Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2001: Back From The Dead. (2 More)

After a round of attacks by the defense system was over and the dust settled, the huge body of the Void Ghost King was still standing.

He only suffered some minor injuries, and after a few breaths, Xu Gui's powerful self-healing ability completely healed the injuries.

"Jie Jie Jie, let's all die." Ghost King Xu grinned, since he couldn't go to Xuanwu Kingdom from Feiniao City, he would ruin this place.

Cannes's face was pale, holding Shakov's half body, grief and despair made him confused.

"Father, I will avenge you." Xia Luotai uttered angrily, and she was about to rush towards the Void Ghost King with her wings flapping.

"Come back, don't go to die." Xia Li exclaimed, reaching out to grab Yuan Luotai.

It's just that her strength is lower than Charlotte's, so she can't stop him at all.


Xia Luotai roared angrily, throwing the spear in his hand at the ghost king.

"Humble blood food." Ghost King Xu waved his hand, and the flying spear burst into pieces.

Xia Luotai charged, a terrifying pressure enveloped his body, bloodstains burst out of his skin.

He looked desperate, he couldn't even touch the ghost king's body, is he about to die?

The ghost king stretched out his hand, and grabbed Xia Luotai with his huge palm. A powerful human is a very good blood food, which can supplement today's consumption. 130

Invisible fluctuations spread from the depths of Bird City, covering the space around the Void Ghost King.

His movements slowed down, as if the space had frozen, and his outstretched hand stopped in front of Zhen Luotai.

Xia Luotai's desperately constricted pupils gradually gained focus, and a figure appeared in front of him out of thin air, stopping the Void Ghost King's attack lightly.

"Your Majesty!" Xia Li exclaimed in surprise.

What appeared in the air was the clone of Mu Liangmu who had rushed back from the Xuanwu Kingdom.

"Your Majesty the King!" The soldiers cheered, and most of the haze covering their hearts dissipated.

The condensed space returned to normal, and the Void Ghost King and Xia Luotai regained their ability to move.

Xia Luotai's eyes were tearing apart, and she cried out in grief: "Your Majesty, my father is dead."

"If you can save him, step back first." Mu Liangmu's avatar wrote lightly.

"Can it be saved?" Xia Luotai opened her eyes slightly.

Mu Liangmu's avatar looked back at him, his eyes were calm and unwavering.

"Yes, be careful, Your Majesty." Xia Luotai took a deep breath, suppressed the shock in her heart, and turned to Flying Bird City.

He returned to Kanen's side, looking at the pale corpse in Shanaen's arms, the words of Mu Liangmu's avatar gave him a glimmer of hope.

Cannes asked in shock: "Is what His Majesty said true?"

"I hope so." Charlotte said with red eyes.

He turned around and looked at the sky, Mu Liangmu's avatar had already made a move, defeating Xu Gui Wang steadily.


There was a constant roar in the air, and a large piece of earth and stone pillars around Feiniao City collapsed, and even the flying sand in the sky was emptied, and the visibility rose from tens of meters to thousands of meters.


Xu Guiwang's wings were broken by Mu Liangmu's avatar, and he hit the ground hard, and the surrounding boulders flew out.

"So strong." Ghost King Xu's face was gloomy, the broken wings on his back grew again, and his huge body soared into the air again.

Mu Liangmu's avatar raised his hand, and thunder and lightning fell from the sky, like lightning spears piercing through the body of King Xugui.


Xu Guiwang screamed again and again, with hundreds of wounds on his body.

"Your Majesty is so strong." The soldiers' eyes showed admiration.

"Great, you should be all right?" Seeing this, the nobles and wealthy businessmen felt relieved.

Xia Li raised her face and prayed in her heart.

The sky was full of thunder and lightning, and strong winds swept towards the ghost king, as if the end was coming.

In the area shrouded in thunder and lightning, the ghost king's shrill and angry screams came out.

Cannes's throat moved, and he said in horror: "This day looks like it's going to collapse."

Everyone was horrified, they couldn't see the ghost king and Mu Liangmu's avatar clearly, they were completely covered by lightning and snow.

More than half an hour later, there was a violent roar in the air, and it seemed to disappear.


The ghost king's huge body without his head fell to the ground, shaking up dust all over the sky (cdbe).

Mu Liangmu's avatar fell to the side, staring at the ghost king who had lost his head, frowning slightly.

"Your Majesty!" Xia Li hurried forward and saluted respectfully.

"En." Mu Liangmu clone nodded indifferently.

Xia Li asked respectfully: "Your Majesty, is Xu Gui already dead?"

"No, let him escape." Mu Liangmu clone said without changing expression.

The ghost king is not as strong as the wood clone, but the difference is not too much. In the end, he left his body behind him, leaving only his head and disappearing in a cloud of black smoke.

Xia Li shook her hand: "I escaped..."

Mu Liangmu clone said indifferently: "His strength has already fallen to the holy rank, don't worry."

Xia Li's pupils contracted, it turned out that the Xu Gui just now had the strength of a holy rank, no wonder he was able to instantly kill Xia Kefu.

Mu Liangmu's avatar waved his hand, put Xu Guiwang's body into the portable space, turned around and walked towards Cannes and the others.

Cannes and Charlotte quickly saluted: "Your Majesty."

"Put him down." Mu Liangmu's clone looked down at Shakov's body.

"Yes. Xia Luotai cried out excitedly, looking at Mu Liangmu's avatar expectantly.

Shakov's body was incomplete, the part below the waist had been eaten by the Void Ghost King, the wings on his back were completely broken, his two arms were fractured, and the blood on his body was almost gone.

Mu Liangmu's avatar raised his hand to grab it, and Shakov's body was suspended.

He turned his palms over, and the life elements gushed out, wrapping Shakov's body, and took out a segment of lotus root from the portable space, and placed it on Shakov's lower body.

Under the nourishment of the life elements, the lotus root of the good luck green lotus is connected with Shakov's body, and gradually grows blood and flesh.

Mu Liangmu's avatar did not stop moving, and a drop of the fountain of life condensed from his fingertips, mixed with the life elements, and slowly penetrated into Suankov's body.

The addition of the fountain of life made Shakov's body regenerate faster.

Under the shocked gazes of Cannes and Charlotte, Shakov's body was restored as before, and the wings on his back also grew back, and the feathers on them became brighter.

Mu Liangmu's avatar moved its fingers, Shakov's chest began to rise and fall, new blood flowed through his body, and his heart beat powerfully.


Shakov snorted, and slowly opened his double jaws.

"Father!" Cannes's eyes lit up, and big tears gushed out of them.

Charlotte shouted excitedly: "Great, father is really alive."

"I'm not dead?" Shakov flapped his wings and landed, looking around blankly.

Charlotte quickly explained: "Father, it was His Majesty who saved you."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Shakov subconsciously saluted.

"Clean up the battlefield." Mu Liangmu's avatar said indifferently, turned around and disappeared in place, he wanted to find the whereabouts of King Xugui.

Shakov came back to his senses and ordered loudly: "Clean up the battlefield."

"Yes." Bird Knight and the soldiers took action to treat the wounded and clean up the battlefield.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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