Palace, in the liaison room.

Yao Er raised his hand and patted the resonator in front of him, which was the resonator that contacted the Air Force Base.


The resonance worm woke up from its slumber, and its wings as thin as cicada wings vibrated at high speed.

"This is the palace, can you hear it?" Yao'er asked innocently.

A dull male voice came from the resonance bug: "This is an air force base, I can hear it, please say it."

Yao Er said in a serious tone: "Your Majesty has an order to let Yue Feiyan go back to the palace now."

"What is Mu Liang looking for from me?" Yue Feiyan's voice suddenly sounded.

She had just finished training and was passing the liaison room to go to the lounge to lie down when she heard the voice of the little maid.

Yao Er explained: "Miss Feiyan, Deacon Zi has caught it, Your Majesty told you to go back. 35

"What, I found Deacon Zi!" Yue Feiyan's eyes widened.

"Hmm, Miss Feiyan, come back soon. Yao'er said in a clear voice.

"Nineteen Seven"

"Okay, go back now." Yue Feiyan said excitedly.

After she finished speaking, she turned her head and ran out of the liaison room, muttering: "Finally caught, I'm going to pluck her legs."

The girl left the air force base, and the huge Suzaku armor wings spread out from behind, and fluttered her wings to take her up into the air, and fluttered to the high ground.


After nearly twenty minutes of rapid flight, the red-haired girl returned to the eighth floor of the highland, the wings of Suzaku's armor folded and folded.


Yue Feiyan ran quickly into the palace, Yao Er was already waiting.

"Miss Feiyan." Yao Er said obediently.

"Where's Deacon Zi?" Yue Feiyan asked aggressively.

Yao Er pointed in the direction of the side hall: "It's in His Majesty's study."

"Okay." Yue Feiyan walked quickly to the study.

"Lu Zhaolu~~~

The red-haired girl knocked on the study door.

"Come in." Mu Liang's voice came out.

Yue Feiyan pushed open the door and entered, just as she was about to speak, she saw the purple flute whose body stopped spinning.

Mu Liang said indifferently: "Here. 35

"She is Deacon Zi?" Yue Feiyan blinked her golden eyes.

"Hmm." Mu Liang raised his chin.

Yue Feiyan looked at the half-conscious woman again, with her disheveled hair, how she looked like a refugee.

Mu Liang moved his fingers, the spider silk on the ceiling dissolved and disappeared, and the woman fell to the ground.


Yue Feiyan stepped forward and kicked the woman's body.

Zi Di looked up at the red-haired girl, unable to resist.

"Get revenge." Mu Liang said warmly.

Yue Feiyan frowned and replied, "Okay.""

She squatted down and lifted Zi Di's skirt, revealing her slender legs.

..." Mu Liang's eyebrows jumped, looking at the hair on Zi Di's legs, he fell into contemplation.

He couldn't help but start to wonder, do women in this world have such obvious leg hair?

Yue Feiyan's eyes lit up, she reached out and grabbed one of Zidi's leg hairs and pulled it hard.

Zi Di's body trembled, and he suddenly regained his energy. He opened his eyes and looked at the red-haired girl in disbelief.

"Let you pull out my hair, let you curse me, let you hurt me, let you..." Yue Fei said in a loud voice.

Every time she recited a sentence, she plucked off one of the woman's leg hairs, and after a while, she plucked out more than a dozen leg hairs.

"..." Zi Di's expression was distorted, but her body did not have the strength to resist.

"Hmph, dog woman." Yue Feiyan gritted her teeth and kept her hands moving.

Mu Liang raised his hand and rested his forehead, thinking about changing the lines of the TV series and movies, otherwise the women in the palace would learn badly.

Zi Di's body trembled, and his spirit was in a trance.

After Yue Feiyan plucked dozens of leg hairs, she gradually lost her patience.

"Don't pull it out, don't pull it out." She clapped her hands and stood up.

"Are you still angry?" Mu Liang asked calmly.

Yue Feiyan waved her hand and said indifferently: "No anger, the great revenge has been avenged, you can deal with her.

"Send it to prison." Mu Liang said indifferently.

Yue Feiyan asked in astonishment, "Hey, are you finished interrogation?

"She doesn't know where the Dark Phoenix is. Mu Liang's eyes drooped slightly.

He glanced at Deacon Zi, and the corners of his lips raised: "As for who the Dark Phoenix is, I have a goal. 39

Hearing this, Zi Di raised her head with difficulty and looked at Mu Liang in disbelief.

Yue Feiyan said naively: "That's good, send her to prison for a good transformation."

"Before that, let her go." Mu Liang's black eyes flashed cold light.


"Father, I feel your call." Ling'er appeared in the study.

Mu Liang said warmly: "Be good, let her go.

"Okay. 35 Ling'er smiled happily.

She flew to the purple flute, raised her hand and placed it on her forehead, green light poured into the woman's body, directly penetrating the depths of her soul.


Zi Di's eyes widened, he moaned in pain, and his body twitched...

Ling'er kept moving, continuing to evolve the mottled traces in the woman's soul.

After a few minutes, Linger put down, turned around and flew back to Mu Liang.

"Very good."" Mu Liang flipped his hand, and a mass of life elements appeared in front of Ling'er.


Ling'er embraced the life element and opened her mouth to swallow it.


Zi Di was lying on his back on the ground, his eyes staring blankly at the ceiling.

She is at a loss now, all the magic power has dissipated, and her soul is as transparent as crystal.

"I'm not... a black magician anymore." Zi Di murmured softly, tears streaming down the corners of her eyes.

She cried silently, without her magic power, how could she work for Lord Dark Phoenix?

"Go to prison." Mu Liang raised his hand.

Yao Er said crisply: "I'll call someone. 99

"Hmm." Mu Liang replied.

The little maid left the study, and the door slowly closed due to inertia.

Zi Di looked sideways at Mu Liang, and said hoarsely, "Give back the magic power to me, return it to me quickly."

"Not yet." Mu Liang looked at the woman calmly.

Zidi cried out in tears: "Give it back to me...

Mu Liang said calmly: "The purified soul can no longer be mottled, that is to say, you can no longer become a black magician. 99

"Impossible, it's impossible." Zi Di's throat tightened, and his heart was desperate.

"Want to die? Mu Liang asked.

Zi Di was silent for a while, then whispered: "I don't want to die..."

Mu Liang sneered 4.0: "But the dark phoenix wants you to die, and you still want to work for her.

"No, Lord Dark Phoenix values ​​me the most." Zi Di said coldly.

"I value you, so let you attack my people?" Mu Liang looked indifferent.

Zi Di looked at Mu Liang coldly: "Are you very good?"

"It's not strong either, it's only a little bit stronger than the Saint-rank powerhouse." Mu Liang wrote lightly.

55 Purple flute's white lips opened.

"Let's work hard in prison." Mu Liang said indifferently.

As soon as he finished speaking, the door of the study was opened by the little maid, and Ah Qing and Aman walked into the study.

"Your Majesty." The two raised their hands in salute.

Mu Liang raised his chin: "Take it to prison and let Adazhu interrogate him well."

"Yes. Oman respectfully saluted, and the two of them lifted the woman up and took them out of the study.

. . . . . . . . .

【3 more】: Please customize.


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