"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Within the territory of Haiting Kingdom, in the mountains outside Salun City.

A group of thieves were walking in the mountains, as if they were looking for something.

There were twenty thieves in this line, and the leader was a woman, wearing a fur coat and holding a pickaxe in her hand.

Her name is Lai Wu, and she is the leader of this group of thieves, with an eighth-level strength.

The other nineteen people are all her subordinates, the most powerful are two seventh-level powerhouses, there are four sixth-level experts, and the rest are fifth-level masters.

"Big sister, we've been walking here for a day. Is there really a big tomb thousands of years ago?" Da Luo asked with a sigh.

He is the seventh-rank powerhouse in the team, and he is fifty-five years old this year, making him the oldest person in the team.

"There should be no mistake, it is written here in the ancient book." Laiwu said seriously.

She took out an animal skin book, the writing was completely blackened, and the patterns and words could not be seen clearly.

The woman turned a page, and there were only three pages of animal skin paper, one was a topographic map, and the other two were skewed text, and many texts had been blurred.

"Look, this is where the picture is drawn, and there is an amazing tomb." Laiwu pointed to the topographic map and compared it to the mountain shape in front of him.

Da Luo leaned forward to take a closer look, then twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "It's kind of like it."

Laiwu patted his chest and said, "That means I didn't find the wrong place, don't worry, I have been robbing tombs for more than ten years, how could I find the wrong place."

Da Luo's throat moved, but he couldn't refute it, after all, it was the truth.

He has followed the woman in front of him to rob the tomb for seven years, and he can find a good tomb every time. This is what he admires most about Laiwu.

"Nothing to say, right?" Laiwu glared at Da Luo.

This ancient book was found from the previous tomb, and through various verifications, it was found to be at least 1,300 years old.

Can the content recorded in the ancient book 1300 years ago be false?

At least Laiwu felt that there would be no fakes. The terrain in front of her was the same as the topographic map, which made her more convinced that it was true.

"Hey..." Da Luo grinned.

Fupi reminded: "big sister, the city of Salun is not far behind this mountain, we have to be careful, so as not to be discovered`

The corners of Laiwu's lips curled up: "I know, it's because it's close to Salun'er City that I believe there's a big tomb here."

This place is only about five kilometers away from the city of Salun, so there is a bit of a commotion and it is easy to be spotted.

Da Luo widened his eyes and asked: "Big sister, you don't doubt that this tomb belongs to the Haiting royal family?"

"It's just a possibility, it's more likely to be the ancestors of other nobles." Laiwu said indifferently.

"Oh." Da Luo nodded foolishly.

Laiwu urged: "Go quickly, don't waste time, it will be dark later, and it will be unlucky to go to the tomb at that time.

"Yes." The rest of the thieves responded.

Half an hour later, the woman stopped suddenly, looked at the ancient book in her hand, and then raised her eyes to a weedy mound not far ahead.

It was a small mound of more than ten meters wide and seven or eight meters high, how inconspicuous it looked.

"Big sister, what's the matter?" Da Luo asked suspiciously.

"Don't make noise." Lai Wu interrupted.

After comparing several times in a hurry, the expression on her face was a bit indescribable.

Finally, she took a deep breath, raised her finger to the mound in front of her, twitched the corner of her mouth and said, "That's where the tomb is.

Da Luo quickly looked and found that it was a small mound, his expression was dumbfounded.

He turned his head to look at Laiwu, and said in astonishment: "big sister, that's a small mound, is it really a big tomb?"

"That's where the picture on the ancient book refers." Laiwu put the ancient book directly into the man's hand.

.......It really is. "Da Luo twitched the corner of his mouth.

"You've been cheated." Fupi's eyes twitched, feeling a little speechless and resentful in his heart.

He had just joined the Thieves Group not long ago, only three months, and this was the first time he went out to search for the tomb.

Laiwu said with a serious face: "Impossible, it may be that the tomb has existed for too long, it was forgotten by people, and it became like this because no one took care of it."

"Why don't you try digging down?" Da Luo suggested.

I have encountered a similar situation before, and although the tomb was not dug out, it is not fruitless.

Sometimes when it rains heavily, a lot of soil will be washed away, and the original large mounds will become small mounds.

"Of course we have to dig, there must be something underneath." Ping Wu said seriously.

"Then dig." The others echoed.

They are also old people who have worked with Laiwu for many years, and they know that what the woman says can't be wrong.

"Then dig." Laiwu raised his hand and ordered.

Da Luo led the people forward, and first cleaned up the weeds on the mound.

Laiwu stepped forward and walked around the mound twice, carefully looking for possible populations.

Fupi suppressed his dissatisfaction and said: "Big sister, you said that this tomb is more than a thousand years old, how could you find traces of it."

His purpose of joining the thieves group was to learn how to find the tomb, so that he could stand on his own in the future, and the things he dug up were all his own, and he didn't have to share them with others.

It's a pity that after joining the Thieves Group for three months, he only learned a little superficiality, and he didn't learn any real skills.

々As long as no one moves, there will always be a little trace left. "Laiwu glanced at him.

She discovered very early on that Fopi's purpose of joining was not pure, so she had always been wary of him, and she hadn't taught him the real technique of finding the tomb.

"Then look for it." Phoebe pouted, with some thoughts in his mind.

Laiwu ignored him and continued to look for possible entrances.

Fupi whispered: "If it is really a noble or royal tomb, the entrance will not be so simple."

Da Luo suddenly shouted: "Hey, big sister, it seems a little different here."

"Here we come." Laiwu hurriedly responded, clapped Sand King on his hands and ran over.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

"Where is it?" she asked hastily.

"There are weeds here and other places, but this is the only one that is bare." Da Luo pointed to the dirt slope in front of him.

There was an area more than one meter wide on the slope in front of him that was bare of weeds, as if no green plants had grown (get well).

"It looks very different." Laiwu nodded slowly, with deep eyes.

She picked up a handful of soil and rubbed it, then lowered her head and smelled it for a while, then stood up and patted the dust on her hands.

She pointed to the area in front of her and said, "Dig out here and have a look."

"Yes." Da Luo stood up, waved the pickaxe and began to dig the soil.

"Bang bang bang~~~"

He carefully planed off the sand on the surface, and dug down layer by layer.

The other thieves were watching, and many of them held their breath nervously.

After digging about two meters deep, it was still sandy.

Fupi waved his hand and said, "Look, don't waste time here."

"Be quiet." Lai Wu looked back at him.

Fupi felt depressed, and thought it was a waste of time, but he didn't dare to offend the woman in front of him, so he could only keep his mouth shut obediently.


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