Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

1891: Mouth full of lies. (1 more)

Yue Qinlan leaned on the sofa, with an elegant and relaxed posture, holding an empty teacup in her hand, and the fingertips touching the edge of the cup still had residual warmth.

Xiao Zi held the teapot and asked softly, "Lord Qinlan, do you still drink tea?

"Yeah." Yue Qinlan responded lazily.


Xiaozi tilted the teapot spout, and the green tea fell into the teacup.

Yue Qinlan raised her eyes to look at Bai Shuang and 'Ling Yun', the two were still chatting for half an hour.

Yue Feiyan, Xibeqi and others had already left, and only Minuo and Elina were left in the main hall.

Yue Qinlan elegantly reminded: "It's getting late, rest early.

Hearing that, Bai Shuang looked at the swinging clock on the wall and said in surprise, "Ah, it's already past ten."

"Yeah, going to bed early and getting up early is good for your skin." Yue Qinlan lifted her eyes and raised her lips slightly.

"Ah, then I'm going to sleep, and I always feel that my skin is not very good these two days." Bai Shuang quickly stood up, stroking her face with her thin white hands.

"Then I..." Feng'er also stood up, with an expression of hesitating to speak.

Yue Qinlan smiled and said: "It's not too early, Lingyun will also live here tonight.

"Then I'll disturb you." Feng'er's beautiful eyes lit up. My heart is relaxed, this is exactly what she wants.

She pretended to be Ling Yun and it seemed that she succeeded, and she was able to stay on the high ground, and the first step of the plan was completed.

Yue Qinlan turned her head and said, "Xiao Zi, go and clean up the room for Miss Lingyun."

213 "Yes." Xiao Zi nodded obediently.

She reached out her hand to signal: "Miss Lingyun, please come with me.

"Okay." Feng'er nodded, said goodbye to Bai Shuang and followed the little maid to the side hall.

After Bai Shuang and the others left, Yao'er couldn't hold back and asked in a low voice, "Lord Qinlan, few of what she said were true, why did you keep her in the palace?"

"It's convenient to stare under your eyes." Yue Qinlan said indifferently.

"Oh." Yao Er nodded thoughtfully.

Alina was surprised and asked, "Is there something wrong with her?"

Yue Qinlan said gracefully: "Well, full of lies, it gives me a very strange feeling.

Elina nodded and said, "I think she's weird too, but I just can't tell what's weird. 35

"I feel this way too." Yan Bing nodded.

Yue Qinlan raised her eyes and asked, "Where's Nijisha?"

"She's on duty tonight." Yan Bing said softly.

Yue Qinlan looked at the pink-haired girl and the purple-haired girl: "Who will watch the night for her, let her come back and stare at Lingyun, her awakening ability is suitable for monitoring."5

"I'll go." Yan Bing stood up and walked out of the main hall.

Not long after, Nigisa walked into the palace and took off the helmet.

Nijisha's blue hair fell down, holding her helmet and asking, "Sister Qinlan, where are you? 55

She already knew what happened from Yan Bing.

"The innermost side hall on the left." Yue Qinlan said softly.

"Okay, I'll go take a look." Nijisha responded and walked towards the innermost side hall on the left.

She entered the adjacent side hall, put on a helmet and entered a state of invisibility, and then closed her eyes to display her awakening ability.

Silently, in the side hall where Feng Er lived, an ear and an eye appeared on the roof beam, but they were all invisible, and the people living in the side hall did not know it.

In the side hall, Feng'er sat on the edge of the bed, picked up the comb on the table and combed her hair, which is what Lingyun does every day.

"Father doesn't know when he will be back." Feng'er learned Lingyun's tone of voice and learned to herself.

She didn't let down her guard just because she was alone, she still played aura.

Originally Lingyun's personal maid, she knew her life habits like the back of her hand, and she learned 90% of the same.

On the beam, the invisible eye silently watched the girl.

"Father will not be in trouble, right?" Feng'er was a little flustered as she combed her hair.

She quickly calmed down and said to herself: "No, my father is so powerful, he will come back safely..."

A few minutes later, Feng'er put down her comb, took off her shoes, climbed onto the bed and lay down, pulling the quilt over her body.

She turned her body sideways and covered half of her head with the quilt, leaving only her forehead outside.

Under the quilt... Feng'er let out a soft sigh, and there was a glint in the bottom of her eyes, hiding under the quilt, she didn't have to act carefully.

She closed her eyes and waited quietly (dbea) for time to pass.

In the adjacent side hall, Elina was sitting beside the bed, her hands resting on her cheeks and her eyes still closed. The picture in her mind was the side hall where Feng Er lived.

"Tsk, did they make a mistake?" she muttered softly.

After guarding for nearly two hours, the bulging quilt has not been moved. If it weren't for the half head outside the quilt, she would have thought that the people inside had left.

Nijisha yawned and continued to guard the changes in the side hall.

Time passed slowly, and three hours later, the woman under the quilt opened her eyes.

In the darkness, Feng'er's breathing was still light, her eyes turned twice, and she gently lifted the quilt on her upper body.

She sat up, looked around the house, made sure there was no one else in the side hall, and then got out of bed and put on shoes with confidence.

Nijisha regained her spirits, and the eyes on the roof beam followed Feng'er without blinking.

The girl put on her clothes and quietly came to the door, listening quietly to the movement outside the door.

After a while, she took out a clay bottle, poured out a potion and stuffed it into her mouth.


"What did you eat?" Nigisa frowned.

After a few minutes, Feng'er's body became transparent, and disappeared completely after a few breaths.

"Invisibility potion! Nijisha's beautiful blue eyes widened.


The door was pulled open from the inside, and closed softly again after a few seconds.

Nijisha knew that 'Ling Yun' was no longer in the side hall.

She stood up with a cold face, turned on the muffler, and turned out the window to avoid opening the door for Ling Yun to find it.

The green-haired girl circled around and came to the door of the side hall. When 'Ling Yun' left without leaving a trace, where would she go?

"Damn." Nijisha looked around, and finally walked quickly towards the warehouse.

Before she came to the warehouse, she checked around and found no sign of someone breaking in.

"It's not for the warehouse, what is it for?" Nigisa pondered deeply.

She thought of another possibility and hurried to the study.

When the blue-haired girl came to the study, Yue Qinlan was looking through the documents sent by the Acropolis. Mu Liang was away, so she had to take care of it all.


Yue Qinlan looked up at the girl who pushed in the door, and asked in surprise, "What's wrong?"

Nijisha took a deep breath and said: "'Ling Yun' took the invisibility potion and left the side hall not knowing where to go.

"She really has other purposes." Yueqin's blue eyes shone brightly.

Nijisha said coldly: "I went to the storeroom to see it, but she should have never been there. I thought she would come to the study to steal secrets, but now it doesn't seem to be the case."

Yue Qinlan ordered: "Call Elina and the others, and find her for me. 35

"Yes." Nijisha raised her hand in a salute, turned and walked away quickly.


. . . . . . . .

[1 update]: The second update of the positive code.


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