Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

1860: Execution of the death penalty. (1 more)

"Boom, boom, boom~

In the Xuanwu Kingdom, the bells echoed in the main city.

In the main city, on the main road leading to the outside of the city, two octagonal tusk beasts were pulling a six-wheeled carriage made of colored glass and were heading out of the city.

The animal carriage was surrounded by six highland guards and twelve soldiers. Mia and Yan Bing were driving in front of the carriage, and Qikov was imprisoned in the carriage.

Mia raised her hand and glanced at her watch: "There's still half an hour."5

"It's too late." Yan Bing raised his eyes and looked forward. At the end of the road was a towering city wall.

Qikov's execution took place outside the main city, and ten o'clock was the execution time.

Mia looked back at the carriage behind her, Qikov's limbs were fixed at the four corners of the carriage, his head was lowered and he did not speak.

She said coldly, "The first execution after the establishment of the Xuanwu Kingdom is also a kind of honor."

Qikov moved a bit, slowly raised his head to look at Catwoman, grinned and asked, "Do you want this honor?"

"You deserve it." Mia pouted and turned her head to look forward.

The corners of Yan Bing's lips were slightly raised, and she and Catwoman exchanged glances.

"Cough cough~~~"

Mia coughed a few times to cover up and changed the subject: "Mu Liang should also set off. 35

"It should be, I won't be late." Yan Bing said softly.

This time, Mu Liang will be there to watch the execution to show the public's attention, and also let the foreign royal family know that the constitution of the Xuanwu Kingdom is true and valid.

And, the stern attitude towards criminals.

"Tap tap~~~

The octagonal tusk beast galloped on the wide and straight main road, getting closer and closer to the main city gate.

When the animal cart drove out of the main city, many people could be seen outside the execution ground from a distance.

The execution ground, the place where the death penalty was executed, was built at a location kilometer away from the main city.

When the animal carriage drove into the execution ground, it welcomed the attention of the onlookers.


The door of the carriage opened, and Qikov was pulled out of the carriage and knelt on the execution ground.

"It's Qikov, do you really want to kill him?" The crowd roared.

Many of the onlookers were royal aristocrats. They came here out of curiosity, just to see if the Xuanwu Kingdom would really kill Qikov.

"Looking at this posture, it's not like a joke~.

"I still don't believe it, unless Qikov really dies."

"I don't believe it either. Just for a little thing, I won't really offend the Kingdom of Meiya."

The onlookers started to discuss, and everyone's mind was different, but they were all waiting for ten o'clock to come.


"what sound?"

Some people turned their heads in confusion and looked behind them, which was the direction of the main city gate.

Life is getting bigger and bigger, attracting more people's attention, and they all turn their heads and look behind them.

It didn't take long for six motorcycles to gallop out from the city gate. The highland guards drove the motorcycles, and the ghost cloak shield fluttered in the air.

Behind the motorcycle is a car with a purple-patterned light steel shell, followed by six motorcycles.


The convoy drove towards the execution ground at an astonishingly fast speed, making the crowd exclaimed.

"What is that?" exclaimed from the crowd.

When the convoy approached the execution ground, the speed slowed down, and finally stopped on the square inside the execution ground.

"Tap tap~

The highland guards got off their motorcycles neatly and stood in two rows next to the cars.


The driver's door opened, Li Yue got out of the car and opened the rear door of the car.

Mu Liang and Hu Xian got out of the car one after another, and hundreds of eyes suddenly came to them.

The fox fairy looked sideways and smiled.

Many people were struck by their hearts, and they praised the beauty of the foxtail woman.

Mu Liang glanced at his watch and said calmly, "I'm not late. 39

Li Yue also glanced at the time and said softly, "It's five minutes earlier."

After three days of driving, she was able to drive a car freely.

"Your Majesty." Mia and Yan Bing stepped forward.

The two took Qikov to set off from Highland Prison, but did not set out with Mu Liang and others.

Mu Liang said indifferently: "Well, prepare for the execution."

"Yes." Yan Bing responded and turned around to arrange for soldiers to prepare sniper rifles.

Mia asked softly, "Isn't Sister Qinlan here today?

Mu Liang explained casually: "Qinyi has just made a breakthrough and is still establishing a solid foundation. She stays and takes care of her."

Just yesterday, Yue Qinyi successfully broke through and entered the ninth rank. She suffered a lot of internal injuries. After taking the healing medicine, she needed to rest for two days to fully recover.

"That's it." Mia nodded slowly.

Mu Liang put his hands behind his back and looked at the people on the outside of the execution ground. He saw many familiar people who had participated in the auction. They were the royal lords of various kingdoms, and their status was not low.

Li Yue said softly, "No one will make trouble, right?"

Mu Liang sneered and said calmly: "I'm afraid they don't have the guts.

He really wanted someone to make trouble, so that he could use it to kill chickens as an example.

"Your Majesty, get ready. 35 Yan Bing returned to Mu Liang and raised her hand to salute.

Mu Liang turned to look, and a hundred meters away from Qikov, stood a soldier in purple-patterned light steel armor, holding a sniper rifle in his hand, with a straight waist.

"々, you can execute at any time." Yan Bing said coldly.

"Well, wait a while." Mu Liang glanced at the time.

He turned his head and said: "The camera is ready, and the whole process will be filmed."

Mia respectfully said: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, filming has already started before your arrival. 35

Outside, when there are outsiders, Mia and others will use honorific titles when talking to Mu Liang to show respect.

Mu Liang said with satisfaction: "Very good, wait for the ten o'clock bell to ring, and then execute the execution."

"Yes." Yan Bing raised his hand and glanced at his watch, two minutes before ten o'clock.

"Boom, boom, boom~~~

When the bell rang again, Yan Bing raised his hand and nodded to the soldier in charge of the execution.

The soldier understood, raised his sniper rifle in a positive manner, unlocked the safety lock, and aimed the muzzle at the back of Qikov's head.

"What is this going to do?" The onlookers looked in surprise.

Yan Bing said in a cold voice: "Qikov, if there is a medicine for regret, would you still attack Qilu?"

Qikov raised his head when he heard the words (De Nuo Zhao), and the originally dull eyes became more radiant.

He laughed miserably: "Hahahaha

"Execution." Yan Bing's eyes became cold.


The soldier pulled the trigger, the sniper rifle vibrated, and the bullet pierced through the chamber.


The next moment, Qikov's head exploded like a watermelon.


The soldiers who executed the execution stood up and raised their hands to salute Mu Liang and others.

"Let's go, go back." Mu Liang's eyes were indifferent, and he got into the car.

The onlookers fell into a dead silence, and many people shuddered.

"Dead, really killed Qikov.

"How dare you, is this going to go to war with the Kingdom of Meiya?"

The nobles were in an uproar, but the commoners of the Xuanwu Kingdom cheered, happy for the dead Qilu.

0. . . . . . .

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code.

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