Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

1857: Why is it so annoying. (1 more)

The kingdom of Meia, located in the interior of the New World.

Ordinary people set off from the kingdom of Meiya to the beach in a beast cart, and they traveled day and night, and it took nearly two months to reach the beach.

At this time, a figure appeared out of thin air over the territory of the Meiya Kingdom. It was the Mu Liang wooden clone who had been on the road for three days.

The position in front of him is the royal city of the Meiya Kingdom - Yaqing City.

Qikov's home was in Yaqing City. As a duke, his status in Yaqing City was second only to the king.

Mu Liang's wooden clone disappeared into the air, and when he reappeared, he had entered Yaqing City, in a dimly lit alley.

He turned his head and glanced behind him, and found a wild cat with all its hair blown up, hunched over and making a threatening neigh.

Mu Liang's wooden clone ignored the wild cat, walked away from the dirty and smelly alley, and came to the long street with a width of more than seven or eight meters outside.

The long street is much brighter than the alley, and the environment is still dirty and messy, with garbage and excrement everywhere on the ground~.


There were many people on the street, wearing all kinds of cumbersome and heavy clothes, and they all measured Mu Liang's wooden avatar when they passed by.

A noble girl sneered: "When you come out dressed like this, who is the slave of your family?

"It doesn't look like it, the fabric on his body is better than the fabric on your body, and he looks more like a nobleman. 99


Mu Liang's wooden clone ignored the people who were talking about it, and walked along the long street with a blank expression on his face.

Suddenly, a woman stopped in front of him.

This is a girl with long brown hair, only seventeen or eighteen years old, looking young and beautiful.

Luo Buluoer put her hands on her hips, raised her chin and asked, "Hey, you look so good-looking, are you married?

Mu Liang glanced at the girl with calm eyes and slowly shook his head.

Luo Buluoer's beautiful eyes lit up, and she asked, "If there is no marriage, does anyone have someone you like?"

Mu Liang's wooden clone ignored her and continued to walk forward.

"Hey, I'm talking to you." Luo Buluoer shouted angrily.

Mu Liang's wooden clone kept walking, ignoring Lobloll's voice.

Luo Buluoer asked in surprise: "Hey, aren't you dumb?"

She ran a few steps and stopped in front of Mu Liang's wooden clone again, staring at him with wide brown eyes.

Mu Liang looked at the girl with his avatar, thought for a while, and asked, "Do you know where Qikov's house is?"5

Luo Buluoer said stunned: "Hey, are you going to the Duke's Mansion?"

"Hmm." Mu Liang's wooden clone responded.

"So you're not dumb." Luo Buluoer rolled his eyes in hindsight.

She stepped aside and said with her hands behind her back, "I'll take you there, the Duke's Mansion is quite far from here.

"Okay." Mu Liang's clone was not polite, and nodded woodenly.

Luo Buluoer playfully said: "I can take you there, but you have to answer a few questions for me.

Mu Liang's wooden clone didn't speak, just looked at her quietly.

"Come with me." Rob Luoer pouted, walking with her hands behind her back to lead the way.

Mu Liang's wooden clone followed, but still didn't say a word.

Luo Buluoer rolled her eyes and asked slightly sideways, "My name is Luobuluoer, what's your name? 35

"Mu Liang." Mu Liang's wooden clone said calmly.

"Are you a noble?" Rob Luoer pressed while the iron was hot.

Mu Liang's wooden clone thought for a while, he was a king, so he should be considered a nobleman, right?

"Hmm." He nodded.

With the corners of Luo Buluo's mouth down, she muttered: "Ah, noble, I'm just an ordinary person, will I be unworthy of you?"

She lived in Yaqing City since she was a child, grew up with a family meal, and has a straightforward and generous personality.

Mu Liang's wooden clone kept quiet again, and the girl didn't mind, and continued to chant.

Luo Buluoer continued to ask: "Looking at your dress, you should not be from Yaqing City, where did you come from? 35

"Xuanwu Kingdom." Mu Liang's wooden clone said indifferently.

"Xuanwu Kingdom... I seem to have heard of it somewhere, but I can't remember it." Luo Buluoer frowned, and after thinking for a while, she didn't remember it.

Thinking of giving up in the end, she tilted her head and asked, "What are you doing at the Duke's Mansion?"

"Something." Mu Liang's wooden clone looked ahead.

Luo Buluoer said naively: "If you are here to find Duke Qikov, you should come early. He has left Yaqing City for more than two months and has not returned yet."

"Well, I know." Mu Liang's wooden clone responded.

Rob Luoer asked curiously: "It's not for the Duke, what's that for?"

Without waiting for Mu Liang to answer, she shook her head again and said, "Sorry, it's okay to not answer.

・・・・For flowers・・0

Mu Liang's wooden clone shut his mouth decisively and did not answer.

"Hmph." Loblol rolled his eyes.

Mu Liang's wooden clone ignored her, hoping that the girl could keep quiet.


Luo Buluoer is not a quiet character, she said to herself: "It should be your first time to Yaqing City, do you need me to show you around? 35

Mu Liang's wooden clone did not speak, and the girl continued to speak indifferently: "I will bring you, you will bring gold coins, let's go to the best taverns and restaurants in Yaqing City...?"

Mu Liang raised his hand and turned it over, took out an animal skin bag and handed it to the girl.

"What is this?" Luo Buluoer was stunned for a moment, and reached out to take the animal skin bag.

She opened it and took a look, her breathing became fast, and her eyes widened: "So many gold coins, are you going to give it to me?

"Well, shut up." Mu Liang's wooden clone said indifferently.

"I don't want it." Luo Buluoer shoved the gold coin back into the hands of Mu Liang's wooden clone.

Mu Liang's wooden clone was a little surprised, he thought the girl was a money fan, but now it doesn't seem to be the case.

Luo Buluoer rolled her eyes and asked shyly, "Mu Liang, we didn't know each other until the time of a bonfire, so you gave me so many gold coins, do you like me?

"You think too much." Mu Liang's wooden clone said indifferently.

Luo Buluoer's face was full of disbelief: "Then why did you give me so many gold coins?

Mu Liang's wooden avatar said truthfully: "I hope you will be quiet, and thank you for helping lead the way.

"..." Luo Buluoer's teeth were itching with anger, and she wanted to grab Mu Liang's wooden clone's hand and bite hard.

She Tsundere snorted coldly: "Hey, I won't take you there, find it yourself."

"Okay." Mu Liang's wooden clone kept his pace and continued to walk forward.

"Why so... irritating." Luo Buluoer shouted, hesitating and chasing after him.

Mu Liang turned his head to look at the girl sideways, unable to figure out what she was thinking.

"Hmph, I took you to the Duke's Mansion because I saw you were pitiful." Luo Buluoer snorted coldly.

"Isn't it because I'm good-looking?" Mu Liang asked rhetorically.

"...Shut up." Luo Buluoer's pretty face flushed, her mind was exposed, and she turned around and gave him a cover-up look.


ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code.

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