Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

1865: Stop saying I'm weak. (3 more)

On the vast sea, a boat made of colored glass moved forward in the wind.

Mu Liang's wooden clone stood at the bow of the boat and controlled the glazed boat to move forward rapidly.


Luo Buluoer lay on the side of the boat and spit out everything she had eaten at noon.

"It hurts me." She rubbed the corner of her mouth with the back of her hand, raised her eyes and looked aggrievedly at Mu Liang's wooden clone.

"You're just seasick, your body is too weak." Mu Liang said without looking back.

Luo Buluoer pouted: "Hmph, don't say I'm weak, it's not what I thought. 35

It has been six days since she left Yaqing City. During these six days, she has experienced dozens of shadow jumps and over ten hours of high-speed flight.

Now I have to take the boat again. In the words of Mu Liang's wooden clone, I can rest on the boat without delaying the journey.

It's just that the girl herself did not expect that she was seasick.

Mu Liang said indifferently: "You can exercise your body and improve your immunity.

"How to exercise?" Luo Buluoer covered her mouth and didn't want to vomit, her words became blurred.

Mu Liang's wooden clone said calmly: "There are many ways, but they are all very hard. If you want to improve your physical fitness, I can let someone train you.

The little maids in the palace are trained every day, and bringing a Lobloll will not get in the way.

"Okay." Rob Luoer whimpered, lying on the edge of the boat and vomited again.

"..." Mu Liang sighed with his wooden clone, raised his hand to condense a mass of life elements, and patted it inside the girl's body to make her feel better.

"It's much better." Luo Buluoer breathed a sigh of relief, and blinked gratefully at Mu Liang's wooden clone.

She sat up against the guardrail of the boat, hugged her knees and said, "Mu Liang, isn't your status in the Xuanwu Kingdom very high?

"Hmm." Mu Liang's wooden clone responded.

"What's your identity?" Rob Luoer asked curiously.

Mu Liang glanced at the girl with his wooden clone, and said calmly, "Guess what.

Luo Buluoer tilted his head and thought for a while: "With your strength, you should be at the level of a protector of the country, right?""

`…" Mu Liang turned his head back and did not speak.

"Isn't it right? Or guessed it right?" Rob Luoer asked.

"Shut up." Mu Liang raised his hand, and the glazed boat floated out of the water and flew forward at a faster speed.

"Flying again." Luo Buluoer shrank her head, she was a little afraid of heights.


The boat flew for five hours before falling back to the surface and slowing down.

Luo Buluoer breathed a sigh of relief and asked softly, "Mu Liang, haven't you arrived at the Xuanwu Kingdom yet? 55

"I can arrive before dark." Mu Liang's wooden clone said calmly.

"Okay." Luo Buluoer pursed her lips.

Mu Liang's wooden clone raised his hand and waved, and the water elements in the air gathered, turning into a ball of water and floating in front of the girl.

"Thank you." Luo Buluoer's brown eyes lit up, opened his mouth to absorb the water ball, and swallowed.

Mu Liang glanced at the girl from his clone: ​​"If you're thirsty, or if you're hungry, just say it.

"Oh, hiccup~~~" Lob Luoer hiccupped.

..." Mu Liang's wooden clone turned his head decisively.

Luo Buluoer laughed, the brown hair was messed up by the wind, full of youthful breath.

But she soon stopped laughing. For the next half hour, the girl clamped her legs and bit her lower lip to hold back something.

Mu Liang's wooden clone was puzzled, why was the noisy girl suddenly quiet for so long?

He turned around and asked, "What's the matter with you?"

Luo Buluo's pretty face flushed, and she whispered softly: "Mu Liang, I want to pee...?"

"What?" Mu Liang's wooden clone frowned.

"It's just shhhhh..." Rob Luoer blushed and widened her eyes.

"Oh." With a thought, Mu Liang's wooden clone made a toilet on the boat and built another hut.

Rob Luoer breathed a sigh of relief, got up and went into the hut, looked at the toilet and studied it for a while, before realizing that it was necessary to sit on it.

Mu Liang's wooden clone slowed down the speed of the boat, and after the girl came out with a comfortable face, the speed of the boat was increased.

Luo Buluoer suddenly asked: "Mu Liang, it's been six days, don't you have to poop?"

In the six days she and Mu Liang's doppelganger walked together, she had never seen him go anywhere.

Mu Liang's avatar was speechless, and the girl who had just implicitly expressed her desire for "convenience", why did she say such vulgar words now?

"No." He said blankly.

He is a wooden avatar, he can eat or drink, naturally he does not need convenience.

"It's so strange." Lob Luoer's eyes showed surprise.

Mu Liang's wooden clone suddenly asked, "Aren't you feeling bad now?"

"It's not uncomfortable." Luo Buluoer said delicately.

"Okay. 35 Mu Liang's wooden clone nodded.

"What's the matter?" Rob Luoer tilted her head suspiciously.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa~~~"

The boat floated out of the water and moved forward at eight times the speed, which made the girl shut her mouth and stop talking, otherwise she would be blown away by the wind.

Time passed, the sun softened, and it was still half an hour before dark.

The flight speed of the boat slowed down, and the misty curtain wall that reached the sky appeared in the girl's eyes, and there were dense lightning in the air.

"々, is there a sea of ​​mists there?" Luo Buluoer opened her pink lips.

"Yeah." Mu Liang nodded calmly.

The boat flew towards the huge portal, and lightning fell like rain, smashing on the portal with a bang.

Luo Buluoer shrank her head, her eardrums hurt from the shock.

The boat passed through the glazed portal and officially entered the misty sea.


The girl exclaimed in amazement and saw the port and customs of the Xuanwu Kingdom ahead.

"Is that the Xuanwu Kingdom?" Luo Buluoer said in surprise.

"Yeah." Mu Liang waved his hand and led the girl to perform a shadow jump, and the two entered Shanhai Commercial City directly.

A noisy voice appeared in Lob Luoer's ear, which startled her, and when she opened her eyes, she saw that it was a lively commercial street.

The girl looked at the clean and tidy street and was stunned for a while.

"Go back to the high ground first." Mu Liang opened his mouth with a wooden clone.

Luo Buluoer turned his head and asked (De Nuo Zhao), "Highland, where is that?"

"Where I live." Mu Liang's wooden clone stretched out his hand and looked at the girl.

The girl reached out and grabbed the sleeves of Mu Liang's wooden avatar, ready to jump in the shadows. Who knew that the next second, her feet lifted off the ground and flew into the air at a comfortable speed.

"Eh." Lob Luoer exclaimed in surprise.

Mu Liang's wooden clone ignored the girl and took her to the heights.


Luo Buluoer looked down at the scenery on the turtle's back, her beautiful eyes sparkling, and her admiration continued.

She praised: "The Xuanwu Kingdom is really beautiful, much more beautiful than Qingcheng.

"Hmm." Mu Liang's wooden clone responded.

"Wow, where is that?" Rob Luoer pointed to the ground diagonally ahead.

Mu Liang looked at his clone and said calmly, "Acropolis No. 1. 35

"It's so beautiful." Loblol murmured softly.

oooooo. . . . .

【3 more】: Please customize.


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