Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

1869: This is too expensive. (1 more)

Luo Buluoer asked charmingly: "Master Fox Fairy, how do we go to Shanhai Commercial City?"

Fox Immortal said crisply: "Take a car, a train, or fly over, you choose one.

"Don't fly, I'm afraid of heights." Luo Buluoer said weakly.

"Afraid of heights?" Hu Xianmei's beautiful red eyes narrowed slightly.

"Mmmm. Loblol nodded earnestly.

The corners of Fox Immortal's lips slowly rose, and she smiled and said, "Then let's go in the transport spaceship."

"Ah~~~" Luo Buluoer's pink lips opened wide.

The fox tail behind the fox fairy swayed gently, and said indifferently: "It takes a day to travel by car or train, but it is the fastest to fly there."

It takes a whole day to arrive at Shanhai Commercial City by train from the main city.

"Okay." Rob Luoer twitched the corners of her mouth, so why let her choose the way to go?

"Let's go, the transport spaceship is ready." Fox Xian walked out of the palace step by step.

There was a transport spaceship parked on the square, which was the same as the one that Mu Liang used to go out on weekdays, but it was smaller than the small transport spaceship that transported goods.

Luo Buluoer resigned and followed, the two entered the cabin, and the transport spacecraft took off and flew towards Shanhai Commercial City.

In the cabin, the girl sat on the soft seat, feeling less scary than the last flight.

"It doesn't seem to be very scary." Lob Luoer's beautiful eyes lit up.

"The transport spaceship is very stable when flying." Fox Fairy leaned lazily on the soft chair, her slender legs resting on the chair on the other side.

"Hmm, it's very stable." Lob Luoer nodded vigorously.

The closed cabin of the transport spacecraft made her feel at ease, much more comfortable than when Mu Liang's wooden clone took her to fly, and her fear was reduced several times.

The fox fairy looked at the girl and said lazily: "You just arrived in the Xuanwu Kingdom, what you have to do now is to memorize the laws for me, and then learn about all the commodities in the kingdom, remember their prices, advantages, uses, etc.

"Yes." Luo Buluoer replied with a serious look.

She asked again: "What are the laws?"

The fox fairy flipped through his hands, took out three three-finger-thick books from the storage magic tool, and handed them to the girl: "This is all law, you should read it first."

Luo Buluoer opened the first book, looked at the dense small print, and suddenly felt her head swell.

"So much, you have to carry it down?" She looked at the foxtail woman in disbelief.

Hu Xian elegantly said: "You don't have to memorize it word by word, but you need to know the content of the law, what can be done and what can't be done, so as not to make mistakes and make Mu Liang difficult to be a person."

Luo Buluoer's expression froze, and she replied bitterly and resentfully: "I know, I will write it down after reading it.

The fox fairy said with satisfaction: "Well, take it slow, follow me these days, and you won't have the chance to make mistakes."

"Yes..." Luo Buluoer lowered her head, hugged the three-finger-thick book, and began to read it line by line.

When the girl finished watching a third of the time, the transport spaceship arrived at Shanhai Commercial City and landed on the small square in front of the treasure building.

At this time, Shanhai Commercial City was very lively with people coming and going. Many people came from various kingdoms in the New World, and new people arrived every day.

The hatch of the transport spaceship opened, and the fox fairy and the girl got off the ship, with the treasure building beside them.

"It's so lively." Luo Buluoer exclaimed.

The fox fairy raised the corners of her lips and said, "This is the most lively place in the Xuanwu Kingdom, at least for now.

Luo Buluoer nodded and exclaimed: "Wow, there are a lot of people here, but the ground is clean and there is no unpleasant odor."

The fox fairy said coldly: "In any place in the Xuanwu Kingdom, you can't litter, and you can't urinate randomly, you have to remember this. 99

"Well, I see." Luo Buluoer said quickly.

"Come and recognize someone first, and I'll take you to the commercial city later." Huxian said and walked into the treasure building.

"Lord Fox Immortal." The staff greeted him.

The girl followed behind the foxtail woman, looking at the uniformed staff with curiosity.

The fox fairy raised her hand on the girl's head and said casually: "Introduce, Luo Buluoer, who will be my assistant in the future.

"Yes." The staff responded in unison.

"Get acquainted with each other, show her the items in the store, and let her know the price and usefulness." Hu Xian left a sentence and walked up to the second floor.

"Okay, Lord Huxian, don't worry." The staff spoke in a clear voice and watched the foxtail woman go up to the second floor.

"Hello, my name is Noel.

"My name is Frost.

"I'm Bixia...?"

The staff in the store all introduced themselves to Lobloer, and everyone had a warm smile on their faces.

Luo Buluoer waved his hand uncomfortably: "Hello, my name is Luo Buluoer..."

"Nice name." Frost said with a smile.

Bixia's eyes lit up and said: "Mmmm, you should be very powerful to be the assistant of Lord Fox Immortal. 35

Luo Buluoer quickly waved his hand and said, "No, no, I'm just a newcomer, I don't know anything yet, I need your sisters to teach me.

"Everyone is the same when they first arrived." Nuo Er smiled like a flower arrangement.

Bixia said enthusiastically: "Let me show you the goods in Zhenbaolou first."

"Okay." Luo Buluoer followed and came to the transparent glass counter, looking at the items in the glass counter with curiosity in her eyes.

Bixia opened the counter, took out the music player and introduced: "This is a music player, you can play music with the 'Sound Stone' installed... The price is 100,000 yuan in Xuanwu coins.

The music player is still a 197 spiritual tool that can only be bought by aristocrats. It is a high-level spiritual tool and can only be bought by a seventh-order Warcraft spar.

"One hundred thousand Xuanwu coins!" Luo Buluoer's eyes widened.

"This is an oven. Anyone who likes to cook food and make cakes will like this... The price is 150,000 yuan in Xuanwu coins."

"This is a refrigerator, which can make the storage time of food longer, and can also be used to make ice drinks... The price is 160,000 yuan in Xuanwu coins. 99

"This is an air conditioner, which can emit cold air and cool down the temperature in the house. It is needed when it is hot. The price is 170,000 yuan in Xuanwu coins. 35

Luo Buluoer listened to the prices of hundreds of thousands, and her head was a little dizzy. Her head was full of question marks. Why is it so expensive?

Bixia pointed to the black long spear on the counter and said, "This is a black magic spear, made from the legs of a black magic spider, suitable for knights, it is a high-level magic tool, priced at 700,000 yuan in Xuanwu coins. "5

"Seven hundred thousand Xuanwu coins?" Luo Buluoer exclaimed.

"Yes, this is not the most expensive." Bixia said with a smile.

"It's too expensive." Lob Luoer twitched the corners of his mouth.

Bixia said softly: "The price of high-level magic equipment of the weapon type is not too expensive.

"..." Luo Buluoer felt more dizzy.


[1 update]: The second update of the positive code.


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