Xi Beiqi stared at Yaqi with her beautiful eyes wide open, her face full of puzzlement.

The female soldier got up and said in shame: "My lord, I was careless."

"What do you mean you are careless? I am already very strong." Yaqi resisted the urge to roll her eyes.

Yue Feiyan raised her eyelids, and her red eyes flashed brightly: "You are not an ordinary person, are you?"

"I came from the Old Continent. Although I am not an awakened person, I often fight with my family in vain, and my physical skills are no worse than hers." Yaqi said and pointed to the shame-faced female soldier.

"For nothing?" Xi Beiqi's tone was astonishing.

Yaqi explained: "It's my pet, a green tree demon."

Dryad, a ferocious beast that grows with green plants, has a human-like appearance and can control the vines that grow on its body to attack its prey.

"Why is the green tree demon called Baibai?" Yue Feiyan asked suddenly.

Yaqi blinked her eyes: "Because I like it."

"Okay, you won." Yue Fei twitched her lips.

"Did I pass the interview?" Yaqi asked expectantly.

Yue Feiyan and Xi Beiqi glanced at each other, then they approached to discuss in a low voice.

"Do you want her?" Xi Beiqi asked in a low voice.

Yue Feiyan said with a serious face: "I think she has great potential, maybe she can become very strong if she is cultivated."

"Then let her pass?" Xi Beiqi blinked her golden eyes.

The two looked at each other again, and replaced the answer with silence.

Yue Feiyan sat up straight, looked at the expectant girl, and said slowly, "I've passed it, come back here ten days later, and someone will take you to the recruit training camp."

"Yeah!" Yaqi yelled excitedly, jumping up and down excitedly.

"Okay, be quiet." Xi Beiqi quickly raised her hand to stop the girl from shouting.

"Yes." Yaqi quickly covered her mouth with her hand.

Yue Feiyan picked up the seal, stamped the girl's information, and handed it back to Yaqi.

"Go back." She shook the paper in her hand.

"Yes, thank you sir." Yaqi nodded excitedly, took the information and left with a jump.

"Okay, next one." Yue Feiyan sat down, picked up the next file and flipped through it.

Time passed slowly, the light from the tree of life weakened, and the Xuanwu Kingdom gradually entered the night.


Yue Feiyan clapped her hands and stood up, stretched her waist: "It's over, go back to eat."

"We have to continue tomorrow." Xi Beiqi hung her head.

With her hands on her hips, Yue Feiyan said with a serious face, "Come on, don't let Mu Liang down, you need to recruit more recruits."

"Ah, you're right." Shibeki cheered up.

After a day of interviews, 252 people passed the interview.

The two left the tent arm in arm, and when they returned to the highland palace, the maids had just finished their dinner, and the tempting aroma made their stomachs growl.

"I'm so hungry." Yue Feiyan let go of her hand and hurried into the restaurant.

"Go wash your hands." Yue Qinlan said in time.

"Okay." Yue Feiyan pouted, turned around and went to the kitchen to choose.

Soon after, all the women who lived in the palace gathered in the dining room except the fox fairy.

Xi Beiqi took a sip of the hot soup, and said delicately, "I don't know what Muliang and the others are doing."

"Just ask and you'll know." Yue Qinlan said suddenly.

"That's right, go get the resonance bug." Nijisha said crisply.

Yue Qinlan raised the corners of her lips and said, "No, let's make a video with Mu Liang."

"Hey, video? Is it the same as the live broadcast?" Xi Beiqi's beautiful eyes lit up.

Yue Qinlan said gracefully: "Well, this technology has matured, we have a TV, let Mu Liang set up a video camera over there and we can make videos."

With the previous experience of live broadcasting, using different magic tools and spiritual weapons, 'video calling' is no longer a problem.

"I'm going to make preparations." Buff said crisply.

"Go." Xi Beiqi quickly waved her hand.

"Yeah." Buff left the restaurant.

More than ten minutes later, the little maid moved the TV and video camera into the dining room, pointing at Yue Qinlan and the others.

She turned on the TV and adjusted the position of the camera.


The TV screen flickered, and after a while, Mu Liang's appearance appeared on the screen.

"Mu Liang!" Xi Beiqi and the others' eyes lit up.

"Good evening." Mu Liang's gentle voice sounded.

In the distant kingdom of the orcs, Mu Liang sat in the lounge of the transport spaceship, with a TV and a camera in front of him.

Mino poked his head and said pleasantly, "Hey, I can really see Sister Qinlan and the others."

"Good evening, Minuo." Figures of Yong Crimson and others appeared on the TV.

...asking for flowers...

"Did you just have dinner?" Mino blinked his blue eyes, all the girls on the TV were holding bowls, and some were still picking food into their mouths.

Xi Beiqi nodded and said, "Yes, and then I thought of you."

"We've just eaten too." Mino squatted in front of the TV, chatting with the girls.

Mu Liang sat beside him with a smile on his face.

Yue Qinlan asked elegantly: "Mu Liang, how is the construction going on there?"

"A few factories have been built, and I just taught them how to grow sweet potatoes. There is still a lot to do." Mu Liang said softly.

Yue Qinlan rolled up her temple hair and asked softly: "It must be very busy."

Mu Liang smiled, and wrote lightly: "Fortunately, I should not be as busy as you."

"That's impossible, building a kingdom is easier than me." Qi Qinlan said angrily.


The two chatted as if no one else was there, while Xibeqi and the others next to her stared wide-eyed, unable to get in their mouths at all.

After more than ten minutes, the two came to a conclusion on the matter of 'who is the busiest', and the conclusion was that everyone was busy.

"Hey, hey, you guys are so boring." Yue Feiyan rolled her beautiful eyes.

"Hey, you're here too." Li Yue who was standing behind Mu Liang said softly.

"Damn it, I've been here all the time." Yue Feiyan yelled angrily.

A smile flashed across Li Yue's eyes: "Sorry, I didn't pay attention."

Yue Feiyan said angrily, "Liyue, you've lost your studies with Mu Liang."


Mu Liang couldn't help laughing out loud.

Yue Qinlan asked elegantly: "Okay, Mu Liang, when will you come back?"

"Twenty days later." Mu Liang calculated the time in his mind.

"The trials for the sports meeting are all over." Xi Beiqi said charmingly.

Mu Liang said softly, "Well, I will hurry back before the official competition begins."

"Well, everyone misses you very much." Xi Beiqi said with a twinkle in her eyes.

Yue Feiyan glanced at the vampire girl with disdain, but she didn't refute.

"I will go back as soon as possible." Mu Liang's voice softened.

"Okay~~~" Xibeqila responded with a long voice.

Everyone laughed and continued to chat, and they reluctantly hung up the video until the dinner was over.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive size. .

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