Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

1994: I Stayed Overnight In Your Room. (3 More)

"Knock knock knock~~~"

Elena knocked on Liyue's door and shouted: "Liyue, are you awake?"

"Wait a minute, I'm getting dressed." Liyue's voice came from the room.

After a while, the door was pushed open, and the silver-haired girl walked out of the room.

"What's the matter, it's so early in the morning." Li Yue asked doubtfully.

Alina Jiaohan asked: "Liyue, where is your homepage?"

She got up very early today, and wanted to see if Mu Liang was up, but found that the room was already empty.

"Mu Liang and Xuan Niao went out to find the ore lode." Li Yue said softly.

"Eh? Why didn't you tell me?" Alina stared with pink eyes.

..." Li Yue's pretty face flushed slightly, she pursed her pink lips and did not speak.

Alina narrowed her beautiful eyes, and asked suspiciously, "Mu Liang didn't spend the night in your room last night, did he?"

"Hmm..." Li Yue opened her mouth, her pretty face blushing even more.

"Well, it's true." Alina frowned, and put her arms around the silver-haired girl's shoulders.

"Mu Liang is here." Li Yue's silvery white eyes said flickeringly.

Alina snorted, and muttered: "Hmph, I don't care about what you agree with each other."

Liyue took the pink-haired girl's hand, and said softly: "Mu Liang said that you can take a rest today, and let me accompany you to walk around the royal city [23 You have the material to write adventure travel notes.

"Mu Liang really said that?" Alina Fox questioned,

"Really." Li Yue smiled beautifully.

Mu Liang and Xuan Niao are going to a far place today, and they will come back in the afternoon.

"That's not too bad, let's go." Alina took the silver-haired girl's hand with great heart.

With a smile in her eyes, Li Yue and the pink-haired girl ate something briefly, then left the transport spaceship arm in arm.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

The two walked on the street and looked at the surrounding stone houses and wooden houses. The garbage all over the ground made them a little unhappy.

Alina said with a serious face: "Someone should clean the ground, it's too dirty."

Liyue nodded in agreement: "We should pay attention to urban sanitation."

Elena said with a serious face: "When Mu Liang comes back, I have to tell him, there is a fixed in the constitution, you can't litter.

"Okay." Li Yue agreed unconditionally.

The two walked along the long street, and found that there were a lot fewer orcs in the king's city, and there were no people on the street.

Alina muttered: "Everyone has gone to the factory."

Liyue said softly: "Well, the newly built pottery factory opened yesterday, and many orcs in the royal city have gone."

Alina said crisply: "Twelve factories have been built here, the current orc kingdom is no worse than some small kingdoms.

"Probably." Li Yue said uncertainly.

In the current orc kingdom, a total of twelve new factories have been built, including steel factories, textile factories, pottery factories, sweet potato processing factories and so on.

Elina raised her eyes to look at the sky, the eleventh-level life tree grew very fast, and the canopy of the tree almost completely enveloped the royal city.

The two walked around the city, only to see rubbish all over the floor, other than that there were only dilapidated stone houses and wooden houses.

Alina hugged the silver-haired girl's waist, and muttered: "There's nothing to write about, let's go back, because I'm bored."

"Then let's go back." Li Yue chuckled a few times, and wandered around the royal city, there was indeed nothing new.

The two returned the same way, and when they returned to the transport spaceship, Mu Liang just fell from the sky and landed in front of them.

"Are you done shopping?" Mu Liang asked after landing.

"It's so boring." Alina shrugged.

Li Yue asked softly: "Mu Liang, are you done with your work?"

Mu Liang nodded and said: "Well, find a new mine vein, wait for Xuanniao to gather a group of orcs, and go there to build a new steel factory in two days.

"Okay." Li Yue replied softly.

Elina suggested: "Mu Liang, there is garbage everywhere in the royal city, they should clean it up."

Mu Liang nodded slowly: "Well, it should be cleaned up, the environment is too dirty and easy to breed bacteria.

"Hee hee, shall I talk to Xuanniao?" Elena asked.

Mu Liang said calmly: "Go, she should have returned to the Stone Palace."

"Okay." Alina responded, turned and left.

Mu Liang casually asked, "Where's Mia?"

Liyue explained: "She went to the pottery factory and needed someone to watch over her, so Mino followed her."

"Okay." Mu Liang nodded slowly.


As soon as he finished speaking, the voice of the rabbit-eared girl sounded behind him.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Mia appeared outside the transport spaceship with a girl with rabbit ears, and the shadow armor on her body suppressed the gloomy light.

Mu Liang turned around, looked at the girl with rabbit ears and asked in a voice, "Is it fun?"

Mino smiled like a flower and said: "Well, I taught those orcs how to make clay pots, they are so interesting, but they are a bit stupid.

Most orcs have larger limbs than humans, and their flexibility is not as good as humans. It is still difficult to make pottery.

Mu Liang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, is this the orcs?

Mia took off the helmet and said softly: "Mu Liang, many orcs have already learned how to make clay pots, and no one made trouble, so I came back first."

Mu Liang said gently: "Well, there are other staff members watching, it will be fine."

Among the staff who came to the Beastman Kingdom this time, four of them were professional pottery makers.

Mino blinked his blue eyes, smiled like a flower and said, "Mu Liang, I'm still singing in the factory."

When she was making clay pots in the factory, she was humming a song, and was sought after and praised by the orcs, which made the girl very embarrassed.

Mia smiled wryly and said, "Don't mention it, when Xiao Nuo sang, those orcs' eyes were straightened, and their movements slowed down."

It was the first time for many orcs to hear singing, and the voice of the girl with rabbit ears was so beautiful that it was easy for the orcs to immerse themselves in it.

"Hee hee, I didn't know they would do this, I won't sing next time." Mino blushed slightly.

Mu Liang said softly: "I like to sing, and when the sports meeting starts, I'll let you bring the band to the opening performance."

"Okay." Mino Mei's eyes lit up immediately.

Li Yue said softly: "We still have fifteen days left, so we're going back?"

"If there are no accidents, yes." Mu Liang nodded.

Mia said crisply: "Calculate the time, the trials for the sports meeting should start."

"Tomorrow." Mu Liang said clearly.

"Hey, so fast?" Mino said in surprise.

Li Yue said softly: "It's not fast, we have been in the Beastman Kingdom for almost a month."

"Time flies so fast." Mino exclaimed.

"Yes." Mia also sighed.

Mino said suddenly, "I'm hungry."

"Do you want to eat hot pot?" Mu Liang asked with a smile in his eyes.

"Yes." Mino immediately beamed with joy.

"Are you going to cook yourself?" Mia's crimson eyes lit up.

"Well, let's eat clear water hot pot today, you will like it." Mu Liang walked into the transport spaceship as he said.

The girls looked at each other and hurriedly followed in.

ps: [3 more]: Please customize. .

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