In the Old Continent, more than a dozen miles outside the Wanku Forest, there are continuous mountains.

Under the mountains, there is a huge underground space, and the mountains of meat are slowly wriggling, exuding a disgusting atmosphere.

On the meat mountain, there are more than a dozen high-level virtual ghosts crouching.

In the middle surrounded by the meat mountain, there is a high-level virtual ghost with a body size of more than 100 meters, and it is closing its eyes at this time.

sooo sooo~~~

The surrounding virtual ghosts made noises from time to time, it was the groaning of low-level virtual ghosts giving birth.


Suddenly, the high-level ghosts with closed eyes opened their eyes, and the red pupils were like red lanterns, waking up the other high-level ghosts in the underground space.

"My lord, what's the matter?" Xu Yi asked respectfully.

It is a virtual ghost of supreme strength, ranking in the top three among many high-level virtual ghosts.

"The children who went out are all dead." Xugui Wang said in a gloomy tone, "Zero Nine Seven".

The Void Ghost King is the existence of holy rank power, and also the king of all the Void Ghosts here, and eighty percent of the high-level Void Ghosts are bred by it.

It has eighteen eyes, its body is as high as 100 meters, and there are eight pairs of wings growing on its back, which can support the entire underground space.

"They're all dead?" Xu Yi said in a startled voice.

Xu Guiwang's tone became cold: "Well, those who went to another continent are also dead."

"How could it be..." Xu Yi was shocked.

Other high-level virtual ghosts said one after another: "Did that human discover it?"

"We can't rule out this possibility." Ghost King Xu sat up slowly, the wings on his back fluttered, causing several mountains of meat to fall down.

Groups of low-level virtual ghosts fell to the ground, they moved away without the slightest complaint, and piled up again in other places to form a mountain of meat.

Xu Twenty-Six said in a hoarse voice: "Impossible, we put on human skin to hide, how could we be discovered?"

Ghost King Xu said in a deep voice: "The blood food is powerful, it cannot be ruled out that he has a special way to detect it.

Xu Xu said in a startled voice: "My lord, what should I do then?"

Ghost King Xu said: "We still have to find a way to go to another continent, we can't stay here for long."

Xu Yi said in a hoarse voice: "The sea of ​​mist is difficult to cross, we still have to rely on the Xuanwu Kingdom."

"I'll go there myself." Ghost King Xu said in a deep voice.

"My lord!" Xu Yi and the rest of the Xu ghosts exclaimed in astonishment.

The ghost king said indifferently: "With your strength, if you meet that human being, you will only die."

"What if..." Xu Xu opened his mouth, but didn't finish the rest of the sentence.

Ghost King Xu grinned and said: "In case I can't come back, the lord should wake up by then."

"Yes!" The virtual ghosts showed respect in their eyes.

Above the ghost king, there is a more powerful ghost, the real emperor of the ghost group, but he is sleeping.

"Give me a piece of human skin." Ghost King Xu stretched out his hand.

Xu Yi hastily stepped forward respectfully, and spit out the human skin hidden in his body.

After taking it, King Xugui narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the long hair on the human skin and was silent for a moment.

Xu Yi respectfully said: "Master, only this human skin is left."

Ghost King Xu didn't speak, his body turned into liquid and penetrated into the human skin, quickly propping up the human skin.

"Gulu Gulu~~~"

After more than ten seconds, the human skin stood up, and the shriveled body became plump.

The ghost king raised his hand controlling the human skin, and adjusted his hair to cover the wound on his back.

"It's really crowded." The ghost king's voice became hoarse.

Xu Yi reminded: "My lord, human voices are not like this."

"I know." Xu Guiwang spoke again, his voice became thinner, and it sounded like a woman.

He curled his lips, and said in a cold tone: "It's been a long time since I pretended to be a human, this feeling is really uncomfortable."

"Your Excellency has suffered." Xu Yi and Xu Gui respectfully said.

"Guard the lair and wait for me to come back." Ghost King Xu said indifferently.

"Yes!" The virtual ghosts responded in unison, watching the virtual ghost king leave the lair and return to the ground.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

The woman dressed as King Xugui walked on the bare mountain road, her body was also bare, like a savage living in the mountains.

Not long after, Ghost King Xu left the mountains, found the right direction and rushed out, leaving only an afterimage on the spot.


Its speed is so fast that it can move kilometers in just a few breaths.

It's just that it only lasted for a few minutes and then stopped, and the skin on the body was cracked, which was caused by the human skin's inability to withstand the pressure.

Xu Gui Wang stretched out his hand to press down the open wound on the other arm, and Xu Gui's breath drifted out.

Its tone was cold: "I have to change a skin."

The human skin has been torn, and the ghost's aura can no longer be concealed.

It slowed down and quickly found the target.

"Gulu Gulu~~~"

On the rugged mountain road, three women are driving a beast cart, moving forward with vigilance, aiming at the transfer base of Bird City...

The woman driving the car said helplessly: "According to this speed, it will take half a month to reach Bird City."

Another girl said: "Second Sister, we don't have much food and water left, we probably won't be able to last for half a month."

"That's unavoidable. The oldest woman spoke.

The girl sighed and said, "Wanku Forest is too dangerous. It's fine if the transit base is not in it. Whether you can get there alive is another matter?"

The big sister looked at the little girl, and said helplessly: "To go to the Xuanwu Kingdom, the fastest way is to go through the transfer base of Wankulin, which is also impossible."

The girl curled her lips: "Oh, if I knew it, I would have killed all the people in that tribe, and taken all the food and water, so I wouldn't be afraid that I wouldn't be able to reach the transit base."

Five days ago, they arrived at a tribe, where they replenished food and water.

There are only a dozen people in the tribe, guarding a Yuanyan that is about to dry up.

The big sister said in a cold tone: "Okay, the people there won't live long, and the spring will dry up soon."

The second sister sneered a few times: "Forget it, we have already taken away most of the food, and the rest is not enough for them to eat for a few days.

The three sisters are all thieves, and the food and water supplemented in the tribe are not traded.

"What smell?" The girl moved her nose and turned her head to look behind her.

The big sister yawned and said: "I didn't smell anything, little girl, you smelled it wrong, right? 4.3.

"No, it has a strange smell, a little familiar." The second sister frowned.

Big sister's expression became serious, feeling something carefully.

"This... is the breath of the ghost." The woman's eyes widened, and the frightening memory about the tide of ghosts was aroused.

"How are you all?" Suddenly, a cold female voice sounded above the heads of the three of them.

The big sister suddenly raised his head to look at the roof of the car, and a cracked face came into the eyes of the three of them.


Mi Mi Mi

"They're all women, forget it, let's make do with it." Xu Gui Wang curled his lips, and the human skin on his body exploded.

It got into the beast cart and instantly engulfed the three women and the two octagonal fangs pulling the cart.


The woman's screams stopped abruptly.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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