Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2003: The Ghost Of A Woman's Mouth. (1 More)

In the Xuanwu Kingdom, in the Highland Palace, Yue Qinlan and others are having breakfast.


Yue Feiyan put down the bowl in her hand, burped contentedly, and wiped her mouth with a piece of paper.

She looked at her mother, and asked in a crisp voice, "I don't know if Mu Liang and the others have set off."

Yue Qinlan put down the bowl and chopsticks, and said elegantly: "We set off at seven o'clock in the morning."

Xi Beiqi said coquettishly: "It will take three days before I can come back."

Starting from the king city of the orc kingdom, it would take three days to return to the Xuanwu kingdom by using the space teleportation array.

"Yes, it will take three days to fly." Yue Qinlan nodded gracefully.

Yue Feiyan said crisply: "That's also in time for the sports meeting, there are still five days before it starts."

The trials for the sports meeting ended ten days ago, and the official competition will start in the next five days.

The corners of Yue Qinlan's lips raised, and she said in a voice, "The timing of "April 61" is just right."

Xi Beiqi asked curiously: "Is Xiaolan also in charge of the official competition?"

"Yeah, she has this strength, just let her exercise again, and I can relax a bit these days." Yue Qinlan said in a gentle voice.

Yue Feiyan tilted her head and asked, "Then what is mother going to do today?"

Yue Qinlan said elegantly: "Go to the No. 9 Acropolis to watch the fashion show, and take a tour of the Acropolis Administration, just relax."

"Hey, there's a fashion show today? Menstrual beauty eyes lit up.

"You want to go?" Yue Feiyan glanced at her daughter.

Yue Feiyan nodded vigorously, and looked at her mother eagerly: "Mmm, is it okay?"

Yue Qinlan reached out and pinched her daughter's face, and asked, "Don't you need to watch the recruits' training?"

"This..." Yue Feiyan looked at the vampire girl.

Xi Beiqi rolled her eyes at the girl, and said delicately: "Got it, you rest today, and I rest tomorrow.

"Hee hee, you are the best." Yue Feiyan stretched out her arms and wrapped her arms around the slender waist of the vampire girl.

"This sentence is so familiar, did you tell me before?" Nijisha raised her eyebrows and looked at the red-haired girl with a half-smile.

Yue Feiyan paused for a moment, and said resentfully with erratic gaze: "Hey, is there?"

"Yes, you told me too." Yan Bing said lightly.

Yue Feiyan said with a straight face, "It's because you all misremembered."

Xi Beiqi shook her index finger and said with a coquettish smile, "In Mu Liang's words, it's called a woman's mouth to deceive people."

Yue Fei's face became serious, and she said seriously: "What, what I said is true, you are all the best.

Yue Qinlan rolled her beautiful eyes: "That's right. Hurry up and change your clothes, get ready to go."

"Okay." Yue Feiyan stood up excitedly, quickly left the restaurant and returned to the side hall where she lived.

Ten minutes later, the girl and Yue Qinlan went to the No. 9 Acropolis in a small transport spaceship.

Acropolis No. 9 is a city of clothing and also a city of fabrics, where tens of thousands of ready-made garments are produced every day.

Even so, the supply of goods is in short supply. Every day there are many merchants squatting there, and the ready-made garments that have just been packed and shipped out of the factory will be snapped up by the squatting merchants before they are transported to the various cities of David and business districts.

Therefore, the clothing workshop has been expanded into a factory to meet market demand as much as possible.

The transport spaceship landed in the No. 9 Acropolis, and there is an exclusive take-off and landing field for transport spaceships in the north of the city, which is for the convenience of transporting cloth and ready-made clothes.

Yue Qinlan and her daughter disembarked from the transport spaceship and took a beast cart to the business district in the center of the city, where the fashion show was held.

The fashion show has become a major feature of the No. 9 Acropolis, and many businessmen and rich merchants come here admiringly.

Every month, a fashion show is held here, and each fashion show lasts for three days.

The first day is the high-end ready-to-wear show, which shows high-end and high-priced clothing, mainly used to attract nobles and wealthy businessmen.

The second and third days are ordinary ready-to-wear shows, and the price is cheaper than high-end ready-to-wear, so it is very popular among ordinary people.

Today is the first day of the fashion show, so it is a high-end ready-to-wear fashion show, and all the royal families and wealthy businessmen come.

The number of high-end ready-to-wear is very small, and each style may only have a few pieces or even one piece. When you encounter something you like, you will buy it on the spot.

Because of the popularity of the fashion show, a new show venue was specially built in the central business district of the city, enough to accommodate four thousand people to watch the fashion show at the same time.

Outside the show, many beast cars were parked, and those who got off were all royal nobles, who entered the show under the guidance of the show staff.

Yue Qinlan walked towards the show, Yue Feiyan followed with her head up and chest out, entered the show under the warm hospitality of the staff, and sat in the front seat.

The show venue is very large, and the show stage is very long, with eighteen bends and a total length of 300 meters, to show the clothes to the guests to the greatest extent.

At this time, the show stage was very bright, and there were many wealthy businessmen and nobles sitting under it.

"It will start in ten minutes. Please sit down in your original position and don't walk around at random." A reminder from the staff sounded in the show...  

Yue Feiyan looked around and muttered, "It's my first time here."

"It's the first time for me to visit the new show." Yue Qinlan said gracefully.

Yue Feiyan tilted her head and asked, "What about the fox fairy, will he come later?"

"You'll see it later." Yue Qinlan raised the corners of her lips.

"Hey, it's really here." Yue Feiyan said in surprise.

Yue Qinlan explained: "She will come to every fashion show, and she can make a lot of big orders."

Yue Feiyan nodded slowly, and looked around at the people around her: "Oh, yes, no one here seems to have money.


It didn't take long for the empty seats in the show to be filled, and the lantern beetles that illuminated the show were also dimmed.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~ ~"

The show stage was lit up with light, and crisp footsteps came from the starting point, and a graceful figure stepped out.

This is a model of the fox family, and her charming aura fascinates everyone.

She was wearing a golden dress, and if you look carefully, the surface is covered with golden sequins, which are made from the scales of golden monsters.

The long skirt is high-cut, and every time the fox model takes a step, the hem of the skirt flutters like water ripples, which is especially golden under the light.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

The fox woman walked gracefully, with a fox tail flicking naturally behind her.

"Wow, it's so beautiful. I want this dress." The nobles and wealthy businessmen exclaimed.

"It's the prettiest dress I've ever seen before, and I want it."

Many people were surprised and wanted to buy this long skirt under 3.7.

"This is the golden skirt, the only one in the show." The voice of the staff came from the show.

The so-called only one piece is sold as a customized model, which is sewn after getting the size from the customer.

"Wow, it's really beautiful." And said with crimson eyes sparkling.

Yue Qinlan commented: "It's too golden, suitable for princesses and queens to wear when attending banquets.

"Mother doesn't like it?" Yue Feiyan asked with her head sideways.

Yue Qinlan said gracefully: "I have better ones."

"That's right, the dress Mu Liang made for you is even prettier than this one." Yue Feiyan pouted.

Yue Hongyan praised her back and forth: "Your Vermilion Bird armor looks good too."

"Hee hee, I know." Yue Feiyan lifted her slender chin proudly.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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