Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

1996: Maiden Will Be The Face. (2 More)

The diving competition continued, and soon the ten groups of male players finished the one-meter springboard diving, and then the five-meter platform diving competition.

After the five-meter platform diving competition, there will be women's one-meter springboard diving and women's five-meter platform diving competitions.

Ten minutes later, the men's five-meter platform diving competition began.


Amidst the sound of falling into the water, the men's five-meter platform diving competition also ended.

Yue Qinlan looked at the paper full of scores in front of her, and there were only 2,400 contestants who completed the three movements of platform diving without making mistakes.

"A little less." She sighed.

The female referee said softly: "One month, it's pretty good to be able to practice like this."

"Yes, some movements are difficult." The male referee nodded in agreement, after all, they are ordinary people.

Yue Qinlan glanced at the two of them, and said elegantly: "I know better than you."

"Yes." The two smiled wryly, and continued to look at the scene of the competition.

The voice of the staff sounded: "Next is the women's one-meter springboard diving competition, please prepare for No. 1 contestant.

"Finally it's the women's competition." Xi Beiqi and the others cheered up, waiting for Liu Xin to appear.

The movements of women's one-meter springboard diving are much softer. They are like swimming fish, diving gracefully into the pool.


Nijisha commented: "The women's competition is much more beautiful."

"Yes." Xi Beiqi nodded in agreement.

"Very good." Yueqinlan nodded slowly satisfied.

The competition of the first group, the second group, and the third group ended quickly, and the players of the fourth group began to take the stage.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Liu Xin took a deep breath, stepped onto the stage, saluted to the referee's seat, and then stepped onto the springboard.

"Liu Xin!" Yue Crimson's beautiful eyes lit up.

Xi Beiqi and the others also concentrated on looking at the swimming pool, praying in their hearts for the girl to dive smoothly.

The pen in Yue Qinlan's hand stopped spinning, watching Liu Xin stepped on the pedal and jumped up, starting to make the first movement.

Xi Beiqi held her breath and said nervously: "It must be successful..."

She knows how hard Liu Xin usually trains, and she doesn't want her to make mistakes.

Yue Feiyan also became nervous, her small hands slowly clenched into fists.

I saw Liu Xin borrowed the springboard to jump up, then spun twice in the air, then opened her body and plunged into the water with her hands stretched over her head.


The splash of water made the whole audience quiet.

The female referee exclaimed: "This splash is so small, it's not the same.

"It's perfect, the movements are standard, and there are no mistakes." The male referee sighed.

"It's worth ten." Yue Qinlan nodded in satisfaction.

Then pick up the pen and write the number (cdbi) ten behind the girl's name.

During the trials, the highest score for each dive is ten, and after the three moves, the final total score of the three referees is only 90 points.

It's just that so far, no one has ever gotten a full score in a diving competition, and very few have achieved a score of 40.

"That's right, it deserves full marks." The other two referees nodded in agreement.

Yue Qinlan looked ahead, and did not interfere with the two referees' scoring, and they did not know Liu Xin's identity.


Liu Xin landed on the shore, turned around to salute the referee's seat, and then turned back to the backstage.

In the backstage, the companions who had met during the diving training gathered around and praised him one after another.

"Liu Xin, you are too powerful, you can definitely get full marks for this jump."

"Yeah, this jump is amazing, I can't do it."

"It's amazing, this month's training is worth it."

Liu Xinqiao blushed slightly, wiped the water from her hair, and dealt with the people around her.

"It's my turn to be on stage, wish me luck." Another girl smiled like a flower.

"Go, don't be nervous." Liu Xin encouraged.

"Okay." The girl nodded vigorously, turned around and stepped onto the stage.

Suddenly, someone asked: "Liu Xin, are you going to jump the five-meter platform later?"

"Yeah." Liu Xin nodded.

"Liu Xin, can your body take it?" the friend asked concerned.

The others looked at the girl in astonishment, but they didn't expect that she had signed up for the five-meter platform competition.

"Yes." Liu Xin nodded vigorously.

The friend said with a serious face: "You work hard, you will definitely win the prize."

"I hope." Liu Xin's eyes flickered, and she was unwavering in her heart for winning the prize.

She began to adjust her breathing and let her body relax for the second round of diving.


The girl listened to the sound of water outside and the sound of the referee reporting the score.

"Eight, seven-five, seven-five."

"They're all amazing. Liu Xin pursed her pink lips.

"Liu Xin, it's time to go on stage, it's your turn next." The backstage staff shouted.

"Okay." Liu Xin was shocked, adjusted her mood and walked forward.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

The girl stepped onto the stage, bowed to the referee seat, and stepped onto the springboard, this time with her back to the swimming pool, with her toes at the end of the springboard and her heels hanging in the air.

"Many people make mistakes in this action." Yue Feiyan's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly.

"She won't." Xi Beiqi comforted herself.

Girls are one of the faces of this sports meeting. As long as they can become the trend and direction, the next sports meeting will be even more lively, which means that Xuanwu Kingdom will have another grand event.

The auditorium fell silent, and countless eyes fell on the girl.

Liu Xin took a deep breath, bent her knees slightly and stepped on it forcefully, her body jumped up, turned around twice before falling into the water.


The audience was once again in an uproar. The girl still completed the diving perfectly this time, and the splashes almost disappeared.

The female referee couldn't help but praise: "Excellent.

"Ten." The male referee wrote down the score on the watch without saying a word.

"Well, it's worth it." Yue Qinlan nodded, feeling relieved in her heart.

The female referee agreed, and also wrote down the risk.

After the second jump, Liu Xin scored sixty points.

"Ten, ten, ten."

The voice of the staff sounded, and the audience exclaimed again.

Liu Xin landed on the shore, her pretty face was flushed, and she was very excited.

Xi Beiqi clicked her tongue and said, "It's amazing."

She watched so many people dive, only Liu Xin got such an exaggerated score.

Fifteen minutes later, Liu Xin came to the stage again, this was her third and last dance.

She stood on the springboard, adjusted her breathing, stepped on the springboard with her eyes ahead, and jumped high.

"This take-off height is amazing." The female referee praised in a low voice.


The girl plunged into the water after finishing her movements, dense air bubbles surged up on the surface of the water, and the spray was still well suppressed.

The male referee exclaimed, "Beautiful."

Yueqin's blue eyes flickered, and Liu Xin's movements were as perfect as ever, it was hard to imagine that this was only practiced for a month.

Not surprisingly, the girl once again got three full marks, ending the one-meter springboard diving competition with an astonishing 90 points.

"Ninety points!" Liu Xin's eyes turned slightly red when she heard the score reported by the staff.

She took a deep breath to suppress the excitement in her heart, and now she has to rest well and prepare for the five-meter platform diving competition.

. . . . . . .

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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