Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2006: Ancient Prose With Imaginary Characters. (1 More)

Laiwu frowned and said, "Have you dug anything yet?"

"Not" Da Luo said halfway, when the iron pick in his hand hit a hard object.


"What?" Phoebe was taken aback.

"It seems that a rock has been dug out, it's very hard." Da Luo looked up at Laiwu.

Laiwu's eyes lit up, and he said hastily, "Dig up the field next to you."

"Yes." The other thieves hurried forward to help clean up the sand and gravel beside the pothole.

Seeing this, Fopi couldn't stand anymore, and hurried forward to clean up the dug hole with Da Luo.

Half an hour later, the small mound was almost flattened.

The sand has been cleared away, revealing many blue stone slabs, which are densely packed next to each other.

Laiwu looked at the rectangular stone slabs, and a smile gradually appeared on his face.

"It's really dug out..." Fupi's eyes widened.

"This should be the entrance to the tomb." Da Luo said excitedly.

The other thieves said excitedly: "It must be, hurry up and dig it down to find the treasure."

"Then you dig." Lai Wu raised his chin.

"Okay." The man responded excitedly, picked up the pickaxe and inserted it into the gap between the stone slabs, and slowly moved the stone slabs with all his strength.


He is a powerhouse of the fifth rank. It is not difficult for 207 to pry the stone slab with the pickaxe, and a gap will be opened in a short while.

Laiwu and the others took a few steps back, watching warily where the stone slab moved away.

After the stone slab was removed, some stones and sand fell down, and an echo was heard within three breaths, which meant that there was a hollow under the stone slab.

"Go down and have a look." Da Luo said in a deep voice.

"Ah, let me go down first?" The fifth-order powerhouse opened his mouth, his face a bit ugly.

Laiwu stepped forward and said, "Don't worry, we will go down together."

"Okay." Only then did the fifth-level powerhouse heaved a sigh of relief, turned his head to look at the bottomless dark cave, hesitated for a moment, and jumped down cautiously.

"Follow." Laiwu took out a few lighting stones from the animal skin bag, and looked up at Fupi.

Phoebe shook his hand: "Me?"

"Of course, follow up quickly." Da Luo urged.

A trace of resentment flashed in Fopi's eyes, he gritted his teeth, took the lighting stone and jumped into the cave.

Laiwu stood on the stone slab and looked down. After confirming that there was no danger below, he jumped down with the other thieves.


After everyone landed on the ground, they leaned on the lighting stone to see the surrounding environment clearly, and found that they were in a space formed by hollowing out the interior of a huge stone. (cdba)

"Strange pattern." Da Luo's voice sounded.

Hearing this, Laiwu turned around and walked away, and saw the pattern on the cave wall through the lighting stone. It was carved on the stone wall, and it was a circular pattern, like the water pattern of waves.

Da Luo turned his head and asked, "big sister, do you recognize this pattern?"

Laiwu shook his head, and said in a deep voice, "I don't know, draw it first."

"Yes." Da Luo responded, and called other people to help draw the pattern on the stone wall, and was about to leave the building and study it carefully.

"Big sister, there is a stone gate here." Someone shouted from behind.

Laiwu got up, and hurried forward, and by the light of the lighting stone, he saw a huge stone gate four meters high and three meters wide.

There are stone carvings of monsters carved on the stone gate, which looks a bit scary.

"I can't push it." The fifth-level powerhouse tried to push the stone door, but found that it didn't move at all.

Laiwu said with a serious face: "Don't move around, be careful what mechanism you slip into."

"Oh." The fifth-order powerhouse hurriedly took two steps back.

Hearing this, Fu Si suppressed the urge to step forward, staring fixedly at Laiwu, wanting to see what she was going to do.

Da Luo put away the drawn pattern, came up to him and asked, "big sister, what should we do now?"

Laiwu put down his hand, and said coldly: "This door cannot be broken with brute force, let's see if there is any mechanism.

Da Luo nodded, turned around and shouted: "Okay, the Yin family is looking for me everywhere."

"Yes." The thieves answered, holding the lighting stone and looking around.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

They knocked on the stone wall, not letting go of any corner.

Laiwu held up the lighting stone to observe the patterns on the stone gates, and found that there were strange creatures painted on one of the gates, some with wings on their backs, and some with huge bodies.

There are many strange creatures, one of which is extremely huge, occupying a third of the stone gate, and there are twelve other smaller creatures.

"Warcraft?" Laiwu frowned.

She called Da Luo and asked someone to draw the pattern on the stone gate.

They stayed in the cave for nearly an hour before they found a way to open the stone door.


The huge stone door was pushed open with a combined force, and the dirty air immediately floated out, and the dust rose up, making people's noses itchy, and many people sneezed.

"It's not poisonous." Da Luo put down his hand covering his mouth and nose, and carefully felt whether the air was harmful to his body.

"It is indeed non-toxic." Laiwu glanced at the others, everyone was fine, and no one fell down because of it.

"Go in." She lifted the lighting stone and walked towards the tomb.

Behind the stone gate is a long and deep staircase, which continues to the depths of the ground.


The Laiwu group walked for more than ten minutes before finally reaching the end of the stairs.

At this time, they had already penetrated nearly a thousand meters deep underground, and the air here was extremely thin.

"I can't stay here for long, look around to see if there are any good things." Laiwu said in a deep voice.

"Yes." The thieves responded excitedly.

Da Luo followed the woman and did not leave.

Laiwu walked forward, and the echoes of other thieves' voices sounded in the tomb, which shows how big the tomb is.

She pointed to the passage directly ahead: "There should be the main tomb."

go and see. "Da Luo stepped forward first.

Several people passed through the tomb passage and came to a room with a square meter of 20 meters. There was a bronze coffin directly opposite, and all kinds of valuable artifacts were piled up around it.

"Get rich." Da Luo's eyes lit up suddenly.

He saw many spiritual artifacts, including four high-level spiritual artifacts. Besides, gold coins and silver coins were piled up like hills.

Laiwu also had a smile on his face, but soon his attention was attracted by the six stone tablets behind the coffin.

She walked forward, and the light from the lighting stone fell on it, and she saw that there were many words engraved on the stone tablet.

"What's this word?" Laiwu frowned, and found that the words on the stele were completely incomprehensible, and they were not commonly used in the mainland.

She called out: "Da Luo, come here.

"Come on, what's the matter with big sister?" Da Luo walked forward with a bunch of gold utensils in his arms, the smile on his face never going down.

Laiwu said seriously: "See if you can read the characters on it?"

Da Luo quickly restrained his smile, carefully looked at the words on the stone tablet, and shook his head resentfully.

He pointed to an inconspicuous character in the corner of one of the stone tablets and said, "I only see that it seems to be the character 'Xu'?"

"It's very similar to virtual characters." Laiwu nodded slowly.

Da Luo suggested: "These steles should be pretty good, why don't we just move them away?"

"Well, if you can move it, move it away." Laiwu agreed, and decided to move the stele back for further study.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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