Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

1884: Passport for customs clearance. (3 more)

Xuanwu Kingdom, outside the main city highland.

Feng'er stood on the roof of the residential area, hiding in the corner and looking at the high ground in the distance.

The corners of her lips rose, and she murmured softly, "I've been away for six days, so I shouldn't come back suddenly. 35

Since the transport spaceship left the central square of the main city, she has been waiting for an opportunity every day, worried that Mu Liang will leave behind and traps after leaving.

Feng'er lowered his eyes, thought for a while, and decided to act in the afternoon.

"I must act in the afternoon." Her eyes flashed slightly, and she already had a plan in her heart.

She turned and went downstairs, walking in the shadows by the wall, towards the reception accommodation next to the train station.

Feng'er has always lived there, and the staff did not drive away the people who lived there. After all, those who can live there have identities related to nobles.

"Tap tap~~~

"Feng'er? 35 Suddenly, a surprised voice sounded.

Feng'er's body froze, her brows furrowed under the shadows, she turned her head and looked behind her, Ling Xiang and Lingyun were walking hand in hand.

"It's really troublesome..." Feng'eryin pouted, and quickly put on a surprised expression.

She hurried forward and saluted respectfully: "His Royal Highness."

Lingyun frowned and said: "Feng'er, where have you been for the past two weeks, and I can't find you."

"His Royal Highness, I went to find my father and mother, but I haven't found it yet." Feng'er lowered her head, the joy on her face disappeared and was replaced by a sad look.

"I haven't found it yet." Ling Yun's face showed regret.

She raised her hand and patted Feng'er on the shoulder. For the maid who grew up with her in front of her, the relationship between the two was like sisters.

Feng'er said with a firm expression: "They should be in the Xuanwu Kingdom. They may have gone to other acropolis. I will continue to look for them."

"..." Lingyun opened her mouth and swallowed what she was about to say,

She and Lingxiang wanted to go to the Old World and wanted to call Feng'er, but now they hesitated after hearing her say that.

"His Royal Highness, what's wrong?" Feng'er asked suspiciously.

Lingyun explained: "We are going to see the old continent and want to ask you to go with us.

Feng'er was stunned for a moment, then said in astonishment, "Go to the Old Continent, do your Majesty and the Queen know?"

Lingyun lowered her voice and snickered: "I don't know, we will go secretly, and then secretly come back.

Feng'er's beautiful eyes widened, "Your Majesty will be worried, the Queen definitely doesn't want His Highness to be like this.

"It's okay, we'll go with the transport spaceship, we'll be back soon, and we won't run around, right?" Ling Yun turned her head to look at her friend.

In the past few days, she and Lingxiang went to different acropolis to play. They unexpectedly learned that the route to the old continent was opened, and they decided to go to the old continent to play.

In order to go to the Old World, the two teamed up to hide from their respective knight commanders and sneak out.

"Yes, there is a transport spaceship, it is very safe." Ling Xiangjiao said naively.

Feng'er persuaded: "It's better to have a word with Your Majesty.

"Don't be so troublesome, we just came back when they came back. Ling Xiang waved her hands.

"Yes." Lingyun didn't care either.

"But..." Feng'er's face was embarrassed, but she was happy in her heart.

When Lingyun and Lingxiang are gone, she will be able to use her 'identity' to enter the highlands without being discovered.

She can cast black magic, turn into an aura, and enter the high ground aboveboard.

Lingyun said crisply: "Just stay in the Xuanwu Kingdom and wait for us to come back. 35

Feng'er said hesitantly, "This is not good..."

Ling Xiang rolled her eyes and said coquettishly, "You're just an ordinary person, it's too dangerous to follow, so just stay."

"...Feng'er pursed her lips and lowered her head, her eyes flashing under her long eyelashes.

Lingyun suddenly said: "If my father comes back early, you will help cover, you know?

Feng Erwei: "Your Highness, that is Your Majesty, I will be executed for lying.

"No, father won't embarrass you, don't worry." Ling Yun reassured.

...this, all right. "Feng'er nodded with a wry smile.

Lingyun coquettishly said: "Well, let's accompany us to get a passport for customs clearance first."5

"What customs clearance passport?" Feng'er asked in confusion.

Lingxiang explained: "To go to the Old Continent, you must have a customs clearance passport to pass through, otherwise you won't be able to pass through, and you won't be able to ride on the transport spacecraft.

"It's similar to the customs clearance letter?" Feng'er blinked.

Lingyun nodded and said: "Yes, but the customs clearance passport is only used when going to other continents. 35

These are all inquired from the Acropolis Administration. Passports for customs clearance can only be carried out at the main city administration or the windows of the two major customs offices.

In the future, other Acropolis will also open the service for customs clearance passports one after another.

The two were the closest to the main city, so they wanted to go to the main city administration to apply for their passports.

"It turns out that this is the case, I just know." Feng'er's eyes flashed.

Lingyun said crisply: "Let's go together, you can do one too, it will be convenient if you want to go to the old continent in the future."

"Okay." Feng'er agreed.

She has an idea in her heart, maybe she can go to the old continent in the future, look for talented people, and re-strengthen the power of the dark phoenix.

Lingxiang urged: "Let's go, don't waste time, I heard that it takes time to get a certificate.

"Yes, you can buy tickets only after you have completed the customs clearance passport." Lingyun hurriedly said.

They wanted to buy tickets for the transport spacecraft two days ago, but were told that they could not buy tickets without customs clearance passports.

"Let's go." Ling Xiang took Lingyun's hand and walked quickly to the main city management bureau.

When the three of them came to the main city management office, the service hall on the first floor was already full of people, and there were people lining up at every service window, and it was crowded with people.

"Get the number first, call the number and then go to the window." "The staff shouted 213 with a loudspeaker.

"I'll go get the number." Feng'er said softly.

"Go." Lingyun waved her hand.

Feng'er walked to the window where the number was issued. The staff at the window was arranging the ticket box, which contained a number sheet of Zhang Shun number.

"Hello." Feng'er said in a crisp voice.

The staff asked: "What business do you want to handle?"

"We need to get a customs clearance passport." Feng'er replied.

"You?" The staff member blinked.

"Yes, three people." Feng'er turned around and pointed to Ling Yun and Ling Xiang not far away.

"Okay." The staff nodded, took out three tickets from the ticket box next to them and handed them to Feng'er, and also handed her a card application form.

She instructed: "To apply for a passport for customs clearance, you must prepare the information written on it, and then go to the window to apply for it when the number is called.

"Oh, okay." Feng'er took four pieces of paper and returned to Ling Yun in a confused way.

"What is this?" Ling Xiang took the 'Certificate Instructions'.

She whispered: "Prepare three photos, personal details..."

"Are you going to prepare photos?" Ling Yun widened her beautiful eyes.

Feng'er reminded: "It says that there is a photo studio next to the main city management bureau.

"Let's go, let's go and shoot now." Ling Xiang hurriedly said.

The three hurriedly left the main city administration office.

. . . . . . . . .

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