
The mysterious bird commander made a painful 'hum', and couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood, and the smell of blood filled the entire conference room.

"Hi..." Elina took a deep breath, took out a few bottles of healing herbs, opened the corks, and sprinkled them on Commander Xuan Bird as if they didn't want money.

Commander Xuan Bird shuddered, the bleeding speed of the wound slowed down, and within two minutes, the woman's injury became more serious, and a few bottles of healing herbs were just a drop in the bucket.

"It's useless." Alina sighed.

Yan Bing whispered: "What if she dies?"

Yue Qinlan said solemnly: "If you die, then someone else will support you, but you just wasted a fruit of life, it's better not to die. 55

The death of a mysterious bird commander, as well as a dog-head commander, a cat-head commander, and a pig-head commander... just wasted a life fruit.

Nijisha asked with concern: "What should I do now, what can I do to save her?"

Yue Qinlan shook her head and frowned, "I haven't thought of it yet, if only Mu Liang was still alive..."

Nijisha's eyes lit up and she hurriedly shouted: "Mu Liang is not here, Mu Liang is here, go find him."

"Yes, look for a wooden clone." Elina also had a flash of inspiration, turned and ran out.

Yue Qinlan said with a serious face: 197 "Just stick with it and you will be saved soon.

Commander Xuanniao's face was as white as paper, his consciousness began to blur, the blood stains on his body were getting bigger and bigger, and some of them could already see the bones under the muscles.

Nijisha took out all the healing herbs from her body and poured them all on the woman.

Yue Qinlan's eyes narrowed slightly, and she said in surprise, "Hey, it seems that the wound is starting to heal."

Nijisha and Yan Bing looked at them intently, and sure enough, they found that Xuanniao's wounds were slowly healing, but at a very slow rate, and there were signs of re-tears just after they healed.


A shadow flashed, and Mu Liang's wooden clone appeared in the conference room.

"Here." Yue Qinlan was shocked.

She looked at the face in front of her with the same touch as Mu Liang, and quickly said, "Look at what happened to her?"

Mu Liang glanced at the wooden clone and said, "The fruit of life itself contains extremely strong vitality, and after it is destroyed, it begins to repair her body."

Elina hurried back and asked after hearing the words, "Then she won't die?"

"No, it will only hurt, just bear with it." Mu Liang said indifferently.

The fruit of life is produced by the twelfth level of life tree, and the life element contained in it is astonishingly high, how can the mysterious bird lead the body to explode and die.

"That's good." Yue Qinlan and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hold on." Elina raised her hand and clenched her fist.

The commander of the mysterious bird seemed to have heard the conversation of several people, the tremor of the body was much smaller, and the bleeding of the wound was also less.

Time passed slowly, most of the woman's wound healed, granulation grew from the wound, and the speed of healing began to speed up.

Mu Liang glanced at his clone, stepped forward, raised his hand and pointed to the woman's forehead, and began to sign the queen bee contract.


He put down his hand, and the queen bee contract was successfully signed.

"She will heal on her own, nothing will happen." Mu Liang's wooden clone spoke indifferently, and his body disappeared in place.

Elina murmured: "Looking at Mu Liang's face, although it is the same as Mu Liang's face, I always feel that Mu Liang is not him.

"There is still a difference. Qin Lan said gracefully on the 35th.

Elina nodded vigorously and said: "Yes, the wooden avatar is too boring, it is really the same as the wood, or Mu Liang is better. 35

The children looked at each other and couldn't help but chuckle.

Elina pouted, not knowing what her friends were laughing at.


The slender eyelashes of the Xuan Bird Commander trembled, her hazy consciousness became clear, and the pain in her body completely refreshed her.

"Hey, it hurts." She took a deep breath, but couldn't help but let out a painful exclamation.

As soon as her voice fell, the breath of her whole body rose in a straight line, and it only took a few breaths to break through from the seventh-order peak to the eighth-order.

The mysterious bird commander's eyes widened, his eyes full of disbelief, this has broken through to the eighth order?

"Congratulations." Yue (dbea) Qin Lan smiled.

"It's the eighth rank, it's really enviable." Elina held her arms in front of her, the envy in her eyes couldn't be hidden.

Commander Xuanniao was a little embarrassed, and said sincerely: "Thanks to you, I was able to break through successfully.

Yue Qinlan said in a cold voice, "You are already at the eighth rank, and you will go back to the Orc Kingdom tomorrow to persuade the other leaders.

"What if they don't agree?" Commander Xuanniao said with a serious face.

Yue Qinlan raised her eyes and said with a smile, "I have a way to get them to agree."

"Okay." Commander Xuanniao nodded seriously.

Yue Qinlan continued: "We must convince the beastmen as much as possible, tell them what the beastmaster has done, and let them know the seriousness of the matter."

"Understood." Commander Xuanniao nodded and wrote it down.

Yue Qinlan stood up and said gracefully, "When you become the Beast King, our Xuanwu Kingdom will congratulate you as soon as possible, announce that you are the Beast King, and then announce the relationship between the Orc Kingdom and the Xuanwu Kingdom.

"Okay." Xuanniao's beautiful eyes shone brightly, she had already made up her mind about what was going to happen next, and her mood was a little surging.

She already had an idea in her heart, since the Beast King did not care about the safety of the Orc Kingdom and did things to harm the nobles of other kingdoms, it would be nothing for her to inherit the position of the Beast King.

"Go wash and have a good night's rest." Yue Qinlan said gracefully.

"Okay." Commander Xuanniao shook his wings behind him, and the blood scab fell off.

"Aha, I'm going to rest too, I'm sleepy." Elina yawned.

Nijisha nodded, picked up the helmet and put it on: "I'm going to work at night. 39

Yan Bing said softly: "Go, call me later in the middle of the night.

"No, you still have training tomorrow, go and rest. 35 Nijisha waved her hands and walked out of the conference room.

Everyone left one after another, and Commander Xuan Niao followed the little maid to the side hall, and had already packed the room for her to rest.

Buff pushed open the door of the side hall and said obediently: "Miss Xuanniao, sleep here today, and call me if you need anything.

"Okay." Commander Xuanniao responded.

She walked into the side hall and found that the room here was bigger and better than the one she lived in the Xuanwu Restaurant.

Commander Xuanniao touched the soft big bed and whispered softly, "That's great.

She went to the bathroom to take a shower and patiently dried every feather with a towel so that the bed would not get wet when she went to bed.

The woman looked at herself in the mirror, the wounds on her body had healed, the blood scabs had all fallen off, and the new skin was as smooth as suet jade.

"That's great." Commander Xuan Bird murmured again.

Her eyes flowed, and she lay relaxed on the big bed, her wings spread out, covering the whole big bed.

She relaxed her whole body, and the thought of betraying the Xuanwu Kingdom could not arise in her mind. She didn't realize it herself, and fell asleep before she knew it.

. . . . . . . . .

ps: [3 more]: Please customize.

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