"Boom boom boom~~~"

The melodious bell rang, and in the main city of the Xuanwu Kingdom, many lanterns and colored flags were hung beside the streets, and pedestrians on the streets were in a hurry.

Pedestrians and companions urged: "Hurry up, the game starts at nine o'clock."

"There's still an hour left, don't worry." The man said indifferently.

The companion rolled his eyes: "Stupid, I still have to occupy a seat. Only by sitting in the front can I see the scene clearly."

Today is the day when the trials for the sports meet will start at nine o'clock. Tickets will not be charged, and any city citizen who is free can go in to watch.

After all, it is the first time to hold a sports meeting, so it is not too late to attract people first, and it will not be too late to sell tickets in the future.

At eight o'clock, many early risers were already sitting in the gymnasium. Except for the referee's seat, the first five rows of seats were basically full. Only the two rows of seats next to the referee's seat were still vacant.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

"There are quite a lot of people." Xi Beiqi walked into the gym wearing a short skirt, followed by Yue Feiyan and Yan Bing.

Nijisha said crisply: "The seats in front are almost full."

"Fortunately, there is an exclusive seat." Yue Feiyan raised the corners of her lips, and walked towards the empty seat next to the referee's seat.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Several people came to the exclusive seats and sat down, and they could clearly see the swimming pool in front of them when they looked up.

Today there will be a diving trial and a 500-meter freestyle trial.

More than 200 people signed up for the diving trials, and nearly 300 people participated in the 500-meter freestyle trials.

Shibeki yawned and muttered, "The game won't start until an hour later."

Nijisha turned her head and asked, "When will Liu Xin compete?"

Xi Beiqi shook her head, and said delicately: "I don't know, I didn't ask, I'm just free today.

For more than half a month, she has been busy recruiting and training recruits, and she can only take a good rest until today.

"Two days off, I still have to keep busy." Yue Feiyan said crisply.

"Same." Nijisha shrugged.

She smiled like a flower and said, "But I really like my life now."

"Yeah, me too." Xi Beiqi smiled.

"It's much better than before." Yue Feiyan nodded seriously.

Everyone was chatting, waiting for the start of the trials.

"You guys are so early." An elegant voice sounded, and Yue Qinlan came behind the girls.

Yue Feiyan said delicately: "Mother is late, the competition is about to start."

"There's still half an hour left, don't worry." Yue Qinlan raised her hand and brushed her long blue hair.

"You are incompetent referee." Yue Feiyan pouted.

"What did you say?" Yue Qinlan asked with a half-smile.

With a straight face, Yue Feiyan said solemnly: "No, mother got it wrong, I didn't say anything just now."

Yueqin gave her daughter a blue and white look, and Shi Shiran came to the referee's seat and sat down.

There will be three referees in this trial, besides Yue Qinlan, there are two other referees, one male and one female.

"Your clerk." The two referees quickly stood up and saluted.

"Sit down." Yue Qinlan nodded gracefully.

The two referees sat down, one on the left and the other on the right, and began to sort out the player information on the table.

Yue Qinlan picked up the form and glanced at it. In the morning it was a diving competition, and in the afternoon it was a 500-meter freestyle competition.

There was a lot of people around, and more and more people walked into the gymnasium, filling up the remaining empty seats.

"Boom boom boom~~~"

Not long after, the bell rang again.

Singing sounded in the gymnasium, as well as prompts from the staff.

"Please be quiet, everyone. Next, let's talk about the on-site discipline issues when watching the game..."

The voices of the staff are carried throughout the stadium through loudspeakers.

"First, please keep quiet when watching the game, especially when the athletes are competing.

"Second, don't throw objects on the field of play, and don't litter...."

After the staff finished reading the ten instructions for watching the game, the scene became much quieter.

The voice of the staff sounded again: "Now, the selection competition has officially begun, and the one-meter springboard competition will follow."

"Contestant No. 1, please come on stage." The staff spoke again.

Yue Qinlan cheered up and looked towards the swimming pool. The No. 1 contestant had already stepped onto the high platform and bowed to the referee's seat to salute.

The competition rules for the one-meter springboard diving in the trials are very simple. As long as the three basic movements can be completed standardly, the referee will make a score, and finally the top 20 will be selected to participate in the official competition.

Every group of five will take turns to dive. After completing three movements, the total score will be counted, and then the next group of players will compete.

"It's started." Yue Feiyan's red eyes widened.

She watched contestant No. 1 standing on the one-meter springboard, stepping to the end, raising her legs to step on the springboard facing the swimming pool, jumping up, spinning twice in the air and then plunged into the pool.

Yue Qinlan frowned slightly, and started to write down the math on the paper.

The same is true for the other two referees, scoring from the completion of movements and the size of splashes.

々It's not bad, the action is completed, but the splash in the water is a bit big. "Yueqinlan said gracefully.

"Yes, your lord is right." The female referee nodded in agreement.


Water splashed, contestant No. 1 climbed ashore, turned around and saluted again, then turned back to the backstage.

Yue Feiyan muttered: "It looks so simple."

Nijisha said softly: "It's quite simple, but for ordinary people, this is already very difficult."

"That's true." Yue Feiyan responded.

At this time, player No. 2 had already stepped onto the stage, and after saluting, he walked to the springboard.

The same diving action, but maybe because he was too nervous, he took off smoothly, but made a mistake when he spread his body and fell into the water, and his whole body was pumped into the swimming pool.

"It's a pity." Yue Qinlan shook her head, picked up a pen and wrote down the low score.

The other two referees also shook their heads. A wrong movement means that this player probably won't be in the top 20.

"Hey, why haven't you gotten up yet?" Yue Feiyan looked at the sparkling swimming pool, and the second contestant hadn't emerged yet after entering the water.

Yue Qinlan frowned slightly, raised her hand, and the water in the swimming pool surged up, lifted contestant No. 2 out of the water, and sent him back to the pool.


He coughed violently, turned around and left after an awkward salute.

"It's for fear of losing face, so it didn't surface on purpose." The male referee said speechlessly.

"Next." Yue Qinlan waved her hand.

After a while, player No. 3 stepped onto the platform and the competition continued.

It was a little quiet in the gymnasium, and the people watching the game lowered their voices to talk, for fear of affecting the progress of the game.

The competition of the first group ended quickly, only two of the five people could complete the three sets of movements, and the other three made more or less mistakes.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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