Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

1858: Isn't it normal to kill? (2 more) 1858: Isn't it normal to kill? (2 more)

"Tap tap~

Luo Buluoer looked sideways at Mu Liang's wooden avatar, looking at the expressionless face, her pretty face blushed again.

She murmured in a low voice: "A good-looking face is good-looking, but it's too dumb, like a piece of wood."

If Mu Liang's real body was here, he would probably nod his head in agreement, after all, the wooden avatar was indeed made of wood.

"Not yet?" Mu Liang asked with his wooden clone.

Luo Buluoer pouted and said, "Not yet."

"Hmm." Mu Liang's wooden clone nodded lightly.

Luo Buluoer rolled his eyes again, and said angrily: "Can't you say one more word?

"Yes." Mu Liang's wooden clone nodded indifferently.

"..." Luo Buluoer gritted her teeth, comforting herself in her heart, looking at such a beautiful face, don't be angry with him.

She turned her head and continued to stare at Mu Liang's wooden avatar, and found that the distance between each step he took was the same, and the swing of "197"'s arms was the same, so it didn't look like a real person.

Mu Liang turned his head sideways and asked, "What?"

"No, it's fine." Luo Buluoer shook her shoulders and shook her head without thinking too much.

"Well." Mu Liang's wooden clone turned his head again.

Luo Buluoer let out a sigh of relief, saw his face, and comforted herself inwardly. With such a beautiful face, imperfections in other parts are acceptable.

"Tap tap~

The two crossed an alley, came to another long street, and continued to walk north.

There are many people on the street, the ground is dirty, and the smell is particularly unpleasant.

Mu Liang's wooden clone looked at the pedestrians on the street. They looked natural, as if they couldn't smell the stench.

He turned his head and asked, "Doesn't the environment here smell bad to you?"

Luo Buluoer replied casually: "Compared to outside the city, the city is very smelly, so get used to it.

"Oh." Mu Liang's wooden clone nodded lightly.

The two turned left and right in Yaqing City for half an hour, the long street became wider, and the surrounding houses became larger and tidy.

Luo Buluoer hid behind Mu Liang's wooden avatar and whispered: "This is the noble district, where the royal family and wealthy businessmen live.

"Are you afraid?" Mu Liang asked with his wooden clone.

"I'm not afraid." Lob Luoer wrinkled her nose.

Mu Liang's wooden clone asked calmly, "Then why are you hiding?"

"I just don't want to cause trouble. Those nobles will drive people away when they see the poor coming here." Lob Luoer pouted.

In the eyes of the nobles, the poor are not worthy to step into the area where the nobles live, and the nobles with bad temper will even attack the commoners.

Mu Liang's wooden clone said indifferently: "With me, you are very safe.

"Are you very strong?" Luo Buluoer blinked her beautiful brown eyes.

"Yeah." Mu Liang nodded confidently.

Luo Buluoerhu asked: "Can you beat the seventh-order knight?"

"Yes." Mu Liang's wooden clone said succinctly.

"That's good, I'm not afraid anymore." Luo Buluoer raised her chin and walked down the long street openly.

Mu Liang's wooden clone's eyes flickered slightly, and he continued to move forward with the girl.

"Tap tap~~~"

In the area where the nobles lived, there were not many people on the streets, but there were quite a few animal carts.

"Let's step aside." Luo Buluoer reached out and grabbed Mu Liang's sleeve and walked sideways.

"Don't be afraid." Mu Liang said indifferently.

He was looking for trouble.

"Tap tap~35

The scolding sounded: "The untouchables in front, get out of the way.

Mu Liang looked up and saw that it was a beast cart. The cart was pulled by three ferocious beasts, bigger than an adult octagonal tusk beast.

The driver was a knight, wearing dark black armor, and the long whip in his hand slammed the beast on the beast, and the speed of the beast car was even faster.

The knight saw that Mu Liang and the girl did not slow down, but accelerated their speed. If they were two ordinary people, they would be trampled or killed by the monsters pulling the cart.

Luo Buluoer said in horror: "It's the beast car of the Duke's Mansion, let's get out of the way.

"From the Duke's Mansion?" Mu Liang's wooden clone stopped moving even more after hearing the words.

"Mu Liang, it's too dangerous." Rob Luoer screamed.

"Untouchables, if you don't let go, you will die." The driver's eyes turned cold.

He is from the Duke's Mansion and has a high status in Yaqing City. He is used to driving recklessly.

Mu Liang's wooden clone did not dodge or dodge, and under the girl's terrified and desperate eyes, he raised his hand and waved lightly.


The next moment, the three demon beasts and the knights pulling the carts turned into a blood fog that was directly strangled by the distorted space.

The beast car that lost the demon beast continued to move forward due to inertia, and when it was about to approach Mu Liang's wooden clone, it stopped as if it hit an invisible wall.

"This... Luo Buluoer opened her pink lips and stared at the scene in front of her in a stunned manner...


The animal carriage fell apart, and the person in the car fell to the ground, a young man.

"Hey, my butt, I fell to death." The young man cried out in pain, his face turning pale.

He raised his head to look at Mu Liang, and said viciously: "Things without eyes, dare to shoot at me, do you know who I am?

"Who?" Mu Liang's wooden clone asked indifferently.

The young man stood up and said arrogantly: "My father is the Duke, who do you think I am?

"Qikov is your father?" Mu Liang's avatar's tone was still calm.

A wicked smile appeared on the young man's face, and he grinned: "Yes, now kneel down and kowtow to apologize, then chop off your legs, and crawl away from here on your knees, I can spare you."

"It seems that you don't know about Qikov yet." Mu Liang's wooden clone suddenly said.

The young man was stunned for a moment and asked subconsciously, "What do you know, what happened to my father?"

Mu Liang's wooden clone said coldly, "Your father will die tomorrow."

Luo Buluoer's pink lips opened wider, and only now did she realize that Mu Liang's avatar was not here to talk about things, but to look for things.

"You dare to curse my father, you are courting death." The young man glared.

"I'm telling the truth." Mu Liang's eyes were still calm.

Luo Buluoer's eyebrows jumped, and she said softly: "Mu Liang, stop talking..."

Mu Liang's wooden avatar said word by word: "Qikov killed someone in the Xuanwu Kingdom, he will be executed, and he will be fined 100 million Xuanwu coins. I am here to collect a fine."

Luo Buluo 4.0'er and the youth were dumbfounded. They understood every word that Mu Liang's clone said, but it sounded magical.

"My father killed? Isn't this normal?" the young man said in amazement.

"Is this normal?" Rob Luoer woke up and stared angrily at the young man.

Mu Liang's wooden clone opened the mouth and said, "Pay 100 million yuan in indemnity."

"Are you a fool?" The young man pouted.

In his opinion, Mu Liang was just talking crazy.

Mu Liang's wooden clone nodded slowly: "If that's the case, then I'll take it myself. 99

He turned his head to the girl and said, "Continue to the Duke's Mansion.

"Really?" Loblol swallowed.

"Don't waste time." Mu Liang's wooden clone lifted his eyes.

Luo Buluoer nodded his head in a ghostly way: "Okay...

. . . . . . . .

ps: [2 more]: Please customize.

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