Palace, restaurant.

Mu Liang, Xibeqi and others sat together, and there were more than a dozen bowls on the dining table, each with a different food.

Yueqinlan said gracefully: "These are all newly researched foods, all of which have been added with 'storage-stable agents', you can taste the taste, if you think there is no problem, let someone mass-produce them. 99

Mu Liang raised his brows lightly and said jokingly, "So today let's get together, just to be experimental guinea pigs?

Yue Qinlan rolled her beautiful eyes and said angrily, "These are all non-toxic and won't eat badly.

"Okay, then try them all." Mu Liang smiled and stopped joking.

Li Yue said softly: "It looks delicious.

"Well, it looks good, but I don't know how it tastes." Yue Feiyan's throat moved.

"Just taste it." Yan Bing picked up a spoon and looked sideways at Mu Liang.

Mu Liang chuckled: "Don't wait for me, just eat whatever you want."

Yan Bing nodded and looked at the pottery bowl in front of him, which contained white jelly-like food 31, and could not tell what ingredients it was made of.

Yue Qinlan glanced at the notepad in her hand and said, "This is animal milk ice cold powder.

Mu Liang looked at Yue Qinlan in surprise: "Is the ice cold powder all made?"

He wrote the method of making ice jelly, but he didn't have the corresponding ingredients, and he didn't know how the bowl of ice jelly in front of him was made.

Yue Qinlan shrugged and said, "I used other herbs instead of the ingredients you mentioned. I don't know if the taste is the same."

"Just taste it." Mu Liang picked up the spoon and scooped up the ice-cold powder in the bowl.

The others also picked up their spoons and quickly finished dividing a bowl of ice-cold powder.

Mu Liang chewed on the ice jelly, which was more elastic than the jelly in his memory. The light animal milk taste was not sweet, and the taste was better than expected.

"It's delicious." He nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, I like this too." Yue Feiyan nodded her head.

The fox fairy said charmingly: "It can be sweeter.

Minuo said crisply: "I also think it would be better to add some preserved fruit, and the taste will be richer.

"Okay, let me try it." Yue Qinlan quickly memorized with a pen.

Mu Liang said clearly: "The taste can also be changed, in addition to animal milk, it can also be made into various fruit flavors.

"Well, it's already being studied. Qin Lan said gracefully on March 3rd.

"There is no need for research, just remove the animal milk, add jam and stir. Mu Liang said warmly.

The ice-cold noodles he ate in his previous life were different in taste, but the jam on top was different.

"Okay." Yue Qinlan replied thoughtfully.

"What is this?" Mino looked at another clay bowl, which was filled with viscous milk.

Yue Qinlan said gracefully, "This is yogurt.

"Is the yogurt already made?" Mu Liang was surprised again.

Yue Qinlan said crisply: "How about you taste it.

"Okay." Mu Liang scooped up a spoonful of yogurt, first smelled it, and there was a faint milky fragrance.

He opened his mouth and sucked the yogurt on the spoon, the taste was dense and soft, different from the yogurt he had eaten in his previous life.

"How is it?" Yue Qinlan blinked her water blue eyes.

Mu Liang nodded and said, "It's very good, the taste is not bad, is the animal milk of the octagonal tusk beast?"

"Yes." Yue Qinlan responded.

Minuo sipped the yogurt from the corner of his mouth and said softly, "I think it's delicious too."

Xibeqi commented: "It's better than animal milk.

"Shouldn't you like to drink blood?" Su Jin asked softly.

Xibeiqi pouted and said, "I'm not an ordinary vampire, I don't drink all blood.

Yue Feiyan quipped: "You only drink Mu Liang's blood."

"Mmmm, Mu Liang's blood is delicious, one drop at a time is enough. Xibei quickly glanced at Mu Liang as she spoke.

Mu Liang chuckled and asked, "Have you absorbed all the blood you gave last time?

"Not yet." Xibeqi shook her head quickly.

"Well, tell me after you've digested it." Mu Liang replied casually.

"Okay." Xibei nodded with a blushing face.

Yue Qinlan said elegantly: "Try this, rice wine dumplings.

The brewing workshop has successfully brewed rice wine, and rice wine dumplings can be successfully produced.

Mu Liang scooped up the bulging dumplings in the bowl, just one spoonful, and the aroma of rice wine came out.

After tasting it carefully, he said: "Well, the taste of wine is too strong, and ordinary people can easily get drunk. 99

"Then let them improve it." Yue Qinlan picked up the note and wrote down the question.

Mu Liang continued to taste other bowls of food, and ate a few bowls of dark dishes.

"What is this?" He looked at the black ink in the bowl, and the corners of his eyes twitched.

Yue Qinlan glanced at the serial number, opened the notepad in her hand, and found the introduction of this dish: "This is a mixture of lotus root starch, green vegetables, fruits, and demon meat."

"Are you sure it's not poison?" Mu Liang asked suspiciously.

Yue Qinlan said in a serious tone: "It looks ugly, but it still tastes good."

Yue Feiyan asked, "Mother, have you tried it?"

"No." Yue Qinlan's expression did not change.

"Then you said the taste is not bad." Yue Feiyan pouted.

Yue Qinlan said gracefully, "I believe what those chefs say."

"I'll try it." Mino scooped up half a spoon of the dark dish with a small spoon, and after a moment of hesitation, he put it into his mouth.

"You are not afraid of being poisoned." Mu Liang blocked the girl's hand and put the contents of the spoon into his mouth.

Minuo's pretty face blushed slightly, this is the spoon she used 197 ah.

Mu Liang looked strange, and after moving his mouth twice, he swallowed.

He raised his hand, and the water glass opposite flew up and landed in his palm.


Mu Liang opened his mouth to drink the water from the glass, and looked at Yue Qinlan with indescribable eyes.

"Why, it's hard to eat?" Yue Qinlan said with a guilty conscience.

Mu Liang said solemnly: "Although this thing is not poisonous, as long as there is no masochistic tendency, I should not like to eat it."5

"Hey, but the chef said it was delicious." Yue Qinlan said embarrassedly.

"Tap Ta Ta ~ 99

Xiao Zi walked into the kitchen and said, "Lord Qinlan, the chef sent a message saying that you got the wrong food. 99

" fault." Yue Qinlan said apologetically.

"It's alright, let's try something else." Mu Liang laughed dumbly and pushed the bowl of dark dishes away.

The remaining new products will be tasted soon, and only four of them will be eliminated. The rest will be mass-produced, packaged and shipped to the major kingdoms.

"Well, let's build a factory and start production." Mu Liang looked at Yue Qinlan.

"Okay." Yue Qinlan nodded gracefully.

"Remember to call me next time there is a new product." Yue Feiyan Jiao said naively.

"Of course. Yue Qinlan gave her daughter a head-scratcher of love.

. . . . . . . . .

[1 update]: The second update of the positive code.


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