Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2004: Backlash And Sudden Death. (2 More)

Under the clear blue sky, a huge transport spaceship is advancing against the wind.

On the deck, Elina and Liyue were playing badminton, while Mu Liang and Mino were sitting beside them, drinking hot tea and tasting the pastries made by the little maid.

Xiaomi stared at the shuttlecock in the air and counted the number of times the two hit the ball back and forth: "Three hundred and fifty-two, three hundred and fifty-three..."

"Ah, why is there still no winner?" Mino muttered.

Liyue and Elina are quite equal in strength, the first ball has been slapped back and forth more than 300 times, and it hasn't landed yet.

Mu Liang smiled lightly: "When the ball breaks, it should hit the ground."

"I think so too." Mia smiled.


The badminton shuttles back and forth between the rackets, and the sound of the slaps is continuous.

Li Yue ran nimbly, hitting all kinds of tricky rackets back.

Alina moved even more quickly, running back and forth within the marked area, leaving afterimages every time she swung her racket.

Mino tilted his head to look at Mu Liang, and asked Jiaohan, "Mu Liang, can you go back to the highland today?"

"No accidents, it's fine." Mu Liang said softly.

With the speed of the transport spaceship and space teleportation, he can return to the Xuanwu Kingdom at four or five in the afternoon. twenty three

Two space transmissions have been carried out today, and the next space transmission will be in three hours.


With a bang, the badminton was exploded by Alina's racket, and the broken feathers flew around.

"Ah, what a pity." Alina looked at the burst shuttlecock with regret on her face.

She looked at the silver-haired girl, and said crisply: "This can't be regarded as my loss, it's because badminton is not durable."

"Okay." Li Yue smiled, took out a new badminton, and slapped it without saying a word.

"Hey, you didn't even shout to start." Alina shouted dissatisfied, and quickly raised her racket to catch the ball.

"Bang bang bang~~"

The two started to play back and forth again, and it was still a ball that exploded before it ended.

"I can't play anymore, I'd better play chess." Mino took out a chess set and placed it on the table.

Mia sat opposite the rabbit-eared girl and said, "Let me come, if you play chess with Mu Liang, you will lose."

"Yeah, you're right." Mino nodded seriously.

Mu Liang shrugged helplessly, it wasn't his fault, it could only be blamed for Lucky Shelter being out of control.

Mia and Mino play chess together, Liyue and Elina focus on badminton, the maids run and serve tea and water, and only Mu Lianggan sits.

"It's kind of boring." Mu Liang yawned, closed his eyes and contacted the wooden clone in the distant old continent.

After ten or so breaths, he opened his eyes and frowned slightly. After several days of searching, the sleepy avatar still hadn't found the Void Ghost King who had escaped.

"Where can I run to?" Mu Liang whispered softly.

The wooden clone even searched underground, but still couldn't find the Void Ghost King who escaped. This was beyond his expectation, and it was not good news.

"What's the matter, frowning." Li Yue asked softly.

Mu Liang raised his eyes to look at the silver-haired girl, shook his head and said, "I haven't found the escaped holy ghost yet."

"I haven't found it yet!" Li Yue's pupils contracted.

"Well, I don't know where to hide." Mu Liang sighed.

He leaned back and said helplessly: "After all, the wooden avatar is not as strong, if I am here, I should be able to find it.

After all, there is a gap between the strength of the wooden avatar and the main body, there are too many restrictions, and various abilities cannot be perfectly displayed.

"Could it have left the Ten Thousand Dry Forest?" Li Yue guessed.

"It's hard to say." Mu Liang shook his head, feeling a little regretful in his heart.

Laya's strength is too weak to use the ghost king's body to calculate its position. If she tries to do the divination forcefully, she may die suddenly.

"Then what should we do now?" Li Yue was a little worried.

Mu Liang said in a deep voice: "Keep searching, or wait for it to attack again."

"That's the only way to go." Li Yue nodded slowly.

"Why don't you play anymore?" Mu Liang looked at the badminton racket in the girl's hand.

Liyue put away the badminton racket and said softly: "It's hard to tell the winner, it's boring to continue playing."

Alina came over and said, "Yes, I can answer every call."

Mu Liang said in a clear voice: "Then don't fight, with your strength, you can catch each other's ball even if you stand a hundred meters away.

"Yes." Alina nodded.

She pulled out her chair and sat down, "asking in doubt: "What were you talking about just now?"

Li Yue said softly, "I haven't found that holy ghost."

"Ehhhhhh?" Alina widened her pink eyes.

She glanced at Mu Liang and obediently shut her mouth.

Mu Liang stood up and said, "Alright, let's remind the people on board that the space teleportation will take place in half an hour."

There were not many people on the transport spaceship, and those staff members stayed in the orc kingdom, and they will be picked up after half a year.

"Yes." Alina raised her hand in salute, turned and left.

Not long after, a girl's cold voice sounded in the cabin, reminding the crew to take precautions.

Half an hour later, Mu Liang activated the space teleportation magic circle.


After the space fluctuation, the huge transport spaceship disappeared in place.

When it appeared again, it was not far from the Misty Sea.

"Hey, I can see the sea of ​​mist." Alina looked ahead, her beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and she saw the sea of ​​mist reaching the sky.

"Finally back." Mino Mei's eyes lit up.

Alina poked the rabbit-eared girl's waist with her elbow, and asked, "Do you think the Xuanwu Kingdom is better?"

"Of course." Mino nodded as a matter of course.

She looked at the pink-haired girl, and said with a serious face, "I've always felt that way, and I will always be like this in the future."

"Yes, I am the same as you." Alina nodded in agreement.

Mu Liang and Li Yue looked at each other with smiles in their eyes.

The forward speed of the transport spaceship slowed down, approached the huge portal, slowly flew into the portal, finally arrived at the customs, and stopped on the takeoff and landing field.

Mu Liang took Liyue and others to leave first, and used his ability to go to the local area.

After several people arrived at the high ground, Mino ran into the palace excitedly.

"I'm back." she yelled.

In the palace, the maids shouted in surprise: Hey, Miss Mino. "

"Your Majesty is back too." The maids said in surprise.

"Where's Qinlan?" Mu Liang walked into the palace and asked.

Cen Fei'er said respectfully: "Master Qinlan is still in the management office."

"I haven't come back yet." Mu Liang nodded slowly.

Buff said obediently: "Your Majesty is tired, I'm going to prepare bath water."

"I'm going to prepare food." Qing Wu hurriedly said.

The maids got busy, everyone had a smile on their face, very happy that Mu Liang and others came back.

"It's actually not dirty. Mu Liang looked at the clothes on his body.

Li Yue said softly: "It's better to change it, and wear it more comfortably in the palace."

"Alright. Mu Liang nodded and walked to the study.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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