Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

1885: Tombstone Photos??? (1 more)

The main city, in the photo studio.

Lingxiang, Lingyun, and Fenger are lining up, and three people are taking pictures in front of them.

Lingyun stuck her head and looked forward, worried: "There are still three people in front, will it be too late to apply for the certificate?

Feng'er said crisply: "No, we are number eighty-ninth, ninety and ninety-one, and when we left, the number of the window was called until number 21.

"That's good." Ling Yun breathed a sigh of relief.

Ling Xiang said calmly, "It's very quick to take pictures."

She has been to the photo studio, and it only takes ten seconds to take a photo.

"I know." Lingyun pouted.

The three were talking and laughing, and after more than ten minutes, the staff called the three of them into the room.

The staff asked casually: "All three of you have to take pictures, right?

"Yes." Feng'er replied.

The staff skillfully read out a series of options: "Do you want to take artistic photos, or ID photos, tombstone photos, commemorative photos...?"

Ling Xiang twitched the corners of her mouth and said in a sullen voice: "Tombstone photo... Needless to say, do you think we need it?"

"I'm sorry, it's smooth to say." The staff member said angrily.

Lingyun Jiao said: "We are going to apply for a passport for customs clearance, and we need a photo."

The staff nodded and said: "That is to take ID photos, three for each person. 39

"Yes, that's what it says above." Lingyun shook the 'certificate instructions' in her hand.

"I know, a lot of people come here to take pictures." The staff smiled back and waved to the hanger next to them.

He patted the hanger and turned back: "I need to change clothes when I take the ID photo, so let's pick one.

"Okay." The three of Ling Yun stepped forward and picked them on the hanger.

Feng'er asked in confusion, "Why are they all white?"

"This is the rule, and I don't know why." The staff shrugged.

The clothing of the unified ID photo is one for uniformity, the other is for anti-counterfeiting, and the third is to reflect the difference of the ID photo.

"Okay." Feng'er took a shirt off the hanger, looked at the weird-looking clothes, and turned to the dressing room next to her.

Ling Yun and Ling Xiang also took a shirt and went to the locker room. After a few minutes, the three of them pushed open the door together and came out.

Lingyun tugged at the collar and muttered: "What a strange dress~

"I think it looks pretty." Ling Yun reached out and fastened the buttons of her collar.

"It's a little tight." Feng'er pulled down her shirt, feeling that the buttons on her chest were about to be squeezed out.

The corner of the staff's eyes jumped, and he quickly asked, "Who shoots first?

"I'll go first." Ling Yun stepped forward.

"Sit here." The staff pointed to the seat in front of him.

The wall behind the seat is painted light blue, and is also printed with the national flag pattern, which is the background of the ID photo, which can also play a role in anti-counterfeiting, similar to the 'watermark' of the earth photo

Ling Yun sat on the chair, her hair naturally let loose.

The staff reminded: "Show your full face and don't cover your eyes with your hair."

"Okay." Ling Yun raised her hand and brushed the hair on her forehead behind her ear.

The staff fiddled with the camera and raised his hand to signal: "Straighten your back and look at the camera."

"Okay." Ling Yun did as she did, and Mei Mu stared at the camera without blinking.

"Very good, keep still." The staff reminded.

He pressed the beast spar on the camera and activated the camera.

The camera buzzed and the first photo was taken successfully.

The staff took out the photo, checked it again to make sure it was all right, and took another two.

He raised his hand and said, "Okay, next one.

"I'm coming." Ling Xiang stepped forward and sat in the place where Ling Yun had just sat.

Lingyun has already obtained the photo, only the size of three fingers, and her appearance is clearly printed on the paper.

After the three of them finished taking pictures, they left the photo studio, and when they returned to the main city administration office, the number had just arrived at No. 85.

Lingyun breathed a sigh of relief and sat down: "We haven't been called yet.

The three waited for half an hour before the staff's voice came out from the loudspeaker: "Please go to window 2 on the 89th. 35

"Number eighty-ninth, you're calling me." Ling Yun's beautiful eyes lit up, and excitedly got up and walked to the second window.

"Please come from the ninetieth to the fifth window.

"Please come to window number four on the ninety-one.""

The staff's prompts sounded one after another.

"It's my turn too." Ling Xiang and Feng'er both stood up and walked to the fifth and fourth windows.

Lingyun sat down on the chair in front of window 90 and looked up at the staff in the window.

The staff asked: "What business do you want to handle? 35

Lingyun said crisply: "I want to apply for a customs clearance passport."

The staff asked, "Are the photos ready?"

"Okay, here it is." Lingyun took out the new photo and handed it to the staff.

The staff checked the photos and put them down after confirming that they met the regulations, and took out three pieces of paper and handed them to the girl.

The staff official said: "Fill in your personal information, and everything you write must be true, otherwise you may not be able to get a passport for customs clearance.

"々. Okay." Lingyun picked up the pen, looked at the blanks on the form, and filled in.

"Name, where do you live, when you were born...?"

Five minutes later, the girl filled out the form and returned it to the window.

The staff checked it again and put it away after confirming that there was no problem. He raised his eyes and said, "Okay, please go back and wait, and pick it up tomorrow."

Lingyun said stunned: "Can't you get a customs clearance passport now?"

The staff explained: "It takes time to make a customs clearance passport, but it will be very fast, and it will be ready tomorrow morning.

The production method of the customs clearance passport is the same as that of the ID card, and it takes time to produce.

"Tomorrow morning, it should be too late." Ling Yun nodded slowly.

The transport spacecraft will take off tomorrow afternoon, and there is still time to buy tickets.

She got up and left the window, sat down in the waiting seat next to her, and waited for five or six minutes before Ling Xiang and Feng'er left the window.

Ling Xiang said helplessly: "I have to wait until tomorrow to get my passport."

(Excellent) Ling Yun also said helplessly: "Yeah, come here early tomorrow, you should be able to buy a ticket in time. 35

Feng'er's eyes flickered slightly, and she gave up the idea of ​​​​doing it in the afternoon, preparing to wait for Lingyun to leave the Xuanwu Kingdom tomorrow, and then borrow her identity to enter the highland handsome.

Ling Xiang held Ling Yun's hand and asked, "It's still early, what are you going to do?"

Lingyun suggested: "Go to the movies, there are new movies coming out.

"Okay." Ling Xiang's beautiful eyes lit up, but she likes watching movies very much, and sometimes she can watch the same movie four or five times.

Lingyun looked at the girl and asked, "Feng'er, do you want to go together?"

Feng'er said obediently, "Follow His Highness's arrangement."9

Lingyun said softly: "Then let's watch it together, and treat it as a distraction.

"Yes. Feng'er replied, slandering in her heart, a lie needs countless lies to make up for it.

. 0. . . . . . .

[1 update]: The second update of the positive code.


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