Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

1882: If you dare to do it, I respect you as a person. (1 more)

In the depths of the misty sea, in the island where the holy city is located.

"Tap tap~

A shadow flashed, and Mu Liang appeared outside the holy city with Liyue and Mia.

Liyue looked behind her, no one could follow.

Mu Liang looked at the holy city Shimen in front of him, and said indifferently: "It's still the same as last time, nothing has changed."

"Tap tap~~~"

At this time, someone happened to leave the holy city, and the three of them exchanged glances with Mu Liang, then stopped.

The man asked in astonishment: "Hey, where have you been recently?"

The last time he came, he had watched Mu Liang's 'abusive food' and remembered the other person's appearance.

"Back to the Xuanwu Kingdom." Mu Liang said indifferently.

"Back to the Xuanwu Kingdom?" The man frowned and tilted his head to think.

He wondered aloud: "Is there no place with this name on the island?

Mia said coldly: "There is no island, there is outside the island. 35

The man sneered and waved his hand: "Outside the island... You mean you left here and came back from outside?"

"Yes." Li Yue looked at the man coldly.


After the man laughed, he said naively: "Stop joking, no one can leave here.

Mia rolled her eyes and said coldly: "Our majesty taught me an idiom, you are called 'the frog at the bottom of the well'."

"Frog at the bottom of the well???" The man's face darkened.

He wanted to do it, but he didn't dare.

Mia ignored him and followed Mu Liang into the holy city.

"..." The man gritted his teeth, recalling the scene when Mu Liang killed the eighth-rank powerhouse in seconds, he forcibly endured all dissatisfaction, and it was more important to save his life.

"Shout, what are you thinking of leaving here?" The man pouted and stepped into the jungle.

The three of Mu Liang walked into the holy city and immediately attracted the attention of many people.

"Hey, he's back. 99

"I thought I was dead outside, but I came back.

"No one can leave here, no matter what direction they leave from, they are all the same, if they are lucky they don't die in the storm, if they are unlucky, they all sink to the bottom of the sea.

Many people recognized Mu Liang, and they all remembered what he said when he left. They thought he died in the storm, but they didn't expect to see him again.

Mu Liang glanced at them, his deep black eyes were frighteningly cold, and they all shut up immediately.

"Tap tap~

A teenager ran out of the crowd, looked at Mu Liang and the others with red eyes, and asked angrily, "What about Heather and Hafenni?

Mia raised her brows slightly and asked in surprise, "Who is he?

Li Yue said softly, "Yori's grandson seems to be called Yi Di.

"Who is Yorie?" Mia asked suspiciously.

Liyue thought for a while and recalled: "Thiid's friends on the island."

"I understand." Mia nodded slowly.

She looked at Yi Di with a more exploratory look, is the other party the suitor of Sister Heather?

Mu Liang glanced at Yi Di and said indifferently: "They are in the Xuanwu Kingdom."

Yi Di was stunned for a moment, and asked subconsciously, "Xuanwu Kingdom? Isn't it Xuanwu City?"

"I have established a kingdom." Mu Liang explained casually.

Yidi reacted and asked in astonishment, "Hather Finn and Hafenni really left here?"

"Hmm." Mu Liang nodded.

"You lied to me, right?" "Yidi opened his mouth with suspicion on his face.

"Tap tap~~~

Yorie stepped out of the crowd, looked at Mu Liang with a solemn face, and asked in a deep voice, "That old man Tesid, did you really go out?

The Tesheed he hadn't seen in a long time,

Mu Liang said indifferently: "He has returned to Night Moon City. 35

He came to the Holy City this time mainly to 'talk about business'. There are still many people in the Holy City. If they want to leave here, they still need his help.

Mu Liang came from across the country, and he knew the truth. If there is demand, there will be a market. These people in front of him are all potential customers.

Yuri said with a sullen face and a hoarse voice: "I really want to believe it, but it's unlikely. 99

"Another frog at the bottom of the well. 35 Mia pouted.

"You don't need to believe it.

Mu Liang raised his eyes and said calmly, "I'm here this time, and I have brought more than 600 people here, and there should be some of your acquaintances, I'll find out later.

"There are more than 600 people?" The people around said in shock.

Mu Liang answered nonchalantly: "This time I will only stay for three days. If you want to leave here, prepare the magic beast spar or rare herbs and treasures. If I am satisfied, I can take you away. 39

The onlookers looked at each other in dismay, and only felt that Mu Liang was very loud and a little ignorant.

Mu Liang ignored them, took Liyue and Mia to the depths of the holy city, and when Qi Erna and the others came to the holy city, these people knew that what he said was true.

・・For flowers・..0

"Hmph, the tone is not small. Someone snorted coldly.

Another pouted and said, "If you have his strength, you can speak like this.

"...What did you say?" The man who spoke first glared angrily.

"Haha, I said you are weak." The man continued to mock.

"Shut up and believe it or not I beat you. 39

"This is the Holy City. If you dare, do it. I respect you as a person. If you don't dare, keep your mouth shut."


The onlookers continued to watch the excitement, which was the only fun in the holy city.

The two choked to the end, agreed to leave the holy city, and fought in the open space outside the city gate.

"Just like that, it's more fun than just talking and not doing it.""

"That's right, how can this look good if you move your mouth and don't use your hands.""

The onlookers held their arms in front of them and commented on the two, like senior judges, still betting on who would win.

It was just something they didn't expect, the two of them lost both in the final battle, lying on the ground spitting blood.

"It's really useless." The onlookers complained in disappointment.

"Tap tap~

Suddenly, there was a sound from the jungle not far away, and there were voices of people talking.

"Arrived, I saw the holy city." This was a strong male voice.

A worried female voice sounded: "I hope the ancestor is in the holy city, otherwise three days may really not be enough."

"Hope." The thick male voice sounded again, attracting the attention of everyone in front of the holy city.

"Tap tap~~

Not long after, Qierna, Lingxi, and Yom walked out of the jungle and entered the sight of everyone in the holy city.

"Hey, I saw someone." Lingxi's beautiful eyes lit up.

Qierna and Yom stopped and stared vigilantly at everyone in the holy city.

"Are you new here?" Someone asked in front of the holy city.

Yeom responded vigilantly, "Yes.

"It's unfortunate, there are three more." Someone laughed out loud.

"It's good, there are still too few people in the holy city."

Yom and Zierner looked at each other and exchanged glances.

"Go to the holy city first." Lingxi said clearly.

"Okay. Yom and Zierner agreed.

. . . . . . . . .

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code.

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