Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

1874: Madam, don't be tempted. (1 more)

The life breath of the Supreme Sea Warcraft disappeared, and the terrifying coercion disappeared with the annihilation of life.

On the transport spaceship, the nobles recovered from their shock and closed their mouths one by one. The life-threatening factors were resolved, and they were temporarily safe.


Many nobles swallowed their saliva, making up their minds that they would never provoke Mu Liang and the Xuanwu Kingdom.

Some nobles exclaimed in a low voice: "It's too terrifying, is he also a supreme powerhouse?"

"I don't know the strength of the Supreme Rank, but I guess that he should be the top existence in the Supreme, otherwise how can he instantly kill the Supreme Sea Warcraft?"

"Have you ever thought that he might be a saint-level powerhouse? 35 Another nobleman said in a dry voice.

'Impossible, do you think the holy step is the grass on the side of the road, he looks so young, impossible, impossible..." Some nobles shook their heads in despair.

"I also think it's impossible. If the king of the Xuanwu Kingdom is really a saint, it's impossible for no one to know about it for so many years.


The nobles guessed Mu Liang's true strength, and many people's faces showed the joy of the rest of their lives.

Behind the crowd, 31 Beastmaster had an unbelievable expression on his face, his blood-red eyes opened angrily, and he stared at Mu Liang outside the glass barrier.

"How could...? How strong is he? It's impossible."

He gritted his teeth, his eyes of hatred undisguised.

The Beastmaster took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, raised his eyes and sneered: "There is still a chance, the smell of the potion will not dissipate so easily. 39

Mu Liang felt something, turned his head to look at the beastmaster on the deck, and met his bloody eyes.

The Beastmaster didn't do much, showing a calm look.

A chill flashed across Mu Liang's eyes, he understood something in his heart, and he still needed to verify it.

He looked at the eighth-order sea monster floating in the air, his body floated towards it, and came to its huge head.

Mu Liang stared at the beast eyes of the sea monsters, and said coldly: "Give you a chance to answer my question and save your life."

The eighth-order sea monster woke up, and the beast's eyes were full of desire to survive.

With a thought, Mu Liang released the restraint on the sea monster's head, allowing it to speak.

He communicated with the sea monsters with his mind: "Why are you suddenly gathering here?"


The eighth-order sea monsters roared repeatedly, explaining that they couldn't help but gather because they smelled the scent that made them obsessed.

"The smell that makes you obsessed..." Mu Liang understood something.

His eyes drooped slightly, and he continued to ask, "Are there any powerful sea monsters nearby?"

"Hoo hoo hoo~~

The eighth-order sea monster shook his head and roared to explain.

The misty sea is very large, and there are many powerful sea monsters living, among which there are many supreme sea monsters, holy rank sea monsters, and even beyond the holy rank.

The stronger the sea monsters, the stronger the territorial awareness, and generally will not gather easily.

Mu Liang pondered thoughtfully, it turned out that there are still existences beyond the holy order in the misty sea, which is not a good thing.


The eighth-order sea monster growled nervously.

"Let's go." With a thought, Mu Liang released his control over the body of the eighth-order sea monster.


The eighth-order sea monster didn't dare to stay, his body fell into the surging sea, and slowly disappeared from Mu Liang's sight.

Mu Liang moved his five fingers, raised his hand and put it down again, and pouted: "Forget it, it's your words, I'll let you die."

He looked around the foggy area and found no other sea monsters, and his body flashed back to the deck of the transport ship.

"Tap tap~~~

Mu Liang appeared on the deck and attracted everyone's attention.

"I'm back." Lingxi's eyes lit up.

Yeom said nervously: "Madam, don't be tempted.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Lingxi's pretty face blushed and rolled her eyes, raising her hand to give her husband a brain break.

She took a sigh of relief: "What are you thinking about?

"Hey, it's fine if you don't have it." Yom sighed in relief, his heart was also bitter, Mu Liang is too good.

"Your Majesty, are you not injured?" Liyue and Mia walked quickly to Mu Liang.

Mu Liang said calmly: "No.

"That's good." Liyue and Catwoman were relieved.

Mia raised her hand and saluted, "Your Majesty, there is no casualty on board."

"Well, very good." Mu Liang nodded in satisfaction.

He looked at the other royal nobles and saw that their faces were unnatural, as if they were greatly frightened.

The young noble said sincerely: "Your Excellency Mu Liang, thanks to you this time, we can be safe.

"Yeah, thanks to Your Excellency Mu Liang, otherwise this time there will definitely be heavy casualties."

"Yeah yeah."

The other nobles echoed in succession.

Mu Liang nodded indifferently, and his eyes fell on the Beastmaster not far away.

"Tap tap~..."

He stepped towards the Beastmaster, his eyes were cold.

The Beast King's pupils shrank, and his heart sank. Could it be discovered?

He was strong and calm, and the red in his eyes became more and more intense.

Mu Liang stood still in front of the Beastmaster, and said indifferently: "You are really brave to do small things under my nose."5

"What are you talking about, why can't I understand?" The Beast King said hoarsely.

The other nobles looked at each other in dismay, some of them had already guessed something, and looked at the Beastmaster with cold and killing intent.

Liyue and Mia also understood and raised their hands to signal that the highland guards and soldiers surrounded the Beastmaster.

The Beastmaster frowned and asked, "Your Excellency, what does 197 mean?"

Mu Liang lifted his eyes and stared at him with deep eyes: "Don't pretend, you have the most potion smell on your body, and those sea monsters were brought by you.

The Beastmaster's expression changed, his pupils contracted to the extreme, and his forehead began to sweat.

"Your Excellency Mu Liang, what do you mean by this?" Qi Erna couldn't help asking.

Mu Liang explained casually: "The sea monsters just now gathered here because they smelled the smell of the magic potion that tempted them."5

"And this potion was made by the Beastmaster, right?" Lingxi asked.

Mu Liang sneered: "Yes, of all the people present, only he has the heaviest smell, especially the hands in the sleeves."

"If you say yes, you can frame me with just one mouth." The Beast King sneered loudly and calmly.

He looked around at everyone around him and sneered: "On the surface, he pretended to be peace-loving, orcs and humans are equal, and now he framed me for attracting those sea monsters, how much do you hate us orcs?

Many nobles hesitated, analyzing the authenticity of the Beastmaster's words, and wondering if Mu Liang deliberately said this to shirk responsibility.

"I don't hate other orcs, you, I do." Mu Liang said lightly.

"You..." The Beast King widened his eyes angrily.

0. . . . . . . .

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code.

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