Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

1862: This is the repression of absolute power. (3 more)

The knight commander said with a black face: "If a commoner dies, he dies, because this duke who killed our kingdom, your king is too narrow-minded.

Mu Liang looked at the knight commander with his wooden clone: ​​"In the Xuanwu Kingdom, whether a noble or a commoner violates the laws of the Xuanwu Kingdom, the fate is the same. 39

Luo Buluoer's pink lips parted slightly, her heart trembled, and she respected and worshipped the king of the Xuanwu Kingdom, whom she had never seen before.

In her opinion, a king who can think about the common people deserves her respect and admiration~.

She secretly glanced at the Great Knight Commander and the others, and saw that their faces were as black as the bottom of a pot, which made people fear.

"Fuck, how can nobles be the same as commoners?" the big-magic said angrily.

Mu Liang's wooden avatar said indifferently: "It's the same in the Xuanwu Kingdom. Qikov knows that the laws of the Xuanwu Kingdom prohibit fighting and murder, knowingly committing crimes."

King Meiya suddenly asked: "I'm very curious, how did your Excellency come here in such a short time from Misty Sea to Yaqing City?

"It has nothing to do with you." Mu Liang's wooden clone said coldly.

King Meiya sneered: "If you don't say it, your Excellency can't leave here."

Qikov's death, and the existence of the Duke's Palace, he didn't care, what he cared about was how Mu Liang's wooden clone managed to cross the sea and most of the inland in a short period of time.

Mu Liang's wooden clone said indifferently: "Your Excellency is the king, it's not a good thing to be beaten down by me in front of so many people.

"What?" King Maya laughed angrily, as if he had heard a joke.

"Give you a chance, get out of the way." Mu Liang's wooden clone still had his hands behind his back.

King Meiya snorted coldly, raised his hand and waved: "Humph, take him down."

"Yes." The Great Knight Commander and the Great Magician looked at each other and approached Mu Liang's clone one after the other.

The Great Knight Commander raised his spear and stabbed Mu Liang's clone with all his strength.

The great magician raised his magic wand, chanted a spell in his mouth, and the fire element in the air jumped violently.

"Mu Liang, be careful!" Luo Buluoer said anxiously.

"Shut up." Mu Liang's avatar's tone was calm.

66..." The corners of Lobloll's eyes jumped.

Mu Liang's wooden clone looked ahead, and with a thought, the surrounding gravity changed.

The Great Knight Commander's expression changed, his body was like a toppled domino, and he lay face down on the ground abruptly.


Not only him, but also the great magician, who had a close contact with the ground.

"What, what's going on..." The great magician squeezed out a few words.

He felt that a 10,000-ton mountain was pressing down on his body, making people breathless, and the bones all over his body seemed to burst.

The Great Knight Commander moved a bit, blushing and trying to get up, but unfortunately all failed.

Mu Liang's wooden clone glanced at him, and the multiplier of gravity rose again, causing the Great Knight Commander to lie down completely.

With a suffocated look on his face, he turned his head to look at Mu Liang's wooden clone with difficulty, his eyes were filled with anger and fear, and he felt powerless in his heart, which was the suppression of absolute strength.

"Pfft..." The great magician even vomited blood.

Although he is strong, as a magician, his weak body is his fatal weakness.

Luo Buluoer's expression froze for a while, this is a win?

She looked at Mu Liang's wooden avatar with shining eyes, and her worship of him rose to a new height, almost a god-like existence.

"Are you still fighting?" Mu Liang's wooden clone looked at King Maya with a dull expression.

He saved a face for King Maya and didn't let him fall down in front of the people, otherwise it would be too much trouble to destroy a country or something.

"No, don't fight." King Maya's throat moved, and cold sweat slid down his forehead.

He had no chance of winning in his heart, so he didn't dare to split up with Mu Liang, because he couldn't see through the opponent's true strength.

Mu Liang's wooden clone stared at the corner of King Maya's eyes and said word by word: "If you have any opinions, you can come to Xuanwu Kingdom to find me in the future."

"...Okay." King Maya responded with a stern voice.

"What's going on, why did the knight commander and the great magician lie down before they fought?"

"Is this... a loss?""

"Am I dreaming, the great magician is an eighth-order fire magician, why did he lose before he fought?"

The townspeople were discussing, and the words reached the ears of the two lying on the ground, their faces were even more ugly, and their hearts were so depressed that they were about to explode.

"Let's go." Mu Liang's wooden clone waved to the girl.

"Oh, good." Luo Buluoer came back to her senses and quickly followed the pace of Mu Liang's wooden clone.

She looked back at King Maya step by step, and she was shocked. How strong is the man next to her?

"Stretch out your hand." Mu Liang's wooden clone suddenly said.

··For flowers....0

"Ah, are you going to hold hands so soon?" Luo Buluoer's pretty face flushed, and she began to make up her mind about the scene of walking into the marriage hall with Mu Liang's avatar.

Mu Liang frowned slightly, what was this girl thinking?

"Come on." He reminded blankly.

"Okay." Luo Buluoer blushed, and Mu Liang grabbed his wrist as soon as he stretched out his hand.


Without waiting for the girl to speak, the two disappeared in place.

In the endless darkness, Luo Buluoer felt fearful, her body was pulled forward by Mu Liang's clone, and her consciousness was a little blurry.

After a breath or two, the two appeared outside Yaqing City.


Luo Buluoer took a deep breath, and just after seeing the surrounding environment, after recognizing that it was outside Yaqing City, her body disappeared again in place.

Mu Liang's wooden avatar took the girl to perform a dozen shadow jumps, and finally appeared in a small town.


The girl's face was pale and her breathing was rapid.

She raised her fingers tremblingly and looked at Mu Liang's wooden avatar, accusing: "You are going to kill me."

"You're too weak." Mu Liang's wooden clone sternly said.

If it was just him, it would only take three days to return to the sea of ​​mist, but now with the girl, it would take twice as long.

"...? I'm just an ordinary person." Rob Luoer shouted.

Mu Liang's wooden clone said indifferently: "Take an hour's rest, and then continue on the road. 55

Luo Buluoer's brown eyes widened: "I can't recover with only an hour's rest, and I will really die if I go on like this.

"No." Mu Liang raised his hand, condensed a mass of life elements, and slapped it into the girl's body to help her recover from the consumption of her body.

"Hey, what is this, it's so comfortable." Luo Buluoer narrowed her eyes and let out a coquettish panting.

"Shut up." Mu Liang moved his fingers, and the girl's voice stopped abruptly.

Luo Buluoer stared at him, his mouth kept moving, but no sound came out.

Mu Liang's wooden avatar felt quiet, and closed his eyes to resume his body consumption.

The girl opened her mouth and gestured for a while, and finally felt bored, so she honestly sat down cross-legged to regain her strength.


ps: [3 more]: Ask for a custom towel.

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