Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

1866: I was originally a wood. (1 more)



The sound of the wind pierced my ears and moved forward rapidly.

Luo Buluoer was next to Mu Liang's wooden avatar, looking around the surroundings with her beautiful brown eyes.

She turned her head and asked, "It's so beautiful, I want to live here in the future?

"You can go if you want." Mu Liang's wooden clone said indifferently.

Luo Buluoer pouted, Tsundere said: "No, I won't leave, even if you chase me away. 35

"No one is chasing you. Mu Liang's wooden clone drooped slightly.

"Hee hee, you're so nice." Luo Buluoer's pretty face blushed slightly.

"Oh." Mu Liang's wooden clone responded with a blank expression.

Luo Buluoer puffed out his mouth and complained: "He's a good person, but he's too dumb, like a piece of wood, don't you have any other emotions? 99

"I was originally a wood." Mu Liang's wooden clone glanced at the girl indifferently.

"Shout, who will believe it." Luo Buluoer pouted and muttered in a low voice.

Mu Liang's avatar did not speak, and the girl would understand when she saw the main body.


"What a big tree!" Luo Buluoer exclaimed, staring at the tree of life at the end of his sight.

She opened her mouth wide enough to fit an egg. It was the first time she saw a tree that could reach the sky, and the shock brought her shortness of breath.

"This is the sacred tree of the Xuanwu Kingdom." Mu Liang wooden clone explained.

Luo Buluoer was speechless for a while, and the shock in her heart could not be expressed in words.

"The high ground is coming soon." Mu Liang opened his mouth and said.

He cast Shadow Jump and took the girl directly back to the highland.

The two appeared on the eighth floor of the high ground, and Mu Liang was standing at the gate of the palace, watching the two returning.

Luo Buluoer came back to his senses, and as soon as the discomfort caused by the shadow jump subsided, he saw Mu Liang's face.

"Ehhh?" She stared at Mu Liang's face for a while, then turned to look at Mu Liang's avatar's face, her eyes full of blankness.

She murmured absentmindedly, "What's the matter, why are there two Mu Liang?

"This is my body." Mu Liang's wooden clone explained.

Luo Buluoer's expression was stunned: "What body?"

"He's just my doppelganger. 35 Mu Liang said warmly.

"Clone?" Luo Buluoer took two steps back and carefully looked at Mu Liang's wooden clone again.

The girl looked at Mu Liang's expressionless face, and then at Mu Liang's face with a gentle smile, she opened her mouth and didn't know what to say.

Mu Liang's wooden clone opened the mouth and said, "I'll leave it to you.""

"Well, let's go." Mu Liang nodded.

Mu Liang's wooden avatar nodded lightly, his body disappeared in place, and returned to the tree of life to warm up his body (dbea), which would enhance the physical strength of the wooden avatar.

"Huh?" Luo Buluoer's throat moved, and she looked up at Mu Liang.

"Mu Liang, is this the Luo Buluoer you said?" An elegant voice sounded, Yue Qinlan walked out of the palace.

"Hmm." Mu Liang nodded with a smile.

Yue Qinlan walked in front of the girl with graceful steps, reached out and raised her chin, and looked at her curiously.

She said gracefully: "It looks quite ordinary, but he is indeed an ordinary person. 35

"..." Luo Buluoer's face was stern, and her heart became tense.

"Don't be nervous, I don't know how to eat people." Yue Qinlan smiled lightly and put down the hand holding the girl's chin.

"You, hello." Luo Buluoer said weakly.

"The voice is quite nice. Qin Lan praised it in March.

Luo Buluoer whispered: "Thank you.

Mu Liang said warmly: "Don't stand outside, come in first.

"Okay, let's go first." Yue Qinlan said gracefully.

Luo Buluoer bit her lower lip, hesitated for a while, and followed the two into the palace.

She looked around curiously, looked at the magnificent main hall, and couldn't help but let out a low voice of exclamation.

"So beautiful, the palace is not so beautiful." She praised.

"Your Majesty."" The passing maid bowed her knees slightly.

Mu Liang instructed: "Prepare something to eat and drink for Miss Lobloll."

"Yes." Yao'er replied obediently.

Luo Buluoer froze, looked at Mu Liang and stammered: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Your Majesty?"

"What's wrong?" Mu Liang looked at the girl amusingly.

"You, you are the king of the Xuanwu Kingdom?" Luo Buluoer exclaimed.

Yue Qinlan raised her eyebrows slightly, and said in surprise, "Hey, don't you know?

"I don't know." Luo Buluoer was completely stunned.

She became uncomfortable all over, and began to recall in her mind whether she had spoken ill of the Xuanwu Kingdom in front of the wooden clone these days.

"I thought you knew." Mu Liang said gently.

"I don't know, I really don't know.

Luo Buluoer hurriedly knelt down and saluted: "I have seen Your Majesty.""

Mu Liang smiled and raised his hand: "Don't be nervous, how to get along with my avatar, it's just the same as before.

"...Yes." Luo Buluoer responded weakly.

She was not at peace in her heart, she actually knew the king of Xuanwu Kingdom, no one would believe it if she said it.

The three returned to the study, and the girl sat on the soft chair in front of the desk with her hands on her knees and sat upright.

The little maid brought food and drink into the study and placed it in front of the girl.

Looking at the delicate pastries, Luo Buluoer couldn't help swallowing her saliva, her brown eyes sparkling.

Mu Liang said clearly: "Eat it."

Rob Luoer asked cautiously: "Is it okay? 99

"Well, it was originally for you." Mu Liang nodded with a smile.

"Then I'm welcome." Rob Luoer picked up the plate and scooped up the cake with a small spoon and put it into her mouth.


"Oh, it's so delicious~

The girl was amazed again and again, and after a while, she finished eating a small plate of cake, and the iced milk tea soon came to an end.


Luo Buluoer hiccupped indistinctly, and peeked at Mu Liang's expression with a blushing pretty face.

"Do you still eat?" Yue Qinlan asked gracefully.

"Don't eat." Luo Buluoer shook his head quickly.

Yue Qinlan folded her slender legs and asked gracefully: "Well, then tell me what you think, do you want to stay in the highlands to work, or do you want to go out to work and live by yourself? 35

Lobloll asked in surprise: "Can I stay and work in the Highlands?

Yue Qinlan said crisply: "Of course, the job content is to help take care of the flowers and plants.

"Take care of the flowers and plants, but I can't..." Luo Buluoer wondered.

"Or go and help the fox fairy." Mu Liang said calmly.

Rob Luoer tilted his head and asked, "What do you do?""

"Manage the business of the Xuanwu Kingdom." Mu Liang took a sip of the hot tea in his hand.

"I can't." Lob Luoer shook his head quickly.

Yue Qinlan rolled up her hair on the temples and smiled lightly: "Don't worry, stay here first, and look for a job slowly.

"Well, that's fine." Mu Liang nodded lightly in agreement.

Yueqinlan Shi Shiran stood up and said with a smile: "Come with me, take you to the place where you live, and then familiarize yourself with the highland environment first.

"Okay. Lob Luoer stood up obediently.

Mu Liang looked at the girl's back, shook his head, and focused his attention on the document in front of him. Tomorrow, he was going to the holy city in the depths of the misty sea, so he had to make some preparations before departure.

. . . . . . . . .

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code.

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