Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2007: I Slept Well Last Night. (2 More)


The study door of the palace was pushed open.

Yue Qinlan walked into the room, followed by Xiao Zi, holding a set of white clothes in her hands.

Yue Qinlan looked at Mu Liang who stood up, and said gracefully: "Mu Liang, let's wear this outfit today, and look more energetic.

"The clothes on my body are pretty good, so I don't need to change." Mu Liang looked at the new clothes he just put on yesterday.

Yue Qinlan shook her head and said, "That won't work, I already wore this dress at the sports meet yesterday, so I have to wear new ones.

Mu Liang said helplessly, "I've only worn this dress once."

"It's old if you've worn it through, quickly replace it." Yue Qinlan urged.

"Okay." Mu Liang shrugged compromisingly, and asked the little maid to change into new clothes.

Yue Qinlan suddenly said: "Mu Liang, I've already had someone make new clothes for you, and you'll wear different clothes every time you go out from now on."

"What?" Mu Liang was stunned.

"You are the king." -Yue Qinlan said gracefully.

"Okay, I understand." Mu Liang didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Yue Qinlan said solemnly: "As a king, you must pay attention to dressing well, otherwise the nobles of other kingdoms will see it and think that the king of our Xuanwu Kingdom is poor.

"You said this last time." Mu Liang said hastily.

Yue Qinlan raised the corners of her lips, and said gracefully: "I know, just to remind you again.

Mu Liang looked at the woman helplessly, and after getting dressed, he reached out and pinched her face.

Yue Qinlan's slender eyelashes trembled, she patted Mu Liang's hand and said, "Okay, it's time to go to the gym, today is the badminton match."

"Well, let's go." Mu Liang smiled and walked out with his hands behind his back.

Yue Qinlan followed beside her, and when she passed the main hall, the fox fairy also packed up, walked to Mu Liang's side with graceful steps, and took his hand naturally.

Yue Qinlan joked: "Sister Huxian, your complexion is very rosy today, you must have slept well last night.

Hu Immortal blinked her pink eyes, smiled charmingly and elongated her tone: "Yes, I slept very comfortably~~~"

Mu Liang's expression didn't change, but the arm held by the fox-tailed woman tightened.

"That's great." Yue Qinlan chuckled a few times.

The fox fairy shook his tail, patted Mu Liang on the back, and said suddenly: "Sister Qinlan, your weather was fine the day before yesterday.

"That means going to bed early." Yue Qinlan said with a smile like a flower.

The fox fairy looked puzzled and said: "Really, I went to your room to look for you, but I didn't see anyone."

Yue Qinlan's eyebrows twitched.

She coughed lightly and said softly, "It might be because I'm thirsty and I just went to pour some water."

The fox fairy asked with a half-smile: "Sister, what is your awakening ability? Why do you need to pour water?"

....." Yue Qinlan pursed her lips, her awakening ability is water, so if you are thirsty, just find yourself.

Mu Liang said in a gentle voice: "Fox Fairy, today's lipstick is a good choice."

"I think so too." With a smile in her beautiful eyes, the fox fairy pursed her lips and popped them out after speaking.

Yueqin's blue eyes were bright, she stretched out her hand and gently pinched Mu Liang's waist.

Mu Liang's heart trembled, and he cast an innocent look in his eyes, would he be choked for helping out?

"Huh." Yue Qinlan muttered, lamenting that the fox fairy is really suitable for business affairs, and that mouth can speak and argue.

Several people got into the car parked outside the palace, Liyue was driving, and Mia was sitting in the co-pilot.

There are highland guards on motorcycles at the front and rear of the car, and they set off in such a mighty way.

When they arrived at the gymnasium, people stood on both sides of the road, and they respectfully called out to His Majesty, their eyes full of worship and admiration.

If there were no patrol guards to maintain order on the scene, it is estimated that the people would go up to worship the king.

The car stopped, and Mu Liang, Hu Xian and others got out of the car.

He waved his hand and said peacefully: "Everyone pay attention to safety, don't be crowded.

"Yes, my dear majesty." A woman shouted respectfully.

"Your Majesty, Wan An."

The people saluted one after another, and sent Mu Liang and others into the gymnasium.

At this time, the gymnasium was already full of people.

The appearance of Mu Liang and others made them all stand up and salute the king from the bottom of their hearts.

Mu Liang raised his hand as a signal, stepped forward and sat down in the front seat, with the highland guards guarding all around.

Mia and Li Yue sat behind Mu Liang, Yue Qin Lan and Hu Xian sat beside him.

Mia said softly: "The seats are all full."

Li Yue said softly: "Badminton is very popular, many people will play it after get off work, today's game is more popular with them.

Badminton is a sport that can be played by everyone, and ordinary badminton rackets produced in mass are not expensive, so many people will buy them to play.

...asking for flowers...

The fox fairy asked with a smile like a flower: "Isn't it because Mu Liang will come today?"

"There may also be reasons for this." Yueqin Lan said with a smile.

"Okay, don't make fun of me." Mu Liang couldn't laugh or cry.

Li Yue said: "The competition is about to begin."

Not long after, cheerful music sounded in the gymnasium, followed by the voices of the staff members, talking about on-site discipline issues while watching the game.

"This morning, men's badminton singles, doubles, and games will be held, and women's badminton singles, doubles, and mixed games will be held in the afternoon..."

The staff spoke clearly about today's game schedule, and the scene quickly quieted down. Bihan will start in five minutes.

Hu Immortal looked at Yue Qinlan and asked, "Isn't it a referee today?"


"There are other badminton referees." Yue Qinlan looked at the referee's seat, where two men and a woman were sitting.

Li Yue said softly: "If I remember correctly, that woman is an awakened person, a member of the navy."

Yue Qinlan nodded gracefully: "Well, her eyes are very special, no matter how fast the speed is, it will slow down in her eyes, so it is very suitable for her to be the referee of badminton.

"Well, it's good." Mu Liang nodded in agreement.

Mia said softly: "The other two are the coaches of the badminton hall, right?"

"Yes, they have good skills and can catch a lot of balls from tricky angles." Yue Qinlan said gracefully.

The voice of the staff sounded again, talking about the rules of the game: "Next, the men's badminton singles competition..."

A few minutes later, two men walked onto the court in shorts and short sleeves, holding badminton rackets high in their hands.

The referee stepped forward, checked the badminton rackets of the two in turn, and made sure that there was no problem before letting them get ready.

At the order of the staff, the game started.


The badminton was slapped hard, and the opponent quickly hit back.

"Both of them hit the ball well." Mu Liang nodded slowly.

Hu Immortal lost interest after watching it for a while, and quietly hooked Mu Liang's finger with his fingers, and did not let go until the end of the game.

Mu Liang and the others didn't stay in the gymnasium for too long. After the men's badminton singles and doubles matches, they left the gymnasium first.


ps: [2 more]: Please customize it. .

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