In the Kingdom of Meiya, Yaqing City, in an unknown restaurant.

On the second floor by the window, Mu Liang's wooden clone and Rob Luoer sat facing each other.

The table is full of food, such as grilled meat, green vegetables, boiled meat, etc., each of which makes Mu Liang Mu's clone have no appetite.

Luo Buluoer was very happy to eat, grabbing the meat with the left hand and holding the cake with the right hand, and ate it up.

"Ow, it's delicious." She pouted, her face covered in oil stains.

Mu Liang's wooden clone looked calmly, but did not move the food on the table.

"Wuwu, why don't you eat?" Luo Buluoer raised her eyes and asked.

"You can eat." Mu Liang's wooden clone shook his head.

Luo Buluoer raised the white meat in his hand and invited: "It's delicious, let's try it."

"No."" Mu Liang's wooden avatar simply refused.

"Tsk, I don't know how to enjoy." Luo Buluoer pouted.

Mu Liang's wooden clone moved the corners of his mouth, wondering in his heart, why can a young girl eat such an unpalatable food with such relish?


Luo Buluoer continued to chew the pieces of meat with a face full of enjoyment, and took a sip of the cold water at hand.

She rubbed the corner of her mouth with the back of her hand, burped, and asked, "Mu Liang, where are you going next?"

Mu Liang's wooden clone said indifferently, "Return to the Xuanwu Kingdom."

Loblol paused and asked, "When is 197?"

Mu Liang's wooden clone said calmly, "I'll leave when you're full.

He has turned the duke's mansion upside down, and all the valuable things have been taken away by him. The purpose of coming to Yaqing City has been achieved, and it is time to go back.

After completing the search of the duke's mansion, Mu Liang's wooden avatar left the duke's mansion with the girl. He rested for the night in a house with no one in the city, and came here for dinner the next day.

"So fast!" Rob Luoer exclaimed.

Mu Liang's wooden clone did not speak, but just looked at the girl with a blank expression.

"You're gone, what should I do?" Lob Luoer bit her lower lip.

"What should I do?" Mu Liang's wooden clone frowned slightly.

"I accompany you to the Duke's Mansion, they all know me. 99

Luo Buluoer pouted, lowered her head and said, "You leave, leave me here, what should they do if they seek revenge from me?

The girl looked at the food in front of her, and suddenly lost all her appetite, her hand holding the water glass tightened, and her emotions dropped visibly.

Mu Liang's wooden clone was silent for a moment.

"Don't worry, I can take care of myself." Loblol squeezed out a smile.

She pushed down the plate in front of her, and said softly: "You better eat some, and go back when you're full.

"Don't eat." Mu Liang refused again.

"Oh...?" Luo Buluoer bit her lower lip, her brown eyes flushed slightly.

"Are you full?" Mu Liang asked with his wooden clone.

"Well, I'm full." Luo Buluoer replied in a low voice.

"Let's go then. 35 Mu Liang's wooden clone stood up.

Luo Buluoer waved his hand weakly: "Go, see you by fate.

Mu Liang's wooden clone turned back to look at the girl: "Aren't you going?"

"Where?" Lobloer asked aggrieved.

Mu Liang's wooden clone said indifferently, "Follow me to the Xuanwu Kingdom. 95

"Eh?" Luo Buluoer's beautiful eyes suddenly lit up, and her whole face was radiant.

She stood up excitedly and hurriedly asked: "Really? Are you going to take me back to the Xuanwu Kingdom?


Mu Liang nodded his head and asked, "You don't want to?"

"I think, I think." Luo Buluoer nodded vigorously.

"Let's go." Mu Liang's wooden clone said expressionlessly.

"Wait a minute, take these food with you." Luo Buluoer shouted, tearing off the hem of her clothes to pack the rest of the food.

Mu Liang's wooden clone raised his hand and swept it, all the food on the table was taken into the swallowing space in his body.

"Ah, it's still edible." Luo Buluoer exclaimed.

"There are better food." Mu Liang's wooden clone said calmly.

"Really?" Luo Buluoer's eyes were suspicious.

"Don't waste time, go." Mu Liang turned around and walked out.

"Okay." Luo Buluoer pouted, followed Mu Liang and left the restaurant.

As soon as the two walked out of the restaurant (dbea), they were stopped before they took a few steps.

"Mu Liang, how do we get to the Xuanwu Kingdom?" Luo Buluoer lowered her head and wiped her clothes with her hands.

She didn't notice that Mu Liang's wooden clone stopped and almost slammed his head into his back.

"Hey, why did you stop?" Lob Luoer tilted her head.

The girl turned her head to the side, only to see the three people blocking her way.

These are three men, all of them older, one of them wearing silver knight armor and holding a spear in his hand.

The other was wearing a large red robe, with white hair, and also held a magic wand in his hand.

The third person looked most like an ordinary person, wearing a dark red robe and without any weapons in his hands.

"It's the knight commander and the great magician."" The passing townspeople exclaimed, revealing the identities of the two of them.

Suddenly someone exclaimed: "That, that is His Majesty the King!


The people around were in an uproar, and many people fell to their knees.

Luo Buluoer's face turned pale and swallowed hard. The three of them were the strongest in Yaqing City.

"Don't get in the way." Mu Liang opened his mouth with a wooden clone.

Luo Buluoer's heart skipped a beat, and she wanted to shout, how dare you speak to the three powerhouses like that?

The knight commander said with a dark face: "Your Excellency came to our Yaqing City and wanted to destroy the duke's mansion. Are you not taking my Meiya Kingdom in your eyes?"

The great magician said coldly: "Stop talking nonsense with him, grab him and torture him.

"Wait a minute." King Maya said solemnly.

"Your Majesty?" The knight commander looked puzzled.

King Maya looked at Mu Liang's wooden clone and asked, "Your Excellency is from the Xuanwu Kingdom?"

"Yes." Mu Liang gave him a look from his wooden clone.

The King of Meiya asked in a deep voice: "What mistake Duke Qikov has made, you need your Excellency to take action in person.

Mu Liang's wooden clone said in a flat tone: "He violated the laws of Xuanwu City, kidnapped civilians privately, tortured them and then escaped. According to the results of the public trial, he was sentenced to death and sentenced to 100 million yuan in Xuanwu coins."

"Execution?" The great magician widened his eyes angrily.

"Well, dead." Mu Liang's wooden clone said calmly.

The great magician shouted sharply: "Damn, no matter how wrong he is, it will not be your Xuanwu Kingdom's turn to attack him. 55

Mu Liang's wooden clone said coldly: "In the Xuanwu Kingdom, we must abide by the laws of the Xuanwu Kingdom, no matter who is the same, we have the right to punish them if they don't obey.

King Meiya frowned and said indifferently: "Just because of this, you killed him?

"Killing for life is very reasonable." Mu Liang's wooden avatar still had his hands behind his back.

The girl behind him held her breath and tried to reduce her presence as much as possible. The three people in front of her were all beings that could not be offended.


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