after being stirred and kneaded.

Syrup comes in a variety of colors, which is why colorants are added.

The dye is extracted from Yuffier's medicinal herbs and special green plants, and it is natural and harmless.

Adding a drop of coloring agent to syrup can change the color of a whole bucket of syrup without affecting the taste.

The staff kneads the dyed syrup into long strips, and then glues several candy strips of different colors together. After cooling and hardening, colorful hard candies can be made.

Colored hard candies look delicious, and when they are put into a transparent glass bottle, the price can be doubled, and those nobles will pay for it.

On the shelf in the corner, there are jars of colored hard candies. These are finished products and will be shipped to various cities of David and commercial streets for sale.

"Take a can and take it down." Mu Liang raised his chin.

"Yes." The person in charge responded, took a sugar jar from the shelf, opened the lid and handed it to Mu Liang.

Mu Liang's thoughts moved, and a hard candy flew up, swirled and came in front of him, glanced at it, and then opened his mouth to hold it.

The colored hard candies slowly dissolve in the mouth, and the sweetness spreads throughout the mouth.

"Well, it tastes good." Mu Liang said with satisfaction.

"I personally checked it out." The person in charge nodded.

Mu Liang said calmly: "Well, you can try to make toffee with animal milk, it should be good too.

"Yes, I will try to make it." The eyes of the person in charge lit up.

Mu Liang said calmly: "Well, let's go and see something else."

"Yes, Your Majesty is going this way." "The person in charge leads the way.

The two walked through a passage and came to the second area of ​​the finished product processing area.

The person in charge introduced: "Your Majesty, this is the area for making candy canes."

"Hmm." Mu Liang raised his eyes, the staff here were all dressed the same.

The staff sat in rows, the glazed workbench in front of them was wide, and buckets of syrup were covered.

The syrup is dyed white and red, which are the main colors of the candy canes, and the finished product looks like a red and white string twisted together.

The finished product of candy canes are thick or thin. According to the thickness and size, they are divided into four specifications.

Mu Liang picked up a finished candy cane and whispered softly, "There shouldn't be a Santa Claus in this world, right?"

"Your Majesty?" The person in charge heard a sentence sharply in his ears.

"It's okay. 95 Mu Liang said calmly.

He broke off a piece of candy cane and put it in his mouth, the taste was similar to hard candy, it was white sugar.

"Develop more sugars with different flavors. 35 Mu Liang urged.

"Your Majesty, it is already under development." The person in charge said quickly.

"To control the cost." Mu Liang glanced at the person in charge.

The person in charge nodded: "Yes."

Mu Liang clapped his hands and asked, "How many catties of candy canes can be produced in a day?"

"Your Majesty, we can produce 1,000 catties of candy canes a day," the person in charge replied.

"One kilogram is too little, increase the output, there will be a large order soon. Mu Liang said with a serious face.

When the sugar in the Xuanwu Kingdom was known to the nobles and wealthy businessmen, a large number of orders were inevitable.

"I understand, please rest assured, Your Majesty." The person in charge was shocked.

"The production of other sugars has also increased, especially colored hard candies," Mu Liang continued.

Colored hard candies are beautiful and look like works of art in glass jars, which the royal family will love.

"I'll make arrangements today." The person in charge agreed again.

"Well, what about other candies?" Mu Liang raised his eyes and asked.

The person in charge pointed to another passage and asked respectfully, "In other finished product processing areas, would your Majesty want to take a look?

"Lead the way." Mu Liang nodded lightly.

"Yes." The person in charge continued to lead the way.

The third area of ​​the finished product processing area is the lollipop processing area.

The lollipop processing area has the most staff, and the operating table is covered with syrups of various colors.

The most common lollipop is a ball and a small wooden stick, and then began to produce a single-color round cake 4.0-shaped lollipop.

With the dye, they began to produce colorful swirl lollipops, each of which is the size of a palm, and looks delicious when it is old.

In addition, lollipops have square, five-pointed star, triangle and other shapes.

Lollipops of different shapes will also have many colors and different tastes. If they are subdivided, there can be more than 100 kinds of lollipops.

Mu Liang stayed in the sugar factory for more than an hour, visited most of the factories, and was ready to leave after confirming that there were no major problems.

The person in charge respectfully saluted and said loudly, "Respectfully send your majesty.

After Mu Liang left, he breathed a sigh of relief. He was glad that he worked diligently and diligently on weekdays, so that he would not lose this high-paying job because of the raid.

. . . . . . . . .

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code.

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