Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

1883: An inexplicable sense of identity. (2 more)

"Tap tap~~~

The three of Qi Erna walked towards the gate of the holy city, and the eyes of the people around them moved with them.

"Hey, how did you come here." A young woman in the crowd asked.

Another person asked curiously: "Is it an accident? Or did you come here specifically to find an opportunity?

"We're here to find someone." Qi Erner replied in a deep voice.

"Come looking for someone?" Many people were full of question marks.

Lingxi asked in a crisp voice, "By the way, have you seen Mu Liang? 95

"Mu Liang, who is it?" the young woman frowned.

Lingxi described: "One man and two women, the woman is wearing nine-color armor and dark black armor, the man is very handsome."

handsome guy?

35Yom's eyes jumped.

"One man and two women, the man is very handsome... I know who you are talking about." The young woman suddenly realized that Mu Liang's appearance appeared in her mind.

One San" "His name is Mu Liang, and he is very handsome. "The women in the crowd nodded in agreement.

"Yom twitched the corners of his mouth, what's the matter with your inexplicable sense of identity?

"They're in town. 99

The young woman stepped forward, raised her eyebrows and asked curiously, "You know him? What's the relationship?"

"He brought us here, it's an employment relationship. 35

Yom's throat moved, and the young woman in front of her exuded a powerful breath, which was the breath of a ninth-order powerhouse.

"What?" the young woman exclaimed in shock.

"He said it very clearly." Lingxi stepped forward, held Yom behind her, and faced the young woman directly without cowardice.

"Are you really brought to the island by Mu Liang?" The others looked at the three in disbelief.

"Well..." Qi Erner took two steps back, and the people in front of him looked very scary.

"How many people came?" the young woman asked.

Lingxi said coldly: "More than six hundred people."

"Really more than 600 people?" Everyone exclaimed.

"What are you yelling for..." Lingxi pouted and took a few steps back with a puzzled face.

"Tap tap~~~"

There were noises in the jungle, and more than two dozen people came to the holy city, men and women, all dressed in gorgeous clothes, in stark contrast to those who lived in the holy city.

"Come on, this is the holy city that Mu Liang said, right?

"Hey, why are there so many people?"

The expressions of surprise on the faces of the late-arriving nobles were still there, and they were stunned when they saw the gathered people.

The young woman's lips trembled, looked at Qi Erna, and asked suspiciously, "These people are also new here, brought by Mu Liang?

"Yeah." Qi Erner nodded with a straight face.


There was an uproar, and after recalling what Mu Liang said in the holy city, they believed that he was not talking nonsense.

"What's wrong?" The nobles later looked at each other.

The young woman asked with a serious face, "Can Mu Liang really take you away?"

The young noble replied: "He said so, it shouldn't be difficult to leave, just get on the transport spaceship."5

"Yeah, with a transport spaceship, it's not difficult to leave."

"That's because His Excellency Mu Liang is there, otherwise how could it be easy?

The nobles were chatting, and what they said made the expressions of others more and more excited.

"Great, I can really get out of here, I'm going to find Mu Liang." The young woman exclaimed excitedly.

An old man wearing animal skin said solemnly: "Wait, Mu Liang seems to have said that he will take us away with the beast spar or rare treasure to find him.

"Yes, yes, I'll go back and get something.

"I think about it, I have saved a lot of magical beast spar, as well as gems dug on the top of the mountain, herbs that I don't want to use on weekdays..."

After a while, there were only a group of nobles left in front of the city gate. They looked at each other, not knowing what happened.

"Go, enter the city." Qi Erna whispered.

Yom and Lingxi followed, and the three walked into the holy city. There were wooden and stone houses, and there was no one on the street.

"Quick, if you have a chance to get out of here, go to Mu Liang." Someone shouted while running on the street.

"This..." Lingxi was stunned for a moment. In this chaotic situation, how to find the ancestor?

She looked at Yom and asked, "What should I do?"

Yeom said solemnly: "Go ahead and have a look first, ask someone, maybe they know the ancestor.

"Okay." Lingxi nodded.

Yom looked sideways at Qierna and asked, "What are your plans?

Qi Erna thought for a while and said, "I'll walk around first, and then I'll meet again if I have nothing to do, or I'll see you on the transport spaceship in three days."5

"Okay, pay attention to safety." Yom said in a serious tone.

"Don't worry, I'm strong." Qi Erner grinned.

He waved his hand and walked to another street in the holy city.

"Let's go." Yom retracted his gaze, took his wife's hand and walked forward...

Soon they met a few people, who were discussing something with a serious look.

"What should we do, we don't have any magical beast spar, and we don't have any rare treasures.

"Neither do I. I've only been on the island for a month, and I didn't get anything. It's okay if I didn't starve to death."

"It's over, I can't go out.

Several people were downcast again, and they were all a little desperate.

"Several Your Excellencies." Yom stepped forward.

"Who are you?" Several people became vigilant, and when they saw the clothes on several people's bodies, they understood something.

"Are you new here, brought by Mu Liang?" one of them asked.

"That's right." Yom nodded.

"Is something wrong?" the middle-aged uncle with a beard asked.

Lingxi asked sincerely: "Do you know Flegreo?"

"Why are you looking for him?" the bearded middle-aged uncle asked vigilantly.

"The ancestor is indeed in the holy city! 33 Lingxi's beautiful eyes suddenly lit up.

The middle-aged uncle asked in astonishment, "Is Flegre your ancestor?

"Yes, where are the others?" Yom asked excitedly.

Another big man spread his hands and said: "He is not in the holy city, he went out hunting."

Yom asked, "When did you go?"

"It's been a few days, and we don't know where it went." Several people shook their heads and shrugged helplessly.

Lingxi looked at her husband and asked with a sigh, "What should I do now?

Yom thought for a while, then said solemnly: "You are waiting in the holy city, I will go out to look for it, maybe I can find it, if I can't find it, I will gather on the transport spaceship 4.0 in three days.

"That's fine." Lingxi hesitated, but nodded.

Youmu said in a serious tone: "Lingxi, pay attention to safety, go to Mu Liang if you have anything, we have the magic beast spar, he will help."

"I know. 35 Lingxi nodded vigorously.

"Go. Yom grinned, turned and ran towards the city gate entrance.

"..." Lingxi sighed secretly, only three days, can he really find the ancestor?

If you can't find it, do you follow the transport spacecraft away, or stay and continue to look for it?

How to leave the island after that?

She was very annoyed and uneasy at this time, but there was no other way.

Lingxi glanced at the few people in front of her, then turned around and walked towards the gate of the holy city. When the ancestor came back, he could see it at a glance and would not miss it.


ps: [2 more]: Please customize.

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