Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

1842: Shelf-stable Elixir. (2 more)

After Mu Liang left the sugar factory, he chose to fly back to the highlands.


The wind blew his hair, bringing the fragrance of the tree of life.

He thought about the current commercial chain of the Xuanwu Kingdom, and felt that the types of goods were still a bit small.

"Food, lodging, eating, drinking, and having fun...Drinking?" Mu Liang had a flash of inspiration, and he had a new idea in his heart.

Among the food, drink and entertainment in the Xuanwu Kingdom, the most famous 'drinks' are star tea and wine, followed by various ice drinks and coffee.

Wine can be stored for a long time because it contains alcohol, but drinks such as iced drinks and juices are freshly made and have a very short shelf life.

Mu Liang's idea is to make a drink that can be stored for a long time to fill the gap in this area.

"We need to develop a way to last for storage." Mu Liang's eyes flickered.

Some beverages can be sterilized by high temperature, and can be stored for one to two months at low temperature, but if you want to store it for a longer time, you have to rely on some special drugs and the like.

The business of the ice drink shop is very good, and the limitations are also large. It can only be drunk in the Xuanwu Kingdom, and cannot be exported to other kingdoms to earn more monster spar.

However, if the ice drink is made into a bottled drink, and you can drink it with ice cubes when you want to drink it, it will be much more convenient, and it can also be sold to the inland kingdom, which will drive the sales of refrigerators by the way.

"Good idea." Mu Liang's body disappeared into the air in a flash, and when he reappeared, he came to the palace.

After he landed, he walked towards the side hall of the research institute.

When it comes to who can develop a shelf-stable drug, Mu Liang's first thought is Yuffie, she has a talent in this area.

He pushed open the door of the research institute, and both Yuffie and Yi She, who were doing research, turned their heads.

"Mu Liang." Yuffie's golden eyes lit up.

Yi She's eyes flashed, and she respectfully saluted, "Your Majesty the King.

"Well, what are you doing?" Mu Liang asked calmly.

"We're looking at how to increase the effectiveness of the healing elixirs," Yuffie explained.

Mu Liang asked in a warm voice, "Aren't you researching the secret medicine for 'virtual ghost infection'? 55

The blond girl with two ponytails has only developed a secret medicine to suppress the 'infection of ghosts', but has not yet developed a secret medicine to completely remove and cure the infection.

Yuffie explained: "There is no idea for the research on the secret medicine, so let's put it aside."

"Take your time." Mu Liang said warmly.

Yuffie nodded, her ponytails swayed, and she asked in a clear voice, "Mu Liang, what's the matter?"

Mu Liang said in a clear voice: "Well, let's ask if you can develop a shelf-stable medicine so that beverages and food can be stored longer.

"Keep drinks and food longer..." Yuffie blinked her golden eyes.

"It's something that inhibits the growth of microorganisms in food and beverages..." Mu Liang patiently explained the role of preservatives.

"Yuffie, there seems to be this kind of potion..." Yi She said uncertainly.

Yuffie tilted her head: "Is there?"

Yi She reminded: "Yes, you made it two months ago, accidentally poured it into the unfinished ice drink, and put it in the corner for a month before I remembered it, and it was still drinkable when I found it. 99

"Hey, I remembered what you said." Yuffie's spirit was shocked.

She turned to the corner shelf and found the bottles and jars above.

Mu Liang's black eyes lit up, has a shelf-stable drug been researched?

"Ping bell pong~~~

The blond girl with two ponytails turned around for a while before she found a glass bottle in the corner, which contained a colorless liquid, like boiled water.

"I found it, this is it." Yuffie returned to Mu Liang excitedly and handed it to Mu Liang like a treasure.

She is usually too busy and devoted herself to doing research. If she doesn't concentrate on memorizing many things, she will ignore it. The girl's temperament has always been confused.

Mu Liang carefully took the glass bottle, opened the lid and smelled the smell. It was a faint smell, like a faint floral fragrance blown away by the wind.

Yuffie said uncertainly: "I don't know if it can still be used, or maybe it was just an accident last time.

"I'll find out by experimenting again." Mu Liang smiled.

Yuffie asked charmingly: "How to experiment, make an ice drink, and wait a few days?"

"I don't have to wait a few days, I can make the ice drink time flow faster," explains Mu Liang.

Among all his abilities, there is the ability to speed up the flow of time.

Yuffie rejoiced: "That one, let Xiao Zi bring an ice drink over.

"I'll do it." Xiao Zi outside the institute responded.

She came to deliver fruit to Yuffie, so she didn't bother when Mu Liang came.

"Go, don't add Xingchen tea to the ice drink." Mu Liang instructed.

The tea brewed by Xingchen tea can be stored for a long time, and it will not go bad for ten days and a half months. Adding Xingchen tea to iced drinks may have an impact on the experiment.

"Okay." Xiao Zi replied softly.

She put down the fruit and turned around to prepare an ice drink.

Mu Liang shouted, "Wait a minute, and bring me a normal bowl of rice porridge.

"Yes." Xiao Zi nodded obediently.

After more than ten minutes, the little maid brought ice drinks and a bowl of white rice porridge.

"Hurry up and try." Yuffie urged Jiaohan.

"Yeah." Mu Liang poured the liquid in the glass bottle into the ice drink and white porridge, stirred it and set it aside.

"It has to be sealed." He covered the mouth of the cup and bowl with glass.

Xiao Zi looked curiously: "Is this all right?"

"Eight times the speed. 99 Mu Liang's thoughts moved, and he used the ability inherited from the eight-patterned beast to speed up the speed of the ice drink and white porridge.


Neither the iced drink nor the white porridge has changed, at least on the surface 197 is.

After a while, the ice cubes in the ice drink melted at a rate visible to the naked eye, but it still looked delicious.

"No change." Yuffie muttered.

"Don't worry." Mu Liang said warmly.

Yi She asked casually, "Your Majesty, how long will you wait?"

"It will take a day at the earliest." Mu Liang said calmly.

At eight times the speed, one day is equivalent to the past eight days, and the time is long enough to test whether the storable medicine is really usable.

"Ah, I have to wait all day." Yuffie opened her pink lips.

Mu Liang smiled and said, "Well, I'll keep an eye on it, and you'll be fine. 95

He also wanted to experiment to see how long the shelf-stable medicine could keep food, whether it was a month, half a year, or a year or two.

This takes a lot of time, and one day is not enough.

"Okay, remember to tell me the result." Yuffie said coquettishly.

"Of course." Mu Liang answered in a clear voice.

After a few people chatted for a while, Yuffie reluctantly watched Mu Liang leave.

Yi She asked in a low voice, "Why don't you leave your Majesty to chat more?"

"Mu Liang is very busy, and so am I." Yuffie pouted.

Yi She twitched the corners of her mouth, the girl chose the latter in love and work, which is really admirable.

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