"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Outside Asuka City, nobles and wealthy businessmen lined up to detect spirit weapons through the black virtual ghosts one by one.

Xia Kefu and Xia Li stared at the black portal with serious faces, as long as there was a change, the annihilating weapon and the sealing weapon would be activated in the next moment.

However, when the last noble passed through the black portal, the virtual ghost did not respond to the spirit weapon detection.

Xia Li ordered coldly: "All soldiers, step forward."

"Yes." The soldiers responded in unison, and the well-trained soldiers stepped forward and lined up, and also entered Xudong one by one to test the spirit weapons.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

After the soldiers, there were hundreds of staff on the transport spaceship, and without exception, none of them triggered the alarm of the virtual ghost detection spirit weapon.

"Everything is normal." Xia Li frowned tightly, but instead of feeling relaxed, she became even more nervous.

Xia Kefu stared at Xia Li, and said in a deep voice, "There is one more person."

Xia Li frowned, understood what Xiakov meant, turned around and walked straight to the virtual ghost detection spirit weapon, when she passed through the black portal, she looked back at the man.

Shakov said calmly: "Just to be on the safe side."

Xia Li shook her head indifferently, and said coldly: "The most important thing now is to find out where the abnormality is."

"Is there really no one on board?" Shakov looked back at the huge transport spaceship.

"I'll go and search it myself." Xia Li turned around and boarded the transport spaceship, worried that the soldiers might miss something, and searched every corner of the cabin by herself.

Looking at the transport spaceship, Shakov frowned. After a moment of thought, he flapped his wings and flew into the sky, facing the wind and sand to inspect the transport spaceship from the outside.


The wind and sand were all over the sky, flapping on his wings, unable to stop the man's movements.

At the turbofan, Void Ghost King sensed Shakov's approach, and his face darkened.

Shakov landed on the top of the turbo fan, ready to check it carefully, just bent down to look at the fan blades, the next moment an evil breath rushed towards him.

"Not good." Shakov's face changed, and he hurriedly flapped his wings to hide.


In a violent explosion, the turbo fan exploded, and the wreckage splashed out in all directions.


Amidst the screams, more than a dozen soldiers were injured by the fragments from the blast of the turbofan. Fortunately, they were all wearing light steel armor with purple patterns, so they were not killed on the spot.

"Damn it." Shakov stabilized his body, staring at the black shadow exuding an evil aura. When the dust was blown away by the wind, he revealed the appearance of the Void Ghost King.

It has broken through the human skin, and its body has grown at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon its height surpassed the height of the transport spaceship.

In front of it, Shakov was like the difference between an adult and a sparrow.

"Xugui!" Many people shouted in horror.

Hearing the movement, Xia Li hurriedly got out of the transport spaceship, and when she saw Queen Xugui, her face instantly became serious.

"Eighth or ninth?" Xia Li said in a solemn tone.

Her eyes turned blood-colored, and she spread her bat wings, appearing beside Shakov.

Shakov said with an ugly face: "Neither, this breath is likely to be a Void Ghost of the supreme level.

"Supreme level!" Xia Li's complexion changed drastically.

Shakov's throat moved, and he said harshly, "This is just my guess, maybe it's stronger."

"Activate the annihilation weapon and the forbidden weapon." Xia Li said without hesitation.

"Well, I'll restrain it." Xiakov dropped a sentence, rushed out, and went straight to the huge Void Ghost King.

Xia Li turned around and ordered: "Activate the annihilating weapon and the sealing weapon."

"Boom boom boom~~~"

As soon as she finished speaking, the Xuanwu war drums in Flying Bird City were sounded, and the sound of the drums stimulated the soldiers to take action.

The sound of drums weakened the fear of the soldiers, and the well-trained manipulative weapons of annihilation and banning were used.

But before the annihilating weapon was activated, Shakov's mutilated body flew upside down and smashed heavily on the glass barrier.


Shakov stared wide-eyed, embedded in the barrier without breath, and the four pairs of wings on his back were completely broken off.

Xia Li's pupils contracted, and she shouted in shock: "Xiakov!"

He was a strong man of the ninth rank, but he couldn't survive three moves in front of the ghost king, and ended up in a tragic end.

"Father." Cannes and Charlotte rushed over from the transit base when they heard the news, just in time to witness the scene of their father dying.

The two are in charge of managing the transfer base on weekdays, and rarely appear in Bird City.

"Jie Jie Jie~~~"

Ghost King Xu grinned, and stretched out his long tongue to lick the blood on his lips: "It's only nine-level strength, I dare to make a move, but the taste is very good."

"Father." Cannes was heartbroken [staring at Ghost Master Xu with red eyes.

The annihilating weapon was activated, the beam of light shot towards the Void Ghost King, and the gravity field spread out under its feet.

The ghost king's body sank, his face sank, and he forcibly resisted the gravity of the change.

What!" the soldiers exclaimed.


The forbidden weapon was activated at the same time, and the six parts rose into the air, surrounding the Void Ghost King.

"What is it?" The ghost king opened his mouth and let out a condensed breath, blasting out the six parts directly, one of which was embedded in the glass barrier, and half of it had penetrated into the barrier.

"It's over, the annihilation weapon and the banning weapon are useless." The soldiers looked desperate.

The nobles and wealthy businessmen who had already entered the barrier screamed again and again, and many people who saw the ghost for the first time sat paralyzed on the ground in fright.

"I'm just here to travel, not to die."

"I don't want to die yet, stop this disgusting thing..."

Bird City fell into panic, and the citizens looked desperately at the Void Ghost King outside the barrier, and the fear of death shrouded their hearts.

The defense system was activated again, several spirit weapon cannons aimed at the ghost king, and beams of light shot out and landed on the ghost king.

The Void Ghost King is resisting the influence of the gravity field, and is preparing to destroy the annihilation weapon first, but has not escaped the attack of Tujizi's defense system for a while.


A thundercloud appeared above its head, and bolts of lightning struck down, precisely landing on the Void Ghost King.

"Almost forgot, there is also a defense system." The soldiers stared nervously at the Void Ghost King who was shrouded in lightning again.


After the thunder, the breath of ice followed, and the thick ice covered the Void Ghost King's body, eroding its flesh and blood.

Ghost King Xu's face was gloomy, the feeling of being struck by lightning and being frozen was not good.

It roared, and black flames burned all over its body, melting the ice all over its body.

"It's over, it's useless." Xia Li's body trembled, and despair welled up in her heart.

The defense system is still attacking, and the hot flames cover the Void Ghost King, but the temperature is not as high as the black flames on it, so it can only be said to tickle it.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code is not available. .

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