Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

1853: Will you say that I will bring disaster to the country and the people? (3 more)

Li Yue stared at Qikov, and slashed across the ground with her long sword: "You can't leave today.

Qikov sneered and grinned: "I am the Duke of Meiya Kingdom, even if you arrest me, you can't do anything to me.

"Who said that?" Elina appeared on the window and flexibly rolled into the house.

The height of the two-story building, for the strength of the pink-haired girl, can jump in without using a flying knife as a foothold.

"Tap tap~~~

As soon as the pink-haired girl finished speaking, the door was pushed open, and Si Sali and others appeared, surrounding Qikov.

Elina controlled the flying knife beside her with her fingers, and said coldly, "Dare to kill people in the main city, you are really courageous.

"It's just a woman, kill it. Kill it. Qikov said with a gloomy face.

Elina's pink eyes narrowed slightly, and she said mockingly: "You are not worthy of carrying shoes to my "197" majesties, and if you kill it, you will kill it."

"He dares, I am the Duke of Meiya Kingdom." Qikov said with round eyes.

"Hehe. 35

A sarcastic smile appeared on Elina's lips: "Then just wait and see if our Majesty dares.

Qikov calmed down and sneered: "He wouldn't dare, unless you want to go to war with our kingdom of Meiya."

"You're just a duke, so what if you kill him?"

Elina rolled her eyes and sneered: "In your capacity, your king does not dare and will not be an enemy of our Xuanwu Kingdom, do you believe it?"

"Don't bluff me." Qikov gritted his teeth.

Elina wanted to say something, but was stopped by the silver-haired girl.

"Don't talk nonsense with him, grab it." Li Yue raised her hand.

She raised her chin and repeated what she said not long ago: "Kikov, give up your resistance, you can't escape no matter what.

"You can try." Qikov raised his hand and clenched his fist with a gloomy expression on his face.


Yue Feiyan rolled her eyes again, took out an empowering pearl and stuffed it into her mouth, raised her hand to aim at Qikov.

"Thousand Shadow Spider Silk." Her pink lips parted slightly, and her raised fingers folded together.

Qikov's face changed, and he found that he couldn't move, his body seemed to be bound by thousands of threads.

"Tie it up." Li Yue said indifferently.

"Yes." Si Shali and the others gathered around, took out the steel cable made of purple-patterned light steel, and tied Qikov firmly.

"Let go of me." Qikov widened his eyes angrily.

He is a little confused now, why is he suddenly unable to move, he just praised Haikou, and the next second he was slapped in the face.

Elina raised her foot and stepped on Qikov's body and said with a smile: "Just try it, you can try to escape?"

The steel cable made of purple-patterned light steel was so hard that Qikov couldn't break free, and even the eighth-order powerhouse couldn't break free with the steel cable going around three times.

Qikov blushed, and just as he was about to speak, Li Yue blocked his mouth with an animal skin.

"Hmph, you are still arrogant, what are you proud of in front of me?" Elina patted Qikov's face with a throwing knife.

"Clap clap clap~~~"

Qikov almost fainted, if it could hurt anyone, he would have been stabbed to death eight hundred times.

"Take it back." Li Yue waved her hand.

"Yes." A male player present stepped forward, picked up Qikov, turned and left the building.

The night became quiet again.

Half an hour later, Qikov was sent to Highland Prison.

Elina said in a cold voice: "Take good care of him, first go to three sets of criminal detention, let him 'comfortable' for three hours. 99

"Yes." The Highland Warden said eagerly.

Not long after, Qikov's shrill screams were heard in the cell.

"Let me go, I was wrong, ah...?"

"I don't want to die, let me die, it's so painful.

Elina put her arms around her, curled her lips and said, "Shout, I thought how hard my mouth could be.

She listened to Qikov's screams begging for mercy, her heart was as calm as water, and she could not feel the slightest sympathy for him.

Elina ordered: "Strength, give me a hard slap on him.

"Yes." The executioner responded, and his attack became more ruthless.

"Clap clap~

The screams in the cell became louder, and those who didn't know it would be horrified.

"Qilu, if you can see it, feel free to reincarnate, and I will send him down to accompany you. Elina whispered softly.

She read the script written by Mu Liang and learned about reincarnation.

"Don't let him die." Elina ordered.

"Yes..." The executioner nodded respectfully.

The pink-haired girl turned and left.

On the other side, Liyue entered the palace and walked to the study.

"Miss Liyue." At the door of the study, Xiao Zi greeted her obediently.

Liyue raised her finger and pointed at the study door: "Is Mu Liang asleep?"

"No, come in." Mu Liang's voice came from the study.

"Okay. Liyue responded and pushed in the door.

In the study, Mu Liang was sitting behind a desk with a pile of documents on the desk. The dense words on it made people have a headache.

Li Yue asked in surprise, "What is this doing?"

"Write a new textbook." Mu Liang explained casually.

Xuanwu City has become a Xuanwu Kingdom, and the teaching materials need to be adjusted. Many promotional content needs to be changed. This workload is not ordinary.

He took the silver-haired girl's hand and asked, "Have you caught someone?"

"Yeah." Liyue nodded and recounted what happened.

Mu Liang said warmly: "Just catch it."

Li Yue asked softly, "Will there be a public trial for him tomorrow?

Mu Liang's eyes flashed, and he said calmly: "No, it takes time to publicize this matter, and to let those in the royal family know that killing chickens and setting an example is effective.

The public trial will take time. Newspapers must be printed, and propaganda videos must be produced and played on TV.

"I understand." Li 4.0yue nodded slowly.

Mu Liang patted the silver-haired girl's hand and said gently, "You are tired too, go and rest.

"I'm not tired, I can accompany you for a while." Li Yue shook her head and said softly.

Mu Liang raised the girl's chin and said warmly: "The spirit doesn't look very good.

"Is there?" Li Yue's eyes drooped slightly.

"I'm sleepy, rest." Mu Liang stood up and hugged the silver-haired girl.

Li Yue's pretty face was slightly red, and she asked in a low voice, "Aren't you going to write new textbooks?"

"Don't worry, it will be the same again tomorrow." Mu Liang said clearly.

The corners of Li Yue's lips were slightly raised, and she whispered: "If your people know, will they say that I have brought disaster to the country and the people?""

"That's what they envy, hahaha." Mu Liang smiled.

0. . . . . . .

【3 more】: Please customize.


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