Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

1867: I dug a big hole for myself. (2 more)

The main city, inside the Xuanwu restaurant.

Before the Xuanwu Kingdom officially announced its founding, Sanxing Tower and Xuanwu Restaurant had been built in the main city to receive foreign tourists.

The Xuanwu Restaurant in the main city is similar to the Xuanwu Restaurant in Shanhai Commercial City. The upper floors are accommodation suites, and the lower floors are places for shopping and eating.

"Knock Knock~~~

In the corridor on the fifteenth floor.

Ling Xiang raised her hand and knocked on the door in front of her: "Father, are you awake?"

"The door is unlocked, come in directly. Qi Erner's voice came from room 35.

"Okay." Ling Xiang pushed open the door and entered, seeing that her father had already changed his clothes and was combing his long gray hair.

Qi Erna put down the comb and asked in a gentle voice, "Why do you get up so early today?~"

Ling Xiangjiao said naively: "Father is leaving today, I'll send you off."

Qi Erna laughed and said: "I just went to the holy city, it's not that I won't come back, what can I give?"

According to the time agreed with Mu Liang, today we will go to the island in the depths of the misty sea.

Ling Xiang pouted and said dissatisfiedly, "Who told you not to take me there..."

"This is for your safety." Qi Erner said kindly.

"The holy city is in danger, father, are you still going?" Ling Xiang widened her beautiful eyes.

Qi Erna reassured: "With Mu Liang to follow, everything will be fine."

"Why don't you let me go when Mu Liang is here?" Ling Xiang asked again.

"..." Qi Erna was indifferent, digging a big hole for himself.

"Forget it, it's still fun for the Xuanwu Kingdom, so I don't want to go." Ling Xiang pouted, showing a look of disinterest in me.

Qi Erna breathed a sigh of relief, and said warmly: "Lingyun will not go, you will stay together and have company."

Ling Xiang rolled her eyes and said, "She wants to go too.

Qi Erna coughed and said: "Cough, Yom is also for her own good, let's stay in the Xuanwu Kingdom, it's very fun here.

"Got it." Ling Xiang puffed out her cheeks.

Qi Erna smiled and said: "Let's go, accompany father to the gathering place. 35

"Okay." Ling Xiang responded, stretched out her hand to wrap her father's arm, and the two left the room.

When the two went downstairs, they met the Yom family who went out the same way.

Lingyun coquettishly asked: "Lingxiang, do you also send your uncle?

"Well, he can't bear me and wants me to send him." Ling Xiang showed a helpless expression.

Lingyun shrugged and spread her hands helplessly: "My father is too, he is so old."

"..." Yom and Qierner looked at each other and laughed in unison.

Lingxi glanced at her husband and asked, "Is what my daughter said wrong?"

"Yes, everything is right." Yom quickly restrained his smile and nodded with a stern face.

"Hee hee..." Ling Xiang held Ling Yun's hand, and the two whispered and laughed.

When a few people entered the transport ladder, there were already other royal nobles inside, people living in higher floors, nodding to each other.

Yom asked curiously: "You are also going to the Holy City? 35

"Yeah, you too?" The others responded.

"Yeah." Yom nodded.

After a few chats, the transport elevator arrived at the first floor of Xuanwu Restaurant.

Outside the Xuanwu Restaurant, the Great Knight Commander and others were already waiting, and they all wanted to accompany them to the Holy City.

"Your Majesty, the beast car that will pick you up has arrived." The Great Knight Commander respectfully said.

"Let's go then." Qi Erna replied calmly.

Everyone got on the animal cart and drove towards the central square of the main city, where the meeting point was.

Half an hour later, the animal cart drove into the central square of the main city, and the transport spaceship parked in the square could be seen from a distance.

At the entrance of the transport spacecraft, Yue Qinlan was holding a notepad and checking the personnel in person.

Lingyun took a look from the window and muttered: "Didn't we start at twelve o'clock, it's only nine o'clock now, and there are so many people coming..."

In front of the transport spaceship, three or four hundred people have gathered, and they are all rich or noble in their clothes.

The car stopped, and the driver opened the door.

Qi Erna and the others got off the animal cart and walked towards the gathered crowd.

Wei Youlan shouted loudly: "All line up, come one by one, don't worry."

A nobleman shouted: "What line is there, I'll come first, this is my ticket."

When they sign up to go to the Misty Sea Islands, each person will be distributed a ticket, and they will use the ticket to verify their identity when they set off, and they will not recognize the person if they recognize the ticket.

"Not in line?" Yue Qinlan raised her aqua blue eyes to look.

She raised her chin and said coldly: "You say it again.

・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 0

"I... lined up. The talking noble locked his neck, and took two steps back honestly.

The scene of Qikov's execution was still vivid in his mind, and the nobles present did not dare to mess around and lined up to cooperate.

"All line up, don't waste your time." Wei Youlan shouted again, this time the nobles were very cooperative.

Qierna, Yom and others also lined up, took out the tickets they had collected before, and walked to the cabin entrance step by step.

Lingyun said with a serious face: "Father, pay attention to safety."

Yom assured: "Yes, be back soon.

Lingxi took her daughter's hand and warned, "Yun'er, when your father and I are away, don't leave the Xuanwu Kingdom, it's not safe outside."5

"Well, I see." Lingyun nodded with a puffed mouth.

"Father, you also pay attention to safety." Ling Xiang said with her hands on her hips.

"Got it." Qi Erna grinned and pinched her daughter's cheek.

"You must come back safely." Ling Xiang's eyes were slightly red, and tears were about to fall at any moment.

Qi Erna quickly patted his chest and comforted: "With Mu Liang here, absolutely safe."

"That's true." Ling Xiang Jiao snorted and rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand, preventing the tears from falling.

At the entrance of the cabin, Yue Qinlan checked the ticket, which had anti-counterfeiting patterns on it, which were stamped with special pigments, and the colors displayed at different angles would be different.

After checking the ticket, Yue Qinlan handed it back to the noble man, and said gracefully, "Get on the boat, room number 15.

There are many small rooms in the transport spacecraft, just like the soft sleeper cars of the earth green train, which are small compartments, and there are single soft beds in them, which can allow people to lie down and rest.

"Okay." The noble man entered the cabin impatiently with a smile on his face.

Yue Qinlan checks every ticket in person to prevent anyone from getting into the boat.

When the bell rang at eleven o'clock, all the nobles who had signed up to go to the Holy City boarded the ship, and Ling Xiang and the others watched eagerly from outside the transport ship.

"I want to go too." Ling Yun sighed.

"I think so too." Ling Xiang leaned her head on her friend's shoulder, and the two sighed.

. . . . . . . . . . .

【2 more】: Ask for a custom towel.


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