Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

1873: Instant kill with one move. (3 more)

Mu Liang looked at the ten sea monsters that were still alive, and the corners of his lips slowly rose: "It's really nice to have so many sea monsters. 99

In his opinion, these are high-quality ingredients, materials for high-level spiritual tools, and hundreds of billions of evolution points.

The spar of the Supreme Sea Warcraft can be transformed into hundreds of billions of evolution points, how can he not be excited.

He still has a doubt in his heart, why are there so many high-level sea monsters gathered here?

"Leave one and ask later." Mu Liang murmured softly.

He raised his eyes, a cold light flashed in his black eyes, and a ninth-order sea monster found him, waving his tentacles and slapping him.

"Spicy squid whiskers, the taste is also very good." Mu Liang whispered softly.

I saw him raise a hand, and the space in front of him twisted, directly twisting the tentacles of the ninth-order sea monster into a dozen pieces.


The ninth-order sea monster roared bitterly in pain, "197", and the broken tentacles regrewed at an astonishingly fast speed.

It roared angrily, and its twelve tentacles rolled towards Mu Liang together, like an overwhelming net, completely covering him and the transport spacecraft.

Mu Liang raised his hand and grabbed it, and the space was distorted in a large area, like a black hole that devoured people, covering the entire ninth-order monster.


In the next instant, the ninth-order sea monster burst into pieces, and the distorted space returned to normal.

Mu Liang's thoughts moved, and the swallowing space opened, swallowing the finely shredded flesh and blood.

He swayed a chill, and froze the large pieces of flesh and blood, and stored them in the portable space.

On the transport spaceship, the nobles were stunned, shocked by Mu Liang's thunder, and in just a few breaths, they took down a ninth-order sea monster, which seemed as simple as drinking water.

"So strong..." Qi Erna took a deep breath.

Yom was equally shocked and was speechless for a long time.

Lingxi's eyes flashed, and she murmured: "The ninth-order sea beast, if you get serious, it will kill you with just one move..."

"This strength is too terrifying, if you can survive, you must not provoke him in the future.

"Able to instantly kill the ninth-order sea monster, his weakest strength is also the king rank."


There were all kinds of exclamations on the deck, and they saw the hope of living, and they all stared at Mu Liang with burning eyes.

Mu Liang made a move, and the ninth-order monster spar floating in the air fell into his hand.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa~~~

The sea surged up and swept towards Mu Liang, another ninth-order sea monster attacked.

In the blink of an eye, the sea formed a giant egg, enclosing Mu Liang and the transport spaceship, and a waterspout slapped Mu Liang.

"I don't want to waste too much time here." Mu Liang blinked, and the terrifying pressure was released, covering all the sea monsters.

His breath, like a sharp blade, mercilessly plunged into the spirit of the sea monsters, causing them to roar in pain.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa~~~""

The sea water that wrapped the transport spacecraft was out of control, and it fell back to the surface in free fall, and the waterspout also dissipated out of control.

Mu Liang's body disappeared in a flash, and when he reappeared, he came to the head of the ninth-order sea monster, and slapped it lightly with his palm.


The breath of ice spewed out, and the head of the ninth-order sea monster was frozen into an ice sculpture and easily knocked into pieces.

Mu Liang's expression remained unchanged, and he dealt with the second ninth-order sea monster and put its corpse into the portable space.

"Hoo hoo hoo~~~

The other sea monsters roared and were a little afraid of Mu Liang. They already had intelligence and knew how to seek good luck and avoid evil.

The Supreme Sea Monster stared at Mu Liang, his body backed away, but hesitant again when he smelled the scent of the potion wafting from the transport spaceship.


It roared furiously and drove the remaining sea monsters to attack Mu Liang.

Mu Liang sneered and chose an eighth-order sea monster to keep alive, and the rest were marked as mortal.

He moved, and the surrounding space seemed to freeze, and the moving eighth-order sea monsters remained motionless.

"Thousand Shadow Spider Silk, petrified." Mu Liang spit out a few words coldly.

Except for the supreme sea beast, the rest of the sea beast did not move and were mercilessly harvested by him.

There was only one eighth-order sea monster left, which was sealed and unable to move.

With a wave of his hand, Mu Liang put away the corpses, and said with satisfaction: "These meats can be sold for a good price, and they can also be used to feed the soldiers to train their bodies.

He put away all the Warcraft spar individually, these can be converted into massive evolution points,

On the transport spaceship, the nobles stared wide-eyed and opened their mouths wide, stunned by the scene in front of them.

"This is too strong." Qi Erner felt a little unreal...

He was dazed for a moment, Mu Liang's strength was far stronger than he thought, could he be able to deal with the supreme sea monster in seconds?

"How did he cultivate at such a young age?" Lingxi took a deep breath, feeling very unreal.


Lightning like rain appeared in the misty sea, and it fell on the sea monsters.

"How much magic does he know? 35

"I don't understand, a lot of moves are like space magic, but they are a bit different.

The nobles started talking, and their inner evaluation of Mu Liang rose to a new height.

"There is also a sea monster of the supreme rank, can he win?" The fat-headed and big-eared aristocrat was excited.

"It should be possible, I feel like he hasn't done his best yet..." the young noble guessed.

The fat-headed nobleman swallowed his saliva and said, "I hope to win, I don't want to die here.

Outside the transport ship.

Mu Liang looked at the Supreme Sea Warcraft, his eyes locked on it.

"Hoo hoo hoo~~.

The Supreme Sea Warcraft roared, its body backed away, it decided to retreat, and the human in front of it gave it a fatal sense of danger.

"Don't leave when you come." Mu Liang's black eyes flashed coldly.

He stepped forward, and his body disappeared in place.

"Hoo hoo hoo~~

The Supreme Sea Warcraft roared, rolled up the sea to cover the figure, and the fog swept back.

"It's useless." Mu Liang appeared in front of Supreme Sea Warcraft 4.0, and the space condensed.

With a thought, gravity enveloped the Supreme Sea Warcraft, like a huge mountain pressing on it.

"Crack~~" 9

The Supreme Sea Warcraft roared angrily, the sound of bones bursting came from its body, it resisted the gravity, and its body became dripping with blood.

"Give it up." Mu Liang's eyes were deep, and the gravity increased exponentially.


The supreme sea monster roared in pain, unable to use all of his abilities, and was crushed by Mu Liang's absolute strength.

Mu Liang appeared in front of the Supreme Sea Warcraft, stared at its unyielding eyes, and slowly raised his hand.

In the eyes of the supreme sea monster, Mu Liang's hand was on its head.

The next moment, its spirit was crushed, leaving the body intact.

. . . . . . . . . . . .

ps: [3 more]: Please customize.

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