The night is hazy, and the tree of life emits a faint light, so that the night in the Xuanwu Kingdom will not become invisible.

In the main city, in the building next to the train station.

Feng'er, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed... opened her eyes, she stood up silently, raised her hand and patted the glass cover on the wall, the lantern beetle inside began to glow, and the room suddenly became bright.


"It's time to act. Feng'er's eyes sparkled, she came to the center of the room, sat down, and began to draw a magic circle.

With a serious look, she drew the magic circle one by one, and the magic power fluctuated.

Inside the huge tree of life, Linger opened her green eyes.

"I still want to get a good night's sleep. My father asked me to stare, so I have to go and have a look." She muttered, and her body turned into a green light and disappeared.

In the building, Feng'er continued to draw the magic circle, which took half an hour to complete.


She got up and sat down in the center of the magic circle, which was the eye of the magic circle.

Feng'er sat down, chanting a spell in her mouth, and the appearance of aura appeared in her mind.

She reached into her sleeve and took out a pair of socks, which Ling Yun passed through, the medium needed to cast black magic.

Time passed, and after another half an hour, Feng'er's facial features became blurred, as if the calm water surface was moved by a pair of hands.

When the girl's facial features became clear, it seemed to have become aura.

She stood up, picked up the mirror to check her face, and after confirming that it was no different from Ling Yun, she put down the mirror with satisfaction.

The corners of Feng'er's lips twitched, she took out the clothes she had prepared in advance and put them on, and confidently pushed open the door and went out.

She went downstairs, got on the animal cart and headed towards the heights.

An hour later, the beast car stopped outside the gate of the highland, and the girl got out of the car, stared at the gate of the highland, and walked with a calm expression.

When she approached the highland gate, she was stopped by the highland guards.

A Qing took a step sideways and said with a serious face: "Miss Lingyun, what's the matter here so late~`?"

Feng'er said crisply: "I want to find Mu Liang.

"Your Majesty is not on the high ground." Ah Qing said solemnly.

Feng'er raised her chin and said, "Then I will find Bai Shuang, and she will live there, I know.

According to her understanding, Ling Yun met Bai Shuang when she was skiing in the No. 12 Acropolis, and Bai Shuang had not left since the end of the founding ceremony of the People's Republic of China, and even entered the highland later.

A Qing asked cautiously, "What is your matter with Miss Baishuang?

Feng'er rolled her eyes with Ling Yun's appearance: "I am friends with her, and I want to talk to her.

"Your Excellency, wait a moment, I will ask for instructions. 35 Ah Qing is official.

"Okay, hurry up." Feng'er pretended to be impatient.

She now has a charming face, and can be unbridled and arrogant. As long as she is not close to people around her, others will not doubt her identity. After all, princesses are pampered, and it is normal to have a temper.

Ah Qing didn't care, he turned his head and whispered a few words to Oman, who was also on duty, and the latter turned and left.

Ah Qing said with a cold face: "Your Excellency, wait a moment.

"Hmph." Feng'er pouted, feeling a little nervous in her heart.

On the other side, inside the palace.

Bai Shuang watched TV series with Xibei Qi and others.

She had planned to wait for the end of the founding ceremony to go to the rest of the Acropolis and then leave. When she came to the highland to say goodbye to Mu Liang, she was pushed by the girls and stayed for a while longer.

"Giggle... This heroine is so funny." Yue Feiyan bent down with a smile.

"How can you be so stupid?" Xibeqi also laughed out loud.

Baishuang Meimu said with a smile: "It's very interesting. 35

Mino turned his head and asked, "It looks like your mother took it?

"Yes, Qin Yi's mother took it, she is very good." Yue Feiyan raised her chin proudly.

Mino nodded in agreement: "Well, much better than you."

"What? 33 Yue Feiyan widened her red eyes and stared at the rabbit-eared girl with dissatisfaction.

"It's nothing, I'm talking nonsense. Mino's blue eyes were smiling, and the fluffy ears on top of his head swayed happily.

"Tap tap~

Footsteps came.

Xiaomi came out of the liaison room and came to the front of the girls and said, "Miss Baishuang, Princess Lingyun came to the highlands and wanted to talk to you."5

"Ling Yun?" Bai Shuang was stunned.

Xiaomi added: "Yes, she said it was your friend."

Bai Shuang pursed her lips and said softly, "I don't know her very well, it was my father who knew her father."

"Then do you want to let her in?" Xiaomi blinked her beautiful eyes.

"Lingyun, then let her in." Yue Qinlan walked into the main hall gracefully and gracefully.

"Yes." Xiaomi responded, turned around and went back to the liaison room to answer the highland guards.

Bai Shuang frowned in confusion: "It's really strange, how could she suddenly want to come to me?"

Yue Qinlan said gracefully: "Maybe it's too boring, or there may be something wrong, I'll know when she comes.

"I can go out to see her." Bai Shuang said embarrassedly.

"No." Yue Qinlan patted Bai Shuang on the shoulder.

"々.Okay." Baishuang's eyes flickered, and she liked this place more and more and the people around her.

Yue Feiyan boldly guessed: "She may also come to eat and drink.

"It's also possible. Yue Qinlan smiled.

Minuo said with a serious face: "Don't think of people so badly, maybe something really happened.

"That's right." Yue Qinlan nodded with a smile.

She turned her head and said, "Yao'er, go wash some fruit first, and entertain guests later."

"Yes." Yao Er nodded obediently, turned and went to the kitchen.

Nearly twenty minutes later.

Feng'er came to the eighth floor of the highland and was led into the palace by the little maid.


Her appearance attracted the attention of Yue Qinlan and others.

Feng'er walked into the main hall and saw Bai Shuang at a glance, her beautiful eyes lit up, and she said sweetly, "Sister Bai Shuang.

Bai Shuang's eyes flickered, and she said softly: "Lingyun.

"Hello." Feng'er waved warmly in greeting.

"Hello. 35 Yue Feiyan blinked her red eyes and looked at the girl carefully (very good).

Bai Shuang asked suspiciously, "Why are you here?"

Feng'er opened her eyes and said nonsense: "When my father left, I was bored and could play with you, so I came.

Yao Er just walked out of the kitchen carrying the fruit, and when she heard this, her brows furrowed handsomely.

"Yao'er, it's really slow to wash a fruit." Yue Qinlan said casually, her aqua blue eyes flickering slightly.

Yao Er was stunned for a moment, and lowered his head in a clear mind: "Please punish me, sir."

"It's not an example, let it go." Yue Qinlan rubbed her chin.

"Yes." Yao'er put the washed fruit on the table and stood behind Yue Qinlan.

At this time, 'Ling Yun' and Bai Shuang were chatting, and it seemed that the two had a good relationship.

Yueqin's blue eyes were thoughtful, and she raised her hand and patted Yao'er's hand.

Yao'er immediately cheered up and listened carefully to the words spit out from the mouth of 'Ling Yun'.

. . . . . . . . . . .

ps: [3 more]: Please customize.

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