Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

1872: Light Elemental Artifact Cannon. (2 more)

In the foggy sea, on the deck of the transport spaceship, the nobles gathered together to chat.

"Don't you know that some female orcs' waists are really soft, and they are in any posture...hehehehe..."

The fat-headed nobleman grinned and showed off to the other nobles around him.

Another young nobleman moved his throat and said in his heart: "Listening to you, I want to find a female orc to play with. ∼"

"Hey, you should really try it. Although the orcs are low, they are still great in that respect." The nobles echoed.

The fat-headed noble said solemnly: "I suggest you go back to your own kingdom and try again. Don't do this kind of thing in the Xuanwu Kingdom, otherwise you will be like Qikov-that idiot."

"I'm not stupid, this Xuanwu Kingdom is not easy to mess with." A young noble nodded.

Another noble said in a low voice: "Well, you should have discovered that none of the people from the big countries violated the laws of the Xuanwu Kingdom."

"It's not that they don't, they dare not." The fat-headed aristocrat sneered.

"Why?" the other nobles asked curiously.

The fat-headed and big-eared noble said with a serious face: "Because the king of the Xuanwu Kingdom is very powerful, he can kill them with a slap.

"So terrifying?" The other nobles widened their eyes.

"You can try it if you don't believe it." The fat-headed nobleman pouted.

"Uh..." The other nobles laughed dryly, but no one answered.


Suddenly, an invisible breath enveloped the entire transport spaceship, and the terrifying breath made it difficult to breathe.

"The breath of sea monsters." The nobles exclaimed.

"A sea monster attacked?

"This is in the foggy sea, only the transport spaceship can settle, and if the sea monster attacks, if the hull is damaged, the people who can't fly will die.


The faces of the people on the boat have changed, and the weaker people are even more difficult to breathe, and their faces are visibly pale.

"It's here, it's finally here. The Beastmaster grinned, looking at the nobles with murderous intent.

"What's wrong?" Qi Erna's expression changed, looking at the mist outside the glass barrier.

Yom's face became solemn: "Something is approaching."

The mist surged, something was stirring the mist, and the terrifying aura was getting closer.


Under the gaze of the nobles, a pair of huge beast eyes appeared around the transport ship, staring at the transport ship like lanterns.

"Hoo hoo hoo~~

There are eleven sea monsters, each of which is more than a kilometer in size, some like a dragon, some like a squid and an octopus, and the aura they emit exceeds the eighth order.

Yom looked around, his face became ugly: "Five eighth-order sea monsters, three ninth-order sea monsters, two king-level sea monsters, and the supreme sea monster.

"Supreme Sea Warcraft!" Lingxi's face changed greatly, and her whole body trembled.

Her face turned pale in an instant, and fear flooded into her heart uncontrollably. It was the fear of death.

"Hoo hoo hoo~~~

The sea monsters roared, the surrounding fog was dispelled, and the vision became clear.

The transport spaceship shook violently, and everyone on the deck was affected by the coercion, even the eighth- and ninth-order powerhouses could only barely stand firm.

"Supreme Sea Warcraft, we are going to die." The timid man screamed in panic.

"If there is no supreme sea monster, we can still fight and maybe survive.

"It's over, it's dead, this is the supreme sea monster.

Qi Erner's face became more and more ugly as he listened to the screams of the others.

"Hoo hoo hoo~~~

The sea monster moved, and the huge tentacles slapped the transport spaceship.

"Bang bang bang~

The transport spaceship vibrated, the spiritual artillery was activated, and the shells flew out one by one, smashing into the huge sea monster.

The roar was deafening, stunned the nobles on the ship.

The weaker sea monsters were repelled by a certain distance, but the damage they suffered was very limited, which angered them and attacked the transport spaceship even more angrily.

In the weapon room of the transport spacecraft, the person in charge gave the order: "Prepare the light-based artillery gun, attack."

This transport spaceship is equipped with six new-style light-type artillery cannons, which can easily penetrate the body of the eighth-order monster.

The light-type spirit cannon is very similar to the ordinary spirit cannon, except that the muzzle is solid and concave, and it looks like a huge concave mirror, which is made of polished Warcraft spar one by one.


After the light-type spirit artillery was activated, the energy gathered towards the muzzle, like a direct flashlight, shooting a beam of light half a meter thick, easily piercing the head of the eighth-order sea monster.

The light-type spiritual weapon cannon is a high-level super-spiritual weapon.

・・・・For flowers・・0

"Hoo hoo hoo~~~

The eighth-order sea monster that was hit only had time to let out a roar and fell backwards.

Several other light-type artillery cannons were activated one after another, two of them failed, and the rest hit the target, but unfortunately they failed to kill the sea monsters.

On the deck, the nobles were stunned again, and this killed an eighth-order sea monster?

Qi Erner said in shock: "It's too scary, what kind of magic tool is this?"

Yeom said with a dry throat: "Give me a second, I shouldn't be able to escape."

"Boom boom~~~

The shells flew out one by one, and the sea monsters screamed in pain, and suddenly became arrogant, controlling the sea to swell into the sky.

Yeom said solemnly: "I've angered them, so I can't watch.

"There is a barrier, we can't get out." Qi Erna patted the glass barrier in front of him, but couldn't break it.

"Where's Mu Liang?" Lingxi asked with a pale face.

Yom's throat moved, and he said in shock, "I don't know... he shouldn't have escaped, right?

"Do you think he is such a person?" Qi Erner frowned.

"It's not like..." Yom's mouth moved.

"Zhentiandi."" A majestic voice sounded on the deck, Mu Liang appeared out of thin air and put his hand on the deck.

The vibrating transport spaceship became calm, no longer shaking at all.

Mu Liang straightened up and glanced at everyone on the deck: "Be quiet, don't break the barrier."

"It's Mu Liang." Yom let out a long sigh of relief, and felt much less anxious.


Mia appeared on the deck with Liyue, and her expression became solemn when she saw the sea monsters around.

"Your Majesty." Li Yue looked at Mu Liang with a questioning look in her eyes.

Mu Liang said calmly: "Liyue, Mia, maintain order on the ship."

"Yes." Liyue and Mia raised their hands to salute and summoned the highland guards and soldiers on board to appease the frightened nobles.

"Your Excellency Mu Liang..." As soon as Qi Erna shouted, Mu Liang disappeared from the deck.

He appeared outside the glazed barrier, and the salty and wet sea breeze blew his face, blowing his long hair and the hem of his clothes.

The nobles looked up, looked at Mu Liang's figure, and became nervous in their hearts.

. . . . . . . . .

ps: [2 more]: Ask for a custom towel.

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