Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

1856: Combining multiple crimes. (3 more)

in court.

Velishaya sat in the first row of the auditorium, her long legs folded, and a gauze covered her face.

She blinked her beautiful eyes and whispered softly, "So many people."

There were more than 500 people listening in this time, not only the courtroom was full, but there were also temporary seats outside the courtroom.

Among the people who came to listen, there were many nobles, from different kingdom forces, who heard the news and then listened.

They wanted to see if the Xuanwu Kingdom really dared to attack the nobles of other kingdoms, which was related to the establishment of diplomatic relations in the future.

Velishaya waited silently, and when the swinging clock on the wall showed nine o'clock, the doors of the courtroom opened.

"Tap tap~~~"

Yue Qinlan, Lilina and others walked into the courtroom, attracting everyone's attention.

Yue Qinlan came to the judge's seat and sat down, Lilina sat next to her, and the others took their seats one after another.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa~~~

There was an uproar in the auditorium, whispering something.

"Please keep quiet at the court scene." Yue Qinlan raised her hand to signal.

The noisy voice gradually subsided, and everyone's eyes fell on Yue Qinlan.

The woman glanced sideways at Lilina, and the girl nodded knowingly.

Lilina stood up and said in a cold voice, "Criminalize 197."


The door on the other side of the courtroom opened, and Qikov was dragged into the courtroom by two bailiffs and sat on the trial seat.

His limbs and bones were cut off and he lost the ability to move. The purple-patterned light steel shackles on his hands and feet were enough to restrain him.

Lilina glanced at Qikov, and announced in a cold voice: "The public trial of Qikov will now begin."

"Boom, boom, boom~~~

The girl raised the wooden hammer and knocked it three times, and the trial officially began.

Qikov's spirit was very sluggish at this time, sitting on the trial seat, looking at Yue Qinlan and the others with gloomy eyes.

Behind him stood six bailiffs, followed by the gallery, flanked by recorders and other staff.

"Case review now. 35 Lilina continued.

After the girl finished speaking, another male staff member stood up and started to read with the material in his hand.

"Prisoner Qikov, at nine o'clock in the morning two days ago, Qilu, a staff member of the coveted bun shop, molested and forcibly harassed her. After being rejected, she forcibly kidnapped the victim Qilu.

"When we found Chilu, she had been brutally murdered and had her neck severed...(dbea)"

The serious voice of the staff made everyone present solemn.

Yue Qinlan looked at Qikov calmly, and asked, "Qikefu, have all the above mentioned wronged you?

"No." Qikov said weakly.

He was tormented by various punishments to the point of mental breakdown, and at this time, he wished for an early release.

Lilina said coldly: "The sinner Qikov has pleaded guilty, and the conviction and sentencing will begin next.

"According to the above, compared with the constitution of the Xuanwu Kingdom, Qikov committed the crime of intentional homicide, the crime of picking quarrels and provoking trouble, and the crime of personal insult..." Yue Qinlan said coldly.

She knocked on the wooden hammer in her hand: "Several crimes will be punished together, Qikov will be sentenced to death, and he will be fined 100 million yuan in Xuanwu coins. The property and property before his death will be confiscated until the amount of the fine is sufficient."5

Qikov was relieved when he heard the word 'death penalty', but death seemed to be a relief.

The onlookers were also in an uproar.

"Really dare to kill him?" an earl squeaked.

"It's hard to say, it's not killing now, maybe it's just for us to hear." Another noble pouted.

The noblewoman said: "She said that Kaikov's real estate and property were confiscated during his lifetime, he is a nobleman of the Meiya Kingdom, how can she confiscate it?

Velishaya pouted when she heard the words, with Mu Liang's strength and the ability of the Xuanwu Kingdom, this kind of thing is not difficult to do.

"Qikov's execution will be held tomorrow, outside the main city." Yue Qinlan left a sentence before leaving, which made those who were suspicious in their hearts stunned.

"Listen to what she means, when the execution is executed, we can also watch?" Someone asked uncertainly.

"I'll find out when I go outside the city tomorrow." A nobleman said expectantly.

"I'll go, it's really fun.

"I'm curious what the reaction will be from Meia Kingdom."

While they were arguing, the bailiff had already detained Kikov.

The door of the courtroom was fully opened, and the staff raised their hands to signal: "The public trial is over, please leave the unrelated persons.

Velishaya stood up and followed the flow of people and left the court.

In the courthouse, in the work area that is not open to the public.

Yue Qinlan walked gracefully, thinking about how to write in tomorrow's newspaper, so as to warn those outlaws to the greatest extent, and swear the importance of the constitution of the Xuanwu Kingdom, so as to protect more people.

Lilina couldn't hold back her curiosity and asked, "Lord Qinlan, how are we going to confiscate Qikov's property?

"Of course I sent someone to confiscate it." Yue Qinlan explained casually.

Lilina said puzzled: "Lord Qinlan, the Meiya Kingdom is inland, far away from the sea of ​​mist, when our people pass, Qikov's family should have transferred his property.

Yue Qinlan glanced back at the girl and said gracefully, "Don't worry, our people are faster, we should be here now.

"Hey, our people have already set off?" Lilina was stunned for a moment,

"Of course, it's still an incredible person who went there." Yue Qin's blue eyes flickered slightly.

As early as two or three days ago, Mu Liang's wooden avatar had left the sea of ​​mist and went to the Kingdom of Meiya alone.

With the strength of Mu Liang's wooden avatar, he can beat the king of the Meiya Kingdom to the ground, and confiscation of property is just a trivial matter.

The king of the Meiya Kingdom, is a ninth-rank peak powerhouse, and will not be the opponent of Mu Liang's wooden clone.

Lilina blinked her dark green eyes, and nodded her head blankly.

Yue Qinlan said gracefully, "Don't worry, you don't have to worry about this."

"Yes." Lilina nodded obediently.

"Lilina, when did you become so cute?" A surprised voice sounded, and Mia emerged from the shadow beside her.

"Mia, don't 'stab' me as soon as you come." Lilina couldn't hold back and rolled her eyes.

"Well, this is the real you." Mia's lips curled slightly.

"It's up to you." Lilina glared at Catwoman.

Yue Qinlan asked amusingly, "What's the matter with you coming? Mu Liang asked you to come?"

Mia nodded and said, "Yes, Mu Liang asked me to take you back to the highlands, Sister Qinyi is about to break through.

"Eh, now?" Yue Qinlan was shocked.

"Yes, let's go back first." Mia reached out and looked at Yue Qinlan.

The woman didn't hesitate, reached out to hold Catwoman's hand, and the next moment she was pulled into the shadow beside her, and the two disappeared.

"That's it? Lilina's pink lips parted slightly.

. . . . . . . . .

ps: [3 more]: Please customize.

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