Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

1870: I've touched it, you can't have not touched it. (2 more)

On the sixth floor of the highland, in the training ground of the Ghost Special Forces, two figures were quickly fighting each other.

Elina held a long stick and blocked Yan Bing's long stick, and took a few steps back.


The two figures stopped, and the long stick in their hands snapped.

Elina looked at the stick that was broken in two in her hand, raised her eyes and said: "Yan Bing, your speed is faster than before.

"Your strength is also greater." Yan Bing threw away the broken wooden stick in his hand.

The two often discuss each other, sometimes in actual combat, which helps to improve each other's tacit understanding and strength.

"Come again." Elina flipped her hand and took out a long glass stick, which was used exclusively for the use of real power.

"Okay." Yan Bing's purple eyes flickered, he also took out his long stick and ejected it with force.


The two quickly fought, and the glazed long sticks collided, making a crisp sound.

Elina's pink eyes narrowed slightly, and she raised her foot and kicked the purple-haired girl's leg, trying to make her unsteady and fall to the ground.

Yan Bing's face remained unchanged, her hands were forced, her body moved backwards, and she stood firm with three backflips.

"The reaction is quicker." Elina snorted and bullied herself again.

The two quickly fought each other, and the speed was getting faster and faster, making it difficult to see the figure.

Outside the training ground, Nijisha hugged her arms in front of her, leaning against the guardrail of the training ground, her blue eyes fell on the two facing each other.

"I don't know when Liyue and Mia will be back." Nijisha yawned.

Mia and Liyue followed Mu Liang to the depths of the misty sea. The ghost special forces lost two captains, so her vacation had to be cancelled.

"Nijisha, come and learn?" In the training ground, Elina waved her hand.

Nijisha said clearly: "Whoever wins first, I will fight next."

Elina rolled her eyes and said, "It's very difficult for us to tell the winner. Even if we win, it will take a lot of physical strength. You can learn and win again."5

"You can also choose one dozen two~`." The glass stick in Yan Bing's hand spun twice.

"Forget it, I want to relax today." Nijisha waved her hand.

Elina blinked her pink eyes, strode towards the blue-haired girl, and asked with concern, "What's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?

Yan Bing asked softly, "Have you come for a period?"

The word period, which she learned from the movie, is much more civilized than what she used to say.

"No." Nijisha blushed slightly.

"Is that pregnant?" Elina exclaimed.

"..." Nijisha's eyes jumped, and she raised her hand and gave the pink-haired girl a brain break.

She said angrily: "What nonsense, I haven't even touched a man's hand.

"No, you haven't touched Mu Liang's hand?" Elina's eyes showed contempt.

Nijisha was stunned for a moment, and after thinking about it carefully, she seemed to have really touched Mu Liang's hand.

"Touch it, I've touched it, you can't have not touched it." Elina raised her chin with a Tsundere expression on her face.

"..." Yan Bing raised her hand to cover her face speechlessly, what were the two talking about.

Nijisha interrupted the pink-haired girl's words behind her, and said angrily: "Okay, don't talk nonsense, it's not good for others to hear."

"There are no outsiders here." Elina pouted.

Nijisha said clearly: "I'm fine, I just want to rest suddenly."

"Are you feeling tired?" Yan Bing asked warmly.

"No, it's about to break through." The corners of Nijisha's lips rose.

"Hey, you're about to break through?" Elina's pink lips parted.

"Well, it's just these few days." Nijisha took off her helmet, and her cyan curly hair fell down.

She is about to break through, and if it goes well, she will become a seventh-order powerhouse.

Yan Bing said softly: "It's enviable.

Nigisa blinked her blue eyes: "You should be breaking through soon, right?

The corner of Elina's mouth turned down, and she muttered, "No, it should take two or three months."

"It should take me two more months to break through." Yan Bing said softly.

"Our strengths are not much different, why did I break through earlier than you?" Elina asked in confusion.

Elina squinted and asked, "Did Mu Liang secretly feed you the fruit of life?

"Do you think it's possible?" Nigisa rolled her eyes, wanting to give her friend another brain break.

Elina laughed and said, "That's hard to say, maybe Mu Liang likes you like that."

"If it is, that's fine, you will call me princess in the future." Elina joked in cooperation.

"Wake up, in broad daylight, what are you daydreaming about?" Elina laughed out loud.

The three women looked at each other and laughed out loud, with different thoughts in their hearts.

Nijisha raised her eyebrows and asked, "Aren't you practicing anymore?"

"Take a break." Elina sat down and put the helmet in her hand on her feet, her short pink hair was already wet with sweat.

"Ten minutes of rest." Yan Bing nodded, pulling the purple hair in front of his forehead behind his ear.

Nijisha still leaned against the guardrail and said clearly: "々. I don't know if Liyue and Mu Liang have gone to the Holy City."

"Today is only the third day, so it shouldn't be so fast." Elina leaned back and lay flat on the ground.

Yan Bing analyzed: "The speed of the medium-sized transport spaceship is not as fast as that of a dedicated driver, so it should take more time.

The special drive refers to the transport spaceship that Mu Liang takes when he goes out on weekdays.

Nijisha suddenly said: "When are we going back to Holy Sun City?"

"Sacred Sun City..." Yan Bing's purple eyes flashed coldly.

The appearance of the Lord of the Holy Sun appeared in her mind, and the killing intent could not be controlled.

"Hmph, I want to slash him now." Elina said coldly.

Yan Bing slowly shook his head and said in a low voice, "But our strength is not enough to defeat the Holy Sun City Lord.

At the beginning of the White Walker's experiment, although it was carried out by the flying corpse, it was approved by the Lord of the Holy Sun. He was also a sinner and the enemy of Liyue and others.

"Well, it's still too weak." Elina sighed, clenching her fists tightly.

Yan Bing said with a serious face (De Nuo Zhao): "It won't be too late to kill him when we all break through the seventh rank."

"Yes, we want to take revenge in person." Nijisha's eyes were cold, and her hatred for the Lord of the Holy Sun never weakened.

Elina waved her small fist and said in a serious tone: "Work hard to become stronger, not only for revenge, but also to help Mu Liang more and make Xuanwu Kingdom a better place.

"That's right." The killing intent in Nijisha's eyes was much less.

Their good life now is all because of Mu Liang, and it is because of him that they can escape from Sacred Sun City, and finally cured the "virtual ghost infection" on their bodies, which is worth remembering forever in their hearts.

"Go, continue to learn from each other." Elina stood up and put on the nine-color helmet.

"Okay." Yan Bing also stood up, her helmet covering her purple hair.

The two returned to the training ground, and they were full of passion and learned each other again.

. . . . . . . . . .

ps: [2 more]: Please customize.

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