Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2008: The Tomb Of A Thousand Years Ago. (1 More)

Haiting Kingdom, inside the city of Salun.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

In the palace, the knight in charge of the announcement walked quickly to the main hall.

He came outside the gate of the main hall and shouted loudly: "Your Majesty, I have something to report.

"Come in." King Haiting's voice sounded.

The knight got up and walked into the main hall, only to find that the second prince and princess were there, and hurriedly saluted again: "I have seen your highnesses."

"What's the matter, let's talk." Bai Shuang's slender legs were crossed, and she reached out and took a piece of fruit from the plate in the maid's hand and stuffed it into her pink lips.

Mette looked at her sister helplessly, and said in a low voice: "Little sister, father didn't say anything."

Bai Shuang smiled mischievously: "Hee hee, I will speak for my father."

"It's okay." King Haiting smiled dotingly.

His eyes fell on the knight kneeling on one knee, and he said lightly: "What's the matter, let's talk."

The knight said respectfully: "September 43, Your Majesty, two thieves were caught in the city, and they were selling royal artifacts.

King Haiting narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked seriously, "What artifact?"

The knight took out the animal skin bag and said respectfully: "It is a long sword engraved with the royal family's logo, and there are two animal skins with strange words rubbed on them, which my subordinates cannot understand."

"Bring it up." King Haijiang said in a deep voice.

"Yes." The knight quickly stood up and brought the animal skin bag to the king.

Bai Shuang hurriedly got up and went forward, watching the maid untie the animal skin bag, take out the contents one by one and put them on the table.

The most conspicuous thing was a long sword more than one meter long. The hilt was made of bone, and the blade was made of some kind of rare metal. There was a clear circular pattern where the hilt connected to the blade.

King Haiting picked up the long sword, which felt very heavy, much heavier than ordinary long swords. After years of baptism, the blade looked dull.

Bai Shuang muttered: "It looks like something from hundreds of years ago."

King Haiting said solemnly: "It has been at least a thousand years."

"A year ago!" Baishuang's pink lips parted slightly.

She lowered her head slightly, fixed her eyes, and said in surprise: "Hey, it really is the royal family emblem."

King Haiting turned the blade over and also saw the circular royal emblem, which means that this long sword belongs to the royal family, and the owner of the long sword has a high status, otherwise he is not qualified to engrave the royal emblem on the weapon .

Those who can use the emblem of the royal family are generally only kings, princes, princesses, and queens.

Mette exclaimed in astonishment: "The long sword from more than a thousand years ago, with the royal emblem on it, whose sword could it be?"

King Haiting frowned and said: "It looks a little familiar, I seem to have seen this sword somewhere..."

He thought for a while, but still had no idea.

Bai Shuang picked up the two rolls of animal skins, unfolded them, and saw that there were many strange words on them.

She tilted her head, looked carefully for a while and said: "What are these words, I can't understand them at all."

Mette looked sideways, shook her head after a moment of contemplation: "I don't understand either."

King Haiting took the animal skin and looked it over carefully before confirming: "These characters are ancient characters from more than a thousand years ago."

"Hey, can father understand?" Bai Shuang asked in surprise.

King Haiting shook his head regretfully, and said in a deep voice: "I don't understand, more than a thousand years have passed, and there should be few people in this continent who can understand this ancient script.

"Then how did father know?" Bai Shuang asked.

"In our royal family tree, the first two pages are written in ancient characters." Sea King explained.

"So, our Haiting royal family has a history of more than a thousand years?" Bai Shuang was surprised.

Mette raised her hand to her forehead and said, "Did you know?"

"You didn't tell me before, of course I don't know." Bai Shuang rolled her beautiful eyes.

Mette frowned, looked sideways at his father, and said with a serious face: "Father, this matter needs to be investigated strictly to find out the origin."

"Well, where are those thieves?" King Haiting nodded slowly, looking up at the knight.

"Your Majesty, people have been arrested." The knight said respectfully.

King Haiting ordered in a deep voice: "Bring it up."

"Yes." The knight replied respectfully, got up and left the main hall.

Not long after, the deputy knight commander personally pushed the two thieves into the main hall, kicked their knees, and made them fall to the ground.


Fupi hit the ground heavily with both knees, and looked at King Haiting with an ugly expression.

He greeted Laiwu eight hundred times in his heart, and if it wasn't for her, he wouldn't have been arrested.

When Laiwu and the others came out of the tomb, they asked Fupi and another thief to take some funerary objects and trade them. It would be best to use this to find out the meaning of the words on the stone tablet, so they used two animal skins to rub some of the ancient characters. .

Fupi was also very curious about the words on the stone tablet, so he agreed.

It's just that he didn't expect that the deputy knight commander who passed by would recognize the emblem of the royal family as soon as he set up a stall in the city of Salon, and he would be arrested without even having a chance to resist...

The deputy knight commander said respectfully: "Your Majesty, they are the thieves caught."

Mette stood up and asked loudly: "You are not small, dare to sell the things of the royal family, and tell me honestly, where do these things come from."

Phoebe curled his lips and said, "It was dug out of the ground."

"Underground?" With a cold face, Bai Shuang raised her hand and swung a stream of water to envelop Fupi and another thief.

She stood up and said coldly: "How did you get it, tell me completely, or you will die.

"I said, don't kill me." Another thief shouted palely.

Fuppi had many thoughts in his mind. To be honest, he might still be alive, and he didn't need to keep a secret for Laiwu and the others. Survival was the most important thing.

"These things were brought out from a large tomb." He said in a deep voice.

Bai Shuang's beautiful eyes widened, and she said in shock: "Big tomb? Did you dig our ancestor's tomb?"

"No, this tomb is outside the city." Fu Si hurriedly said.

"Outside the city, that shouldn't be the case." Mette said in a deep voice.

The cemetery of the Haiting royal family is inside the city of Salun, not outside the city.

King Haiting asked coldly: "Apart from these things, is there anything else?"

"Yes, on Laiwu and others." Fupi nodded.

"Laiwu? Where are they?" Meite asked.

Fupi curled his lips and said: "It should have escaped. When we were arrested, the people sent by Laiwu to monitor us should have seen 3.2."

He knew that Laiwu didn't trust him and would definitely send someone to spy on him.

King Haiting looked at the deputy knight commander, and said coldly: "Go, take someone to look for it."

"Yes." The deputy knight commander nodded with a serious face, turned and left the main hall.

King Haiting thought for a while, and continued: "Mate, take him with you, and have a look at the tomb.

"Yes." Mate agreed.

"I'll go too." Bai Shuang said hastily.

King Haiting said gently: "Go, be careful."

"Understood." Bai Shuang smiled mischievously, and left the main hall with Mette.

King Haiting pondered, looked at the long sword in front of him, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, thought of something, and quickly got up and left the main hall.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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