It was dark in the building at the reception.

Liyue still stayed in the room where Qikov lived, keeping the ghost armor invisible.

She has been here for most of the day without ever leaving.

She moved her ears, raised her hand and tapped the microphone lightly, and Elina's voice sounded in her ears~.

"Liyue, is there a situation on your side?" In the microphone, Ai-Lena's voice was a little panting.

Liyue turned on the silencer to ensure that what she said would not be heard by outsiders.

The newly improved muffler can form a barrier within three meters of its own diameter. The sound inside the barrier will not be transmitted to the outside of the barrier, nor will it affect the normal conversation within the barrier.

"No." Li Yue said softly.

Elina said angrily: "I didn't find anyone here, Damn it, where did you hide?"

Li Yue said in a cold voice, "Look for it more patiently, if it doesn't work, issue a wanted order."

Elina instructed: "Well, pay attention to safety on your side, Qikov's strength is not low, if he appears, let me know as soon as possible. 99

"Understood." Li Yue responded.

"Okay, I'll continue to take people to search." Elina hung up the phone.

Liyue tapped the microphone on her ear twice, then turned off the muffler, and continued to wait for someone who might appear.

She stared at the window, the room was quiet, and another half hour had passed.

"Tap tap~~

Suddenly, footsteps came from the corridor outside the door.

Li Yue regained her energy and looked sideways at the door, her eyes lit up.

She used her awakening ability, and the door and wall became translucent, and she could see the long corridor behind the wall.

In the promenade, someone was walking swayingly holding a wine bottle, took two steps and took a sip of wine with a smirk on his face.

Li Yue's eyes flashed, watching the man open the door next to him and enter the house.


The door closed, and the corridor became quiet again.

Liyue withdrew her gaze, the awakening ability stopped exerting, and she had already made plans to stay for the whole night.


The windows of the room were not closed, the wind blew into the room, and the curtains squeaked.

Li Yue turned her head to look at the window, and suddenly put her hands on the edge of the window, and the man with the beard turned over and appeared.

He glanced around the room, paying attention to every corner, without making a single sound.

Li Yue quickly turned on the muffler to cover up her heartbeat, staring at the man coldly, the target appeared.

She raised her hand and knocked on the legendary device, and said in a low voice, "Elina, Qikov is back. 99

"What, I'll go right over, don't do it yet." Elina shouted quickly.

"Okay. Liyue responded.


Qikov landed briskly, his eyes twinkling, and he was cautious in every step.

"No one?" He gradually relaxed, seemingly sure that there was no one else in the room.

He lightly walked towards the room, and Li Yue once again used her awakening ability to watch the man's every move through the wall.

He entered the house, opened the closet, and stopped.

"Damn, my demon beast spar. Qikov gritted his teeth.

He came back this time because he wanted to get his money back, otherwise he would be unable to do anything in the Xuanwu Kingdom.

The man reluctantly turned over several other cabinets, which were still empty.

Qikov's tone was gloomy and cold: "I am a duke, how can I touch my things casually?"

He took a few deep breaths, looked around the room, and found nothing of value.

Qikov raised his hand and clenched his fist, wanting to smash the wooden table with one punch, but he was worried that the movement would be too big, so he had to hold back his sulking.

He walked out of the room, looked around in the living room, and finally his eyes fell on the place where Qilu was lying, where only a bloodstain remained.

"Damn woman." Qikov sneered.

He turned to look at the window, and was about to leave.

Seeing this, Liyue no longer waited for Elina to arrive, she stretched out her hand to take out the longbow, and put the arrow on the bowstring.

No matter how quick this set of actions was, it also caught Qikov's attention.

He turned his head to look at the corner of the wall in surprise, although there was no one there, there was a sense of danger.

"Who?" Qikov let out a low voice and ducked to the side.


The next moment, the sharp arrow pierced the position where the man had just stood.

Qikov's eyes jumped, and he turned to look at the location where the arrow was shot.

Li Yue said indifferently: "Qikov, give up your resistance, you have been arrested.

"Joke, who are you, why are you arresting me?" Qikov sneered.

Liyue showed her stature, and her nine-colored armor shone.

・・・ Flowers・・・

She raised her longbow and aimed at Qikov, and said indifferently: "You forcibly kidnapped Qilu and killed her, which has violated the constitution of the Xuanwu Kingdom, and you will be punished. 99

"Fart, I am the Duke of the Kingdom of America and I am not bound by your rules. Qikov grinned.

Liyue said coldly: "When you enter the Xuanwu Kingdom, you must obey the laws and regulations, and everyone is the same. 35

"I don't, what can you do to me?" Qikov said nonchalantly.

Li Yue's eyes became even colder, her hand hooked on the bowstring loosened, and the arrow flew out.


Qikov was a seventh-order high-level powerhouse, and he evaded the attack with a twist of his body.

Liyue fired four arrows one after another, all of which were dodged by the man.

Her eyes flickered, her longbow was held diagonally, her body rushed out, and the longbow slashed out like a long knife.

Qikov raised his brows, raised his foot and kicked the longbow, while the other hand pulled up the chair and smashed the silver-haired girl.

Li Yue took the longbow in her hand and made a lower waist motion, barely avoiding the smashing chair.


The chair smashed to the ground and shattered.

"This waist must feel very good." Qikov's eyes lit up, and he greedily glanced at the silver-haired girl's slender waist.

Li Yue's expression did not change, she put away her long bow, flipped her hand to take out a long sword, and fought with Qikov again.

Qikov said angrily: "You have successfully angered me."

He wants to leave immediately, the fighting here will soon attract other people, and if he doesn't leave now, he may not be able to leave.

It's a pity that the silver-haired girl also understands this, and she doesn't give the man a chance to breathe.

Liyue's own strength is weaker than Qikov's, but wearing a ghost armor and using a high-level spiritual weapon, she can fight on a par with men.

"Get out of here." Qikov roared, raised his fist and smashed the sword in the silver-haired girl's hand, causing it to fly upside down.

Li Yue's body slammed into the wall, staggered twice and stood firm again.

Her eyes were cold, and she stopped Qikov, who was about to leave, again.

"Mad woman." Qikov's eyes widened in anger.

He had already heard someone approaching in the distance, and it would be too late if he didn't leave.

. . . . . . . . . .

ps: [2 more]: Ask for a custom towel.

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