Mu Liang's wooden clone followed Lobloll around the youth and walked forward with a clear goal.

With an ugly face, the young man shouted, "Stop for me."

Mu Liang's wooden clone ignored him, raised his hand and grasped it with five fingers.

Luo Buluoer glanced back, wondering why he didn't follow.

"Concentrate on leading the way." Mu Liang's wooden clone looked at the girl.

"Okay." Luo Buluoer's pretty face flushed, and she became more curious about Mu Liang's wooden avatar. It turns out that good-looking people are not weak.

"Tap tap~~

After half an hour.

Rob Luoer stopped, raised his finger and pointed to the towering courtyard wall in front of him: "There is the Duke's Mansion.

"Well." Mu Liang's wooden clone looked at the courtyard wall of the Duke's Mansion and stepped forward.

Luo Buluoer hesitated for a moment, but dared to follow.

Mu Liang's wooden clone went straight to the courtyard wall, and when approached, the wall split to both sides, revealing the way forward.

Luo Buluoer was startled again, what kind of magician is the man in front of him?

The appearance of the two quickly attracted the attention of the guards of the Duke's Mansion.

"Tap tap~~~"

31 The guards held spears and surrounded the two of them: "Who are you?"

"I'm not too timid, I just broke into the duke's mansion and caught it. 35 The head of the guard said angrily.

"Get out of the way." Mu Liang raised his hand and grabbed it.

The next moment, the gravity changed, the guards pressed into the deep pit unprepared, and the soil closed up, leaving only one head on the ground.

Mu Liang's wooden clone didn't even look at them, and continued to walk towards the building in front.

Luo Buluoer was speechless, looking at the guards who were terrified, and hurriedly followed the pace of Mu Liang's wooden clone.

This was in the Duke's Mansion, she was just an ordinary person, and she didn't follow Mu Liang's wooden clone, for fear that she didn't know how she died.


Mu Liang's wooden clone kept walking, and the guards and knights he encountered along the way were buried in the ground, and the strong ones were tied up with spider silk, and no one could stand up to him.

Luo Buluoer's beautiful eyes shone brightly, looking at Mu Liang's wooden avatar's eyes, as if he was looking at a senior who admired and admired.

Several noble ladies appeared and scolded: "Who are you, who are running rampant in the Duke's Mansion, aren't you afraid that Qikov will come back to trouble you?"

"Mu Liang, they are Qikov's women." Luo Buluoer reminded in a low voice.

"Just right." Mu Liang's wooden clone's eyes lit up.

"Huh?" Loblol was stunned for a moment.

"I came from the Xuanwu Kingdom, and Qikov committed a crime and needs to pay a fine of 100 million Yuanwu coins. Mu Liang's wooden clone raised his eyes.

He said in a serious tone: "Converting it into a magical beast spar, you need to pay one hundred ninth-order magical beast spar, or two thousand eighth-order magical beast spar.

The ninth-order monster spar can be exchanged for one million yuan of Xuanwu coins in the Xuanwu Kingdom.

The eighth-order monster spar can be exchanged for 500,000 yuan of basalt coins in the basalt kingdom

The ladies cursed: "Where's the lunatic, just say some crazy things."

"You'd better leave quickly or die. 35

"The palace is next to it. Your Excellency is so arrogant, you don't take the king in your eyes."


"Forbidden." Mu Liang's wooden clone had a cold face.

The ladies widened their eyes in horror and found themselves speechless, unable to make a sound.

Mu Liang's wooden clone said indifferently: "Since you guys don't cooperate, then I'll take it myself.

He stepped into the building behind the ladies, and the maids were all terrified and didn't dare to stop him.

The ladies wanted to stop it, but found that they were powerless, unable to move at all.

Luo Buluoer's eyes showed surprise, and followed Mu Liang's wooden clone into the house.

Under her astonished gaze, Mu Liang waved his hand, and the valuables on the table and the wall were put into the carry-on space.


In a short while, the contents of the first room were swept away.

Mu Liang's wooden clone walked to another building, passing a herb garden, and with a thought, even the herbs were brought into the portable space.

"...He's not a nobleman, he's a robber." Luo Buluoer was stunned.

Not only the girl was stunned, but the maids and guards were speechless.

Mu Liang went into the second building, only to find that it was a warehouse. There were many boxes of different sizes piled up in it. After opening them, there were various valuable items.

He was not polite, and took away everything that he didn't keep.

"There are no boxes left..." Rob Luoer whispered.

Mu Liang looked back at her with a wooden clone: ​​"Have any opinions?"

"No, do you need help?" Luo Buluoer smiled bitterly.

"No." Mu Liang turned his head and walked towards the next building.

Under the watchful eyes of the people at the Duke's residence, Mu Liang's wooden avatar visited all the buildings, and all the valuables were put into his personal space.

"It's over, it's over." The maid murmured softly.

"Let's escape, we won't be able to afford food if we stay here." Another maid whispered.

"Yes, while they can't move, let's run." The maids looked at each other in agreement, turned and ran out without saying a word.

Mu Liang's wooden clone did not stop them, but turned the soil in the duke's mansion.


The ground shook, and some buildings collapsed, revealing the warehouses buried underground.

"Hey, it turns out that there is a secret vault underground." Luo Buluoer was surprised.

The ladies widened their eyes angrily. The underground warehouses were filled with magical beast spar, various precious magical beast materials, magic tools, potions and other items.

Mu Liang's wooden clone raised his hand and waved, and the steel door of the warehouse collapsed, revealing 197 rows of wooden shelves in the warehouse, which were filled with various items.

He was not polite, and put all of them into his personal space.

Luo Buluoer pointed to the open space not far away: "Mu Liang, the land over there has not been moved, there may be a warehouse below.

"Hmm." Mu Liang's wooden clone responded.

He lifted his foot and lightly stepped on the ground, and another piece of land collapsed, revealing the warehouse below.

Luo Buluoer's small mouth opened slightly: "I just said it casually, it's true..."

Those nobles glared at the girl, if eyes could kill, Lobloll might have died thousands of times.

"Ha, ha, ha..." Luo Buluoer laughed dryly.

Mu Liang's wooden clone cast an admiring look at Rob Luoer, and then took away all the things in the warehouse.

Luo Buluoer was sobbing, afraid that she would not be able to continue living in Yaqing City, otherwise she would be cut into pieces by the duke's mansion as soon as Mu Liangmu's clone left.

"I really just said it casually."

She explained to the people in the duke's palace again.

However, the explanation is useless, and can only get a look of hatred, so that the girl can't wait to dig a hole to hide herself.


The ground shook, and Mu Liang's wooden clone continued to dig the soil, seemingly going to turn over the entire duke's mansion.

. . . . . . . . .

ps: [3 more]: Please customize.

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