Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

1850: This is a pervert. (2 more)

The main city, the edge of the central square.

Feng'er sat on the bench, looking up at the huge tree of life, her face was not good-looking.

She frowned, wondering in her heart, why hasn't Deacon Zi moved for so many days?

"Did it fail?" Feng'er whispered softly.

She shook her head again, with Zidi's strength and ability, the possibility of failure is very small.

"Have you not done it yet?" Feng'er's eyes flashed.

With a plan in her mind, she sat on the bench for a while before getting up and walking towards the building where she lived.

The woman lived at the reception next to the main city railway station and continued to live as a guest of the Childudrey Kingdom, and no one would chase her away.

Not only her, but many other royal nobles also stayed, some of whom were going to the mysterious island.

Most people simply like the Xuanwu Kingdom and want to stay and play for a while. They can live here for free and the environment is very good, so they don't change their place of residence.

Feng'er returned to the room, closed the door and window tightly, pulled the curtains to block the light, and the room suddenly became dark.

She sat quietly on the sofa for a while, and after making sure there would be no accidents, she began to cast black magic to establish a connection with Zidi.

The woman drew a complex pattern on the ground, and it took ten minutes to complete the drawing, and the magic power fluctuated.

Feng'er put her hands on her knees, her eyes drooped slightly, and she muttered something in her mouth.

"Zidi, contact me, contact me immediately...

The woman chanted the spell, the magic circle on the ground lit up, and she waited quietly for a response.

Time passed slowly, half an hour passed, and the magic circle was as quiet as ever.

"You're busy?" Feng'er frowned.

She continued to wait patiently, time passed bit by bit, and soon two hours passed.

Three hours later... The woman's last patience ran out, her face was as gloomy as ink.

"Could it be that Zidi also defected?" Feng'er clenched her hands into fists, her eyes were as cold as ice for ten thousand years.

She let out a sigh of relief, raised her hand to wipe away the magic circle on the ground, and dealt with all traces.

"I'm so disappointed~`." Feng'er took a few deep breaths, feeling more and more angry in her heart.

Now she is puzzled, why did the deacons defect?

The more the woman thought about it, the more she didn't understand, and she didn't even dare to let the remaining deacons and black magicians come to the Xuanwu Kingdom.

In the Black Phoenix Organization, there are not many deacons that can be used, and if they come to the Xuanwu Kingdom, the Black Phoenix Organization will be completely destroyed.

"Perhaps there was an accident and Zidi was caught?" Feng'er's eyes flickered, and many new thoughts came to her mind.

She thought of something, I haven't read the newspaper today, maybe there will be news about Deacon Zi.

The woman got up and quickly left the room, stepping on high heels to the nearest newsstand.

After she bought the newspaper, she stood on the side of the road and read it from the beginning, scanning it line by line, but in the end she didn't see any news related to Zidi.

The newspapers published various arrogant and unscrupulous behaviors of several groups of nobles in the Acropolis, and they ended up being taken into prison.

Feng'er looked at the words that the nobles were detained, and a new idea came to her heart.

These nobles are all people with status and represent different kingdom forces. If they are encouraged to cause trouble for the Xuanwu Kingdom, will they have the opportunity to enter the highlands?

The more she thought about it, the more feasible she felt, so she hurriedly rolled up the newspaper and walked to the place where she lived.

When approaching the train station, the woman saw Riyue and Elina in ghost armor.

The two of them were talking with serious expressions, looking at the building at the reception from time to time.

Feng'er's heart tightened. Has this identity been discovered?

She hesitated for a moment, but stepped forward and walked towards the building as if nothing had happened.

Liyue and Elina just glanced at her and continued to talk in a low voice.

"People are here?" Li Yue whispered.

Elina nodded: "Well, the investigation has been made, and someone saw that the nobleman who took Qilu went in.

Just this morning, a nobleman was so lustful that he forcibly kidnapped the clerk of the steamed bun shop.

Elina and Liyue are here to deal with this matter today. They dare to forcibly kidnap people in the main city. The nobles who commit crimes will face at least ten years in prison and a million yuan fine.

In the building, Feng'er's heart was still hanging, and she quickly returned to the room, pulling the curtains open to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.

After doing this, she came to the door and stood still, listening carefully to the movement outside.

"Tap tap~~

Liyue and Elina went upstairs, the footsteps were very light, but they could still be heard if you listened carefully.

Feng'er's pupils contracted and she was ready to resist at any time.

The footsteps outside the door did not stop, and soon left.

Feng'er was stunned for a moment, then secretly opened the door and looked at the corridor outside.

She saw the room at the end of the corridor, where Elina and Liyue were standing.

Li Yue said coldly: "Qikov, I know you are inside, come out quickly."5

"Kikov, the Duke of Meiya Kingdom." Feng'er whispered softly.

Li Yue's face was cold, the room was very quiet, no sound came out.

Elina's thoughts moved, the scabbard behind her opened, and the flying knife floated and spun beside her.

She raised her hand to signal: "々. Break in?"

"Wait a minute." Li Yue shook her head, ready to use her awakening ability.

She looked at the door, her silver-white eyes lit up, the door became transparent, and everything in the room caught the girl's eyes.

The girl's eyes moved, her brows furrowed, her eyes shifted a few degrees from left to right.

"What's wrong?" Elina asked suspiciously.

Li Yue blinked, and her beautiful eyes returned to normal: "Qilu is dead, Qikov is not in the room. 99

"What!" Elina's pink eyes widened.


She lifted her foot and kicked the door directly open, and her eyes were red, and the abducted clerk lay in a pool of blood.

Li Yue stepped into the room, felt the wind blowing, turned her head to look at the window, the curtains were scattered on the ground, and the window was wide open.

Alina looked at Qilu's nearly broken neck and said angrily, "Damn, one step too late.

Liyue looked at the traces at the scene and analyzed: "She resisted, it should be that she struggled to anger Qikov, and then (De Nuo Zhao) was killed by cutting her neck.

Elina's eyes were cold and her voice was cold: "This is defiance of the constitution of the Xuanwu Kingdom, and it is also a challenge to our Xuanwu Kingdom. He will die."

"He can't escape." Li Yue responded.

The girl walked to the room. There were several clothes on the big bed, which were left by Qikov, and there was also an animal skin package.

She carefully opened the animal skin package, which was filled with women's underwear.

"This is a pervert." Li Yue said angrily.

Elina stretched out her hand to close Qilu's eyes, and said in a low voice, "Don't worry, I will let that beast pay for your life, C.

Liyue came out of the room and said coldly, "Call someone to clean it up, and ask the family to claim the body back.

"Qilu is an orphan with no family." Elina sighed.

Li Yue heard the words and fell silent, but her eyes became even colder.

. . . . . . . . . .

ps: [2 more]: Please customize.

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